
jī yīn tú pǔ
  • gene map
  1. 藻类叶绿体DNA和基因图谱

    DNA and gene map of alga chloroplast genome

  2. DNA测序建立甘肃当归、大黄种子rRNA基因图谱的研究

    Studies on Establishing rRNA Gene Map of Angelica sinensis and Rheum palmatum from Gansu by DNA Sequencing

  3. 昆士兰延时紫罗兰世纪至今为止,研究的最成功的复苏植物之一,去年一个中国团队发表了他的基因图谱草稿。

    The Queensland rock violet is one of the best studied resurrection plants so far , with a draft genome published last year by a Chinese team .

  4. 轮状病毒RNA基因图谱变异分析

    Analysis of the Variations of Genomic RNA Patterns of Rotavirus

  5. 壮族新生儿胎儿血红蛋白中Gγ与Aγ比值测定及其异常者基因图谱分析

    G γ / A γ Ratio of Fetal Hemoglobin of Newborns in Guangxi Autonomous Region and Gene Mapping Analyses of Abnormal Cases

  6. 玉米黑粉菌mtDNA的研究Ⅰ.DNA克隆和基因图谱

    Studies of mtDNA of Ustilago maydis ⅰ . Cloning and Gene Mapping

  7. 漱口以去除食物残渣,为选取唾液样本提供方便。从唾液中提取DNA,就可以按照基因图谱定制血清。

    That 's to eliminate debris that may interfere with a good saliva sample , from which DNA will be extracted and serums tailored to one 's genetic blueprint .

  8. 美国食品公司Mars为拉斯特洛树(Forastero)基因图谱的绘制提供了最多资金。

    The American food compan y Mars took the lead in paying for mapping the genes of the Forastero cocoa tree .

  9. 对许多工业有益的GRAS微生物还未建立基因图谱

    Genetic maps have not been constructed for most of the industrially useful GRAS microorganisms

  10. 甘蓝型油菜PolCMS育性恢复基因图谱定位及抗菌核病恢复系的分子标记辅助选择

    Genetic Mapping of the Fertility Restorer Gene for the Pol CMS and Improving Sclerotinia Sclerotiorum Resistance of Restorer Line by Molecular Marker-assisted Selection in Brassica Napus

  11. 并提示基因图谱上116bp片段可能与COMT高活性相关。

    The study also suggested that 116 bp in gene atlas be possibly correlated to high activity of COMT .

  12. 该文从绵羊的基因图谱、比较图谱、重要经济性状基因及QTL定位方面对绵羊基因组的研究进展作了简要阐述。

    In this paper , advances of gene map , comparative map , the genes for importantly economic traits and quantitative trait loci ( QTL ) mapping were briefly introduced in sheep .

  13. 本文综述了转基因技术、遗传标记、基因图谱的构建、基因图谱与QTL定位及动物基因组分析等在动物育种中的应用,并对其前景进行了展望。

    In this paper , It 's reviewed about the application and foreground in animal breeding of technology of trans-gene , genetic marker , construction of gene mapping , QTL , Animal genomics .

  14. Mars的竞争者Hershey's支持一种比较少见的可可树,克里奥罗(Criollo)的基因图谱的绘制。

    A competitor of Mars , Hershey 's , supported the gene mapping of the Criollo , a far less common cacao tree .

  15. 他们的模式和原先的“人类基因图谱项目”相同,在那个项目中,单个DNA碱基的测序价格从1991年的10美元降到2001年的1毛钱,现在是3000个碱基1分钱。

    Their model is the original Human Genome Project , during which the cost of sequencing a single genetic " letter " ( a DNA base pair ) fell from $ 10 in 1991 to ten cents in 2001 - and is now 3000 base pairs a cent .

  16. Yelp另一名28岁的应用数学博士把他的研究方向从基因图谱转向了该公司广告团队所用的一款产品。

    Another 28-year-old at Yelp , with a Ph.D. in applied mathematics , turned his dissertation research on genome mapping into a product used by the company 's advertising team .

  17. 华中农业大学的科研人员绘制了有关7号染色体的基因图谱,定位出了这种被命名为Ghd7的特定基因。

    The HZAU scientists mapped the relevant gene site on chromosome seven and located the specific gene named Ghd7 .

  18. 新疆汉、回、维吾尔、哈萨克族新生儿HbF中~Gγ/~Aγ、~Aγ~I/~Aγ~T比值测定及两例异常者的γ基因图谱分析

    ~ G γ / ~ A γ, ~ A γ ~ I / ~ A γ ~ T Ratios of Fetal Hemoglobin of Han , Hui , Uygur and Kazak Newborns in Xinjiang and Gene Mapping Analysis of Two Cases with Abnormal Ratio

  19. 现在,科学家已经绘制出大豆的全面的基因图谱。

    Now scientists have a full genetic map of the soybean .

  20. 科学家们表示基因图谱还有另一种用途。

    The scientist says there is another use for the map .

  21. 绘制基因图谱是了解一个有机体的第一步。

    Mapping genes is the first step to understanding an organism .

  22. 现在,随着基因图谱的出炉,可以进一步减少肌醇六磷酸的含量。

    Now with the gene map there could be further reductions .

  23. 数量遗传学的新发展&数量性状基因图谱的构建和应用

    Advances in Quantitative Genetics & TL Mapping and Its Application

  24. 羊基因图谱的研究现状及展望

    Current Situation and Prospects in Research of Sheep and Goat Gene Map

  25. 人类基因图谱破译的价值论意义

    The Value Theory Meaning of the Uncovering Map of Human 's Gene

  26. 其基因图谱的破译为我们提供了一个操作平台,为作物遗传工程的发展提供了一条全新的道路。

    And it paved a brand new road for the crop genetic engineering .

  27. 8年的工作进入了绘制基因图谱的阶段。

    Eight years of work went into making the map , or genome .

  28. 动物基因图谱的研究现状及其应用

    The latest development of gene map and its application to animal genetic breeding

  29. 基因图谱的构建与动物遗传育种

    The Construction of Gene Map and Animal Genetic Breeding

  30. 现在,科学家已经拥有了马铃薯的基因图谱。

    Scientists now have a map of the potato .