
gān tián
  • sweet;luscious
甘甜 [gān tián]
  • [luscious] 甜美

  • 甘甜可口

甘甜[gān tián]
  1. 很明显,由于皮制容器老旧,水已经不再新鲜、甘甜了。

    It was clear that the water had become no longer fresh and sweet because of the old leather container .

  2. 甘甜的瓶中熟成比利时啤酒(Belgians)口味会变干;

    Sweet , bottle-conditioned Belgians dry out ;

  3. 他们通过对大鼠进行胎儿研究,并对在给与甘甜物质(Sac,糖精)后鼠胎是否有味觉发生变化进行研究,与注射LiCl产生的不适进行对照。

    As their model for fetal learning , the authors evaluated whether rat fetuses could learn taste aversion in utero if given a sweet flavorfollowed by a malaise-producing injection of lithium chloride .

  4. 如果成功得来容易的话,那么它的滋味也就没有那么甘甜了。

    Victory would not taste so sweet if it were easy .

  5. 所以患难里面蕴藏着的,乃是甘甜的喜乐和眞实的价值。

    There is a sweet joy and a real value in them .

  6. 乌梅白梅一样甘甜。管它黑猫白猫,抓到老鼠便是好猫。

    A black plum is as sweet as a white .

  7. “耶稣”你名何等甘甜!

    " Jesus ," oh , how sweet the name !

  8. 一路的甘甜祷告,相信,作为。

    Praying , working , trusting sweetly all the way .

  9. 心灵诚实,虔诚崇拜,心中何等甘甜!

    Worship fervently in truth and spirit , O how very sweet !

  10. 祂的杖,开著芳香的花卉和甘甜的果实。

    His rod blossoms with sweet flowers and nourishing fruits .

  11. 她的哀愁如同稀酿般甘甜。

    Its sorrow is as sweet to me as a rare wine .

  12. 一瓣甘甜的杨沟蜜桔,让我从此;

    Yang ditch a sweet citrus , let me from ;

  13. 腰果原产热带美洲,味道甘甜,清脆可口。

    The walnut origin from the tropical America is sweet and crisp .

  14. 我感谢清泉,它带给我甘甜;

    I thank spring , it brings me sweet ;

  15. 如此挑选的荔枝,味道一定会很甘甜。

    The Litchi you chosen follow the knacks above will be very sweet .

  16. 成熟后的番荔枝果肉白色柔软甘甜。

    The soft white pulpy flesh of ripe custard apple is intensely sweet .

  17. 回味甘甜且带有较强收敛性。

    Making you feel its sweety after taste and with strong shrink ality .

  18. 该厂的特色饮料,喝起来既香醇,又甘甜。

    The special drinks produced by this factory taste both mellow and sweet .

  19. 令他吃惊的是该水果非常甘甜可口。

    To his utter amazement he found the fruit to be uncommonly delicious .

  20. 教育的过程是辛苦的,但所收获的果实却是甘甜的。

    The roots of education are bitter , but the fruit is sweet .

  21. “尽情享受爱的甘甜吧”

    " Enjoy the wonderful taste of love . "

  22. 或许只有在沙漠之中,才能体会到白开水的甘甜!

    Perhaps only in the desert in order to appreciate the sweet boiled water !

  23. 果仁呈米黄色,糯性强,甘甜芳香,口感极佳;

    Nuts were yellow rice , waxy strong , sweet aromatic , excellent taste ;

  24. 在那甘甜的春雨滋润下,芽渐渐长成绿绿的叶。

    In that the sweet spring rain , buds grow gradually moist leaves green .

  25. 而且还因为它有时结出些甘甜的桃子来。

    But because it occasionally produces luscious peaches .

  26. 细细欣赏那蜜汁的甘甜芳香,

    To appreciate the sweet fragrance of honey ,

  27. 最后的甘甜压进浓酒。

    The last sweetness into heavy wine .

  28. 在芬芳甘甜的泥土气息中寻找一丝的宁静。

    The sweet fragrance of the soil atmosphere to find a trace of the quiet .

  29. 似梦中甘甜的遐想。

    Like sweet thoughts in a dream .

  30. 象一颗巧克力在嘴中化开的感觉,苦涩但又甘甜。

    Like the chocolate melt in the mouth , bitter but sweet as well as .