
  • 网络Basic feeling;elementary
  1. 四种基本感觉之一;强烈的而且不舒服的;如金鸡纳霜的味道。

    One of the four basic taste sensations ; sharp and disagreeable ; like the taste of quinine .

  2. 结果表明,基本感觉不到语音延迟,也未有相位不连读声。

    Results show that the delay of the sound is almost imperceptible and there is also no phase discontinuity .

  3. 和预期的结果一样,这一刺激引起嗅觉神经的一个反应,即鼻内基本感觉神经元感知到气味。

    As expected , this produced a reaction in the olfactory neurons , the primary sensory neurons in the nose that perceive odors .

  4. 味觉是人类的基本感觉之一,是人和动物探知外界环境的重要感觉。

    Gustation is one of the basic human feelings and an important physiological sensation owned by both human beings and animals for recognizing environmental conditions .

  5. 视觉符号与各个领域中的基本感觉形式有关,它并不抽象,也不空洞,似乎它在人类的感知上总是充满了生活的美好和对美的向往。

    The vision sign has something to do with basic feel form in all kinds of realms , it is not abstract , and also not empty , seems to always fill with living nicety and nice repining in the humanly feels .

  6. 背根神经节(DRG)是躯体和内脏传入的基础神经元,作为基本的感觉传入系统,把外周的信息传递给中枢神经系统,它在全身的运动协调方面起着重要的作用。

    Dorsal root ganglion ( DRG ) neurons are primary sensory neurons .

  7. 否则,可以省点钱,购买720p电视机就可以了,基本上感觉不出什么差别。

    Otherwise , you could save money by buying a720p set and you might never know the difference .

  8. 我发现最基本的感觉一直存在。

    That basic sentiment , I have found , has been dead-on .

  9. 我相信对时尚的感觉应该是我们最基本的感觉,就像嗅觉和味觉!

    I believe a sense of fashion should be considered one of our basic senses , like smell and taste !

  10. 月亮代表了我们的感官和情绪,感受力,想象力和一个人的基本的感觉调调。

    The Moon represents our feelings and emotions , the receptivity , imagination and basic feeling tone of a person .

  11. 病人基本上感觉不到疼痛,但是如果该记忆给他们造成困扰,他们愿意找心理健康医生。

    It says they generally do not feel pain , but may wish to talk to a mental health provider if the memories trouble them .

  12. 将温度降低1度可以使能量消耗降低超过5%……而降低1度你基本上感觉不到太大差别。

    Turning down your thermostat by just 1 degree can reduce your energy consumption by more than 5 % .... And you won 't even notice the difference .

  13. 视觉符号的设计与基本的感觉形式有关,没有极端抽象的符号,也没有非象征性的语言。

    The design of vision sign has something to do with basic feel form , there being no extreme abstract sign , also having no the language without symbolize .

  14. 味觉是人和动物的一种基本生理感觉,用来识别食物的性质、调节食欲、控制摄食量。

    Gustation is one of the human and animals'basic physiological senses , used for recognition of the nature of diet , regulation of appetite , and control of food intake .

  15. 他们的动机不是担心孩子长大后出现身份危机,而是一种基本的感觉:稳固的家庭不能建立在谎言上。

    Their motivation was not fear that their children might suffer an identity crisis as adults , but a gut feeling that a solid family could not be build on a lie .

  16. 本文主要采取以下四种研究方法:提纲挈领,以基本温度感觉词为主线,考察现代汉语温度感觉词的整体特点;

    Concentrates on the main points , take the basic temperature feeling word as the master line , inspect the overall characteristic of the lexicons of temperature sensations in modern Chinese which based on the study of basic lexicons of temperature sensations ;

  17. 这些窗口管理器采用稍有不同的方式,因此提供不同的基本外观和感觉及特性。

    They follow slightly different approaches and therefore offer a different basic look-and-feel and varying features .

  18. 我基本上是靠感觉来飞这个动作,让飞机进入扁平的转向。

    I 'm basically flying with my feet getting the jet into the flat turn .

  19. 结果本组临床资料可见,浅感觉痛觉基本正常,深感觉关节觉障碍明显;

    Results Clinical examination showed that the superficial sense was normal but the deep sense was abnormal .

  20. 如果我试试一些基本动作,可以感觉得到这项运动吗?

    Can I get a feel for the discipline if I try a few very rudimentary movements ?

  21. 一般而言,一个批评家依据某种立场或理论发表自己的看法,其中最基本的冲动是感觉到问题的存在,因而试图在文章中对这一问题的解决提出自己的见解。

    Generally speaking , a critic based on a theory of a certain position and to express their views , in which the impulse is felt the most basic problem , which they tried to in the article on the settlement of this issue put forward their own views .