- 网络pozzolanic reaction

The results show that secondary pozzolanic reaction produced more C-S-H with low Ca / Si molar ratio .
Results show that the degree of pozzolanic reaction of fly ash is limited . Its terminal pozzolanic reaction ratio is less than 20 % .
The smallest quantity of cement [ or Ca ( OH ) _2 ] that 's needed for the pozzolanic reaction of fly ash was estimated .
The results show that the pozzolanic reaction of active SiO2 and Al2O3 con-forms to the Class I model of kinetics .
Using Ca ( OH ) 2 as the bridge the fly ash and cement reaction in filling slurry to build the model of hydration reaction kinetics matchs case the true reaction .
CSH gel with low water content forms in the pozzolanic reaction of fly ash .
The new method can differentiate the pozzolanic reactivity of active SiO2 and Al2O3 , and obtain the useful parameters , such as reaction rate constant and activation energy .
Effect of Early-strength Admixture on Pozzolanic Reaction of Calcined Coal Gangue
Morphology and composition of fly ash residues of pozzolanic reaction
Microstructure and pozzolanic reactivity of fluidized bed combustion ashes
Study on the Reactivity of Grade ⅰ Fly-ash
Pozzolanic reactivity and reaction kinetics of fly ash
A Study on the Characteristics of the Pozzolanic Reaction of Fly Ash with the Exciter
Kinetics of Pozzolanic Reaction for Preparation of Flue Gas Desulfurizer from Fly Ash and Calcium Hydroxide
The chemical reactivity of grade ⅰ fly ash and its influence on strength of cement matrix were studied .
The pozzolanic reactivity of FBC and PC ashes was investigated based on the kinetics of the pozzolanic reaction .
Kinetics characteristics and its expressions were ( obtained ) . Comparison of calculated values with experiment values showed that kinetics expression precision was good .
This paper describes the constituent , the structure and the physical characteristics of fly ash which might have favourable influence on " Pozzolanic reaction " .
The enhancement effect on cement material arises from chemical effect which is predominated by pozzolanic effect and physical effect which is predominated by filling effect .
The reaction rate constant of the FBC ashes is higher than that of the PC ashes , while the activation energy is just the opposite .
Morphology and chemical composition of fly ash residues of pozzolanic reaction were investigated by scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ) and electron probe microanalysis ( EPMA ) .
However , it is necessary to consider the CH consumption due to pozzolanic reaction of mineral admixtures when using CH content to determine the hydration degree of CCM .
The early strength of zeolite high performance concrete is slightly lower , but the densification of mortar has been improved and the strength of concrete is increased after the pozzolanic reactivity .
Kinetics model of pozzolanic reaction for preparation of flue gas desulfurizer was deduced on basis of solid phase reaction dynamic theory . Kinetics characteristics and its expressions were ( obtained ) .
It is suggested that both the pozzolanic reaction of fly ash and the hydration of cement clinker must be promoted at the same time to improve the property of fly ash cement .
The pozzolanic reaction of low-limed fly ashes conforms with the class I kinetics model , and the differences in pozzolanic reactivity among low-limed fly ashes have little effect on the strength of cement mortar .
The result of hydration reaction shows that , with the help of alkali sulphate , the dissolved glass phases of reject fly ash at the early stage mainly join the pozzolanic reaction at the later stage .
As lime-fly soil in the area has lower early strength and its late strength is mainly provided by the pozzolanic reaction , so it is not appropriate to use 7-day compressive strength as the mix design strength standard .
The pozzolanic activity of the FBC ashes is significantly higher than that of the PC ashes , and the reaction barrier of the former is lower than that of the latter , which are controlled by their microstructures .
The pozzolanic reaction ratio of fly ash was measured .