
huǒ xīnɡ wèi xīnɡ
  • Martian satellites
  1. 印度的火星卫星名为“Mangalyaan”,在北印度语中是火星飞行器的意思。按计划,该卫星将在行驶了4.22亿英里后,于9月24日到达火星轨道。

    India 's Mars satellite , dubbed Mangalyaan , or Mars craft in Hindi , is scheduled to reach Martian orbit on Sept. 24 after a journey of 422 million miles .

  2. 在那次发现后,华盛顿人蜂拥到天文台透过望远镜观看火星卫星,借观天象来消解这里通常难耐的酷暑。

    After their discovery , Washingtonians came flocking to the Observatory 's telescope for a peek at the Martian moons , a sight that provided celestial relief from the usual brutal summer weather .

  3. 两年后,NASA折损了火星气象卫星和火星极地登陆者号。

    Two years later NASA lost the Mars Climate Orbiter and the Mars Polar Lander .

  4. 它从高度300km的火星人造卫星上绘制出火星表面的图像,它曾经还绘制出这个星球表面的3D图片。

    It is mapping the surface of Mars from an altitude of300km from the safety of the Mars Orbiter-and has even taken3D pictures of the surface of the planet .

  5. 这张图片是由环绕火星轨道卫星上的HiRISE拍到,这是我们派往火星最强大的照相机。

    The photograph was taken from orbit around Mars by HiRISE , the most powerful camera sent to another planet .

  6. 最新的发现以美国航空和宇宙航行局的火星探测卫星拍摄的卫星图像为基础。

    The latest findings were based on satellite images taken by Nasa 's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter .

  7. 他一直在研究从装在美国国家航空暨太空总署火星侦察卫星上的照相机发回地球的照片。

    Ojha was studying images returned to Earth from the HiRISE camera , aboard NASA 's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter .

  8. 研究人员观察美航局火星侦查卫星于2007年拍摄的图片,发现了一个可能是“火星3号”的物体。

    Using imagery taken by NASA 's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in 2007 , the searchers spotted an object that could be Mars 3 .

  9. 从装在美国国家航空暨太空总署火星侦察卫星上的照相机发回地球的照片显示在一个大裂谷中有着不同深浅颜色的岩层相间出现。

    Images from a camera aboard NASA 's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter show alternating layers of dark-and light-toned rock in a giant rift valley .

  10. 中国和俄罗斯曾于2011年合作尝试发射萤火1号火星探测卫星,由于搭载该卫星的俄罗斯运载火箭未能飞离地球轨道,发射失败。

    China 's 2011 attempt with Russia to send the Yinghuo-1 satellite to Mars failed after the Russian rocket carrying it was unable to leave Earth orbit .

  11. 此外,科学家团队还得出结论,环绕火星的卫星发现大量类三角洲或类湖泊地貌,几乎可以肯定就是古代湖泊和三角洲干涸之后的遗迹。

    Moreover , the team concluded , numerous deltalike and lakelike formations detected by orbiting satellites are almost certainly the dried remains of substantial ancient lakes and deltas .

  12. 中国中央媒体星期三报道,中俄两大太空强国已达成合作协议,两国将于2009年联合探测火星极其卫星之一。

    China and Russia will mount a joint effort to explore Mars and one of its moons in2009 , Chinese state media reported on Wednesday following an agreement to boost cooperation between the two ambitious space powers .

  13. 发射到火星的无人卫星。

    An unmanned satellite to mars .

  14. 双方还同意在生物医药、生物育种、月球和火星探测、卫星研发等领域开展更多合作。

    They also agreed to carry out more cooperation in the fields such as biomedicine , biological breeding , moon and Mars exploration and satellite research and development .

  15. 分辨率要比火星和月球的卫星图像低15倍。

    The resolution is 15 times worse than our maps of Mars and the moon .

  16. 火星有两颗卫星。

    The planet Mars has two moons .

  17. 齐塔人说,他们在火星的一个卫星上采矿,在月球上拥有基地。

    The Zetas say that they mine a moon of Mars and had bases on the moon of Earth .

  18. 生命或许存在类似的环境和冷冻水的其他行星类似机构-特别是在火星和木星的卫星木卫二。

    Life could perhaps exist on other planets with similar environments and similar bodies of frozen water-notably Mars and Jupiter 's moon Europa .

  19. 比如,你可以认为达纳吉尔凹地是一个比火星或木星的卫星木卫二更难以生存的地方。

    You could make the case that Danakil is a harder place to live than on Mars or Jupiter 's moon Europa , for instance .

  20. 这个探测器原本是用来探测火卫一的,火卫一是火星的两颗卫星之一。但是探测器升空后一直处于地球轨道,变轨的努力也失败了,导致计划搁浅。

    It had been intended to explore Phobos , one of Mars 's two moons , but became stranded while still orbiting Earth and attempts to put it back on its original course failed .

  21. 火星移民在火星的第二卫星上建立了前线堡垒。

    Mars immigrants in the second satellite of Mars on the establishment of a front-line fortress .

  22. 火星从火堆中飞出。发射到火星的无人卫星。

    Sparks flew up from the fire . an unmanned satellite to Mars .

  23. 咦,下次看火星时留意一下。请问有哪个软件能显示火星卫星的位置吗?

    Either moon would be a cinch to spot in a3-inch telescope , if only brilliant Mars were not so close to them in the sky .

  24. 印度的火星探测项目在2012年获得政府批准,预算为7300万美元,比包括NASA6.71亿美元的Maven卫星在内的同类项目要低的多。NASA的Maven火星探测卫星预计将在11月晚些时候发射。

    India 's Mars mission , with a budget of $ 73 million , is far cheaper than comparable missions including NASA 's $ 671 million Maven satellite that is expected to set off for Mars later in November . The program was approved by the government in 2012 .

  25. 这个火星车也看到了这个,这是一个日食,就像我们在地球上看到的一样,但那个遮住太阳的一部分的黑点是火星的卫星之一,它被称为火卫一。

    The rover also caught a glimpse of this , now this is a solar eclipse like we have here on Earth , but that dark spot covering part of the Sun is one of Mars 's moons , it 's called Phobos .