
  • 网络Liberdade;Orient Street
  1. 高高的红牌坊,和服女子的涂鸦,圣保罗的东方街(liberdade)社区和世界各地的大多数日裔聚集区看上去没什么区别。

    With its towering red torii gate and graffiti of girls in kimonos , the neighbourhood of Liberdade in so Paulo looks like most Japanese outposts around the world .

  2. 在近代上海,有这么一条街,它曾与英国伦敦的舰队街相提并论,那就是东方的舰队街、中国的报馆街&望平街。

    In the modern age of Shanghai , there is a street , once could be compared with The Fleet Street in London .