
  • 网络phoenix
  1. NASA的火星凤凰号登陆车在它即将执行为期三个月使命的第一天,开始送回行星表面的图片,凤凰号的使命是体验和感受火星北极的土壤和冰层。

    NASA 's Mars Phoenix Lander began sending photos of the planet 's surface on the first day of its three-month mission " to taste and sniff the northern polar site 's soil and ice ," the space agency said .

  2. 因此,凤凰号着陆现场是否可居住仍是一个未决的问题。

    Sowhether the Phoenix landing site was habitable remains an open question .

  3. 最近几个星期随着火星天气的恶化,凤凰号变得相当虚弱。

    Phoenixgrew considerably weak in recent weeks as the Martian weatherdeteriorated .

  4. 凤凰号五月二十五日着陆在火星北部平原,执行为期三个月的任务。

    Phoenix landed in Mars'northern plains on May25 for a three-month mission .

  5. 凤凰号火星着陆者探测器,照顾的新闻服务经理美国宇航局。

    The Phoenix Mars Lander , care of the News Services Manager at NASA .

  6. 控制中心的工程师们已有一个多星期没听到来自凤凰号登陆器的声音。

    Mission engineers have not heard from the Phoenix lander in over a week .

  7. 凤凰号上面的实验室测试表明,土星的土壤中存在水。

    Laboratory tests aboard NASA 's Phoenix Mars Lander have identified water in a soil sample .

  8. 从五月份成功地着陆以来,凤凰号已发回极为丰富的科学观测资料。

    Since its successful landing in May , Phoenixhas sent back a bonanza of scientific discoveries .

  9. 不过,凤凰号的着陆确实是完美的,这是一个积极的开始。

    To start with the positive , though , Phoenix 's landing seems to have been picture-perfect .

  10. 起飞后,“凤凰号”明年春天将会有在火星上有一个很长的着陆旅游时间。

    After being launched , Phoenix will have a long trip and land on Mars next spring .

  11. 这一研究发现可以解释2008年凤凰号航天器出现的神秘水珠。

    The finding study could explain mysterious globules seen on the leg of the Phoenix in 2008 .

  12. 美国航空航天局发射的凤凰号和好奇号都在火星的表面发现了一种叫做高氯酸盐的物质。

    And both NASA 's Phoenix and Curiosity missions found salts called perchlorates sprinkled around the Martian surface .

  13. 凤凰号90天的任务就是分析火星北极冻土的土壤和永久冻土带,看他们在过去和现在是否有生命存在的信号。

    The Phoenix's90-day mission is to analyze the soils and permafrost of Mars'arctic tundra for signs of past or present life .

  14. 科学家并不期望能在凤凰号登陆地点找到液态水,因为太天寒地冻了。

    Scientists do not expect to find water in its liquid form at the Phoenix landing site because it 's too frigid .

  15. 照片是由四天的时间拍摄拼合起来的,照片中显示方形小颗粒在凤凰号火星探测船挖的浅沟中会消失。

    Photographs taken four days apart show dice-size particles of material disappear from a shallow trench dug by the Phoenix Mars Lander .

  16. 在另一个沟槽的挖掘中,凤凰号也碰到了相信是冰层的坚硬表面,也将对其进行检验。

    Digging in another trench , Phoenix hit a hard surface believed to be an icy layer , which will also be tested .

  17. 他是被困井下超过两个月之后,第一个乘坐凤凰号救生舱升井的矿工。

    He was the first man to ride up in that Phoenix capsule and reach the surface after more than two months underground .

  18. 代替在小山丘和坑沟的漫游,“凤凰号”将会在红色小行星北部平原冰冷的土地上着地。

    Instead of roving to hills or craters , Phoenix will claw down into the icy soil of the Red Planet 's northern plains .

  19. 这个救生舱叫做“凤凰号”,你可以看到,空间非常狭小,直径只有21英寸。

    It 's called the Phoenix and , as you can see , it 's a tight fit . Just 21 inches in diameter .

  20. 凤凰号的一个任务就是在火星上找到冰(固态的水),而这些冰应该存在在火星的地表浅层。

    An objective of the Phoenix Mars Lander mission is to search for ice ( frozen water ) in the shallow subsurface of Mars .

  21. 并不像先前成功着陆与火星的探测器,凤凰号并没有着陆与星球的热带,而是靠近其中一个极点。

    For , unlike any previous successful mission to Mars , Phoenix has landed not in the planet 's tropics but near one of its poles .

  22. 上月,凤凰号登陆火星发现火星表面有冰的痕迹,但它是结冰的并被红色的灰尘覆盖着。

    Last month the Mars Phoenix Lander found ice on the surface of the planet , but it is frozen hard and covered by red dust .

  23. 这个发现与凤凰号登陆火星探寻使团的分析相符,他们除冰外,还发现了可以使生命存活的碱性泥土。

    The findings fit with the analysis from the Phoenix Mars Lander mission , which , besides ice , found alkaline soil that could have supported life .

  24. 这项研究或许可以解释2008年凤凰号着陆器的腿上带有神秘的液态球状物体了。说不定,这就是来自外太空的液态水。

    The finding study could explain mysterious globules seen on the leg of the Phoenix in 2008 . The lander may have been dotted with drops of otherworldly water .

  25. 说明:在这张凤凰号登陆船下方的火星地面之彩色嵌合影像里,靠近顶端的平滑晶亮构造被戏称为冰后。

    Explanation : A flat , smooth , shiny feature dubbed the Snow Queen is near the top of this color mosaic of the surface beneath the Phoenix Mars Lander .

  26. 因为冰后具有很平滑的表面,这也让大家很怀疑它本来是位在表土之下,当凤凰号降落在火星北极平原时,被火箭的喷气给清出来。

    The smooth Snow Queen feature is strongly suspected to be ice originally just under the soil , uncovered by the thruster rockets as Phoenix set down on the north polar plains of Mars .

  27. 在这里可以看到,着是凤凰号救生舱,有一名矿工乘坐,这里展示的是他升到地面的过程。这是两个多月来的第一次。

    That 's the Phoenix rescue capsule , with one of the miners inside , and this is what it looked like on his way up to the surface , for the first time in more than two months .

  28. 有三只搜寻船预计花费一年的时间搜寻飞机残骸,“GO凤凰”号是其中一艘搜寻船。

    The GO Phoenix is one of the three ships that all spent up to a year hunting for the wreckage .

  29. Nasa为救援队提供了健康与心理问题方面的意见,并帮助设计了救生舱凤凰二号(PhoenixTwo)。

    Nasa advised the rescue team on health and psychological issues , and helped to design Phoenix Two , the rescue cage .

  30. 2008年的5月25号,“凤凰”号成功登陆火星北极附近的永久冻土带。

    Phoenix successfully landed Mars'far-northern site on May25,2008 .