
  • 网络Alternate airport;alternate aerodrome
  1. 萧山国际机场是华东地区第二大国际机场也是国内重要干线机场、重要旅游城市机场和国际定期航班机场,是上海浦东国际机场的主备降机场。

    It is the major domestic airport known as main tourist destination airport and regular international flights airport , which is also the main alternate airport of Shanghai Pudong International Airport .

  2. 你的备降机场关闭了,你的意图究竟是什么?

    Your alternate field is closed , what 's your intention ?

  3. 驾驶员将客机安全降落在备降机场上。

    The pilot landed the airliner in evening .

  4. 并针对机场建设信息化、机场建设合理规划、备降机场额外费用的解决途径等问题作了一些分析和讨论。

    It also covered the information and rational planning of airport construction and the logistic solution to backup-landing airport .

  5. 一架飞机在跑道面拿大顶,机场关闭,请改航到你的备降机场。

    An aircraft has nosed over on the paved runway , airport closed . Please divert to your alternate .