
  • 网络Qianjin Yaofang;Invaluable prescriptions for ready reference
  1. 这一年,他开始撰写《备急千金要方》。

    This year , he began to compose for emergency " Yao-party " .

  2. 《备急千金要方》中的妇人针灸方不同时期针灸方选穴规律浅析

    The rules of acupuncture points during different periods

  3. 唐·孙思邈《备急千金要方》的定志丸在防治记忆障碍作用上较《太平惠民和剂局方》记载的定志丸为佳。

    The Ding Zhi Pills described in " Thousand-Golden-Prescriptions " have better memory improving effect than those described in " Prescriptions People 's Welfare Pharmacy " .

  4. 《备急千金要方》,又称《千金方》或《千金要方》,成书于652年,作者为唐代著名医学家孙思邈。

    Beiji Qianjin Yaofang ( Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Pieces of Gold for Emergencies ) , also called Qianjin Fang or Qianjin Yaofang , was writ - ten by the well-known medical scientist in the Tang Dynasty Sun Simiao in the year 652 .