
  • 网络Mars landing;Curiosity lands on Mars
  1. 我们希望宇宙火箭能安全在火星着陆。

    We hope the space rocket will land safely on mars .

  2. “天问一号”计划于2021年5月至6月间择机实施火星着陆。

    It is expected to land on Mars in May or June .

  3. 欧洲空间局(ESA)缺少资金来执行它雄心勃勃的计划&在2016年把一个火星着陆器和一辆火星车送上火星表面。

    European Space Agency ( ESA ) lack of funds to implement its ambitious plans-in2016 to a Mars lander and a rover to Mars surface .

  4. 1976年7月20日,海盗1号在火星着陆。

    The Viking 1 landed on the Mars on July 20th .

  5. 凤凰号火星着陆者探测器,照顾的新闻服务经理美国宇航局。

    The Phoenix Mars Lander , care of the News Services Manager at NASA .

  6. 自探测设备好奇号在遥远的火星着陆至今已有12个月的时间。

    It has been 12 months since the exploration device called Curiosity landed on the distant planet .

  7. 该仓库内550立方米的模拟空间包括一个星际宇宙飞船,一个火星着陆舱和火星风景。

    A550-cubic-metre mock-up within the warehouse includes an interplanetary spaceship , a Mars lander and a Martian landscape .

  8. 在仅仅着陆一个月后,“凤凰”号火星着陆器的机械臂此次进行试运行。

    The Phoenix Mars Lander 's robotic arm was making a test run , just one week after its landing .

  9. 漫游者将满载着设计得重量轻、体积小的科学仪器,在火星着陆。

    The rover will land on Mars packed to capacity with scientific gadgets designed to be as light and as small as possible .

  10. 这一发现显示,小猎犬2号探测器2003年圣诞节成功在火星着陆,下降和着陆程序没有问题。

    Officials said the find showed that the entry , descent and landing sequence for Beagle 2 worked and the lander did successfully touch down on Mars on Christmas Day 2003 .

  11. 2023年欧洲航天局的罗莎琳·富兰克林漫游车将在火星着陆,这辆火星车上将搭载一个可钻入地下数米的钻孔机,那里可能存活着远离地表恶劣环境的生物分子。

    In 2023 the European Space Agency is expected to land on Mars its Rosalind Franklin rover , which will carry a drill capable of reaching metres below the surface , where biomolecules may survive protected from the harsh conditions above .

  12. 火星软着陆障碍检测与规避技术及其仿真演示平台研究

    Research on Obstacle Detection Avoidance Technology and Demonstration Simulation Platform for Mars Soft Landing

  13. 试图在火星上着陆是一件遥远的事。

    It will be a long time before any landing on Mars can be attempted .

  14. 自从今年早些时候我们看到探测器在火星上着陆以来,我们一直在思考关于“毅力”号和火星的总体情况。

    We 've been thinking a lot about Perseverance and Mars in general ever since we watched the rover land on the planet earlier this year .

  15. 鉴于它类似于汽车的身形,以及在火星上着陆的种种挑战,好奇号的着陆堪称是历史上最伟大的“停车”。

    Given the carlike size of the rover and the challenges of landing on Mars , Curiosity 's landing goes down as one of the greatest parking jobs in history .

  16. 在穿透过大气层之后,巨大的气囊围绕着宇宙飞船展开,使它像一个充了太多气的足球蹦蹦跳跳地在火星表面着陆。

    After air-breaking through the atmospheres giant air bags will deploy6 surrounding the spacecraft , which , like an over-inflated soccer ball , will land and bounce on the Martian surface .

  17. “好奇号”是在相对平滑的火星表面着陆的,而“飞来号”则是降落在一块鸭子形状、由冰、尘埃和岩石组成的块状物上,只有4公里宽,周围散布着巨石,而且喷射出无法预测的气流。

    While Curiosity dropped on to a relatively smooth Martian surface , Philae landed on a duck-shaped lump of ice , dust and rock just 4km wide , strewn with boulders and shooting out unpredictable jets of gas .

  18. 2021年5月22日,“祝融号”火星车离开着陆平台,驶入火星表面。

    Starting its exploration , Zhurong drove down from its landing platform to the Martian surface on May 22 , 2021 .

  19. 视频片段记录了天问一号着陆巡视器开伞和下降过程、祝融号火星车驶离着陆平台及火星表面移动过程。

    The clips recorded the Tianwen 1 's landing rover deploying to the Martian surface , and its Mars rover Zhurong driving away from its landing platform and moving over the surface of Mars .

  20. 中国计划今年在一次任务中完成绕火星轨道运行、着陆和漫游。

    China is aiming to complete orbiting , landing and roving on the red planet this year in one mission .

  21. 当第一艘宇宙飞船在火星和金星上着陆时,乘坐飞船的大概是机器人,而不是人。

    When the first spaceship lands on Mars and Venus , it will probably have on board robots rather than human beings .

  22. 据《环球时报》报道,这次已计划好的任务包括绕火星轨道运行,在火星表面着陆和移动。

    The planned mission includes orbiting , landing and moving on the surface of Mars , according to the Global Times newspaper .

  23. 美国国家航空航天局的机遇号火星探测器于一月份在火星上着陆。为了了解到更多的信息,美国国家航空航天局和欧洲航天机构正计划在今后几十年去慧星访问。

    NASA 's Mars detector , Opportunity , succeeded in finding signs that water once existed on the planet . To learn more , NASA and the European Space Agency are planning a number of visits to comets over the next decade .

  24. 在北京召开的一场发布会上,火星探测任务的总工程师张荣桥表示,中国计划在2020年七月或八月发射飞船,在火星着陆并部署火星车。

    China plans to send a spacecraft to orbit Mars , make a landing , and deploy a rover in July or August 2020 , said Zhang Rongqiao , chief architect of the Mars mission at a press conference in Beijing .