
  • 网络Kissimmee;Orlando-Kissimmee
  1. 美国基西米河渠化工程对河流生态环境的影响

    Impact of channelization on the ecological environment in Kissimmee River , USA

  2. 美国基西米河生态恢复工程的启示

    The enlightenment from the Kissimmee River ecological restoration project

  3. 文章介绍了美国迄今为止规模最大的河流恢复工程&基西米河生态恢复工程的概况,该工程是按照生态系统整体恢复理念设计的工程。

    The paper presents the general description of an existing largest river-ecological restoration project of America , the Kissimmee River ecology-restoring project . This project was designed on the basis of the idea of integral ecological system restoration .