
  • 网络Sriharikota
  1. 这种火箭在设计上是用来携带重型通信和其他卫星进入更高轨道的,在东南部安德拉邦的斯里赫里戈达岛发射升空。

    The rocket , designed to carry heavier communication and other satellites into higher orbit , blasted off from Sriharikota in the southeast state of Andhra Pradesh .

  2. 星期三凌晨,无人驾驶的“月球飞船一号”从印度南部斯里赫里戈达岛的发射台上轰然起飞,印度全国通过电视转播观看了发射。

    The unmanned Chandayaan-1 spacecraft blasted off from a launch pad in Sriharikota in southern India , shortly after dawn , Wednesday , as the nation watched on television .

  3. 当地时间早上9点28分,印度南部安得拉邦斯里赫里戈达岛的发射场,“极轨卫星运载火箭”C37火箭载着104颗卫星升空,并于28分钟后成功进入极太阳同步轨道。

    The satellites were launched on board Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle ( PSLV ) - C37 from the spaceport of Sriharikota in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh at 9.28 a.m. local time and were successfully placed into the polar sun synchronous orbit 28 minutes later .