
  • 网络Mars One
  1. 也许这是为何“火星一号”(MarsOne)的人周五来中国招募移民去红色星球。

    Maybe that 's why the people from Mars One came to China on Friday to recruit settlers for the red planet .

  2. 不过,NASA面临着来自“火星一号”(MarsOne)的竞争,后者是一项有争议的计划,主要面向私人投资者和众筹,不花费公帑。

    Nasa , though , faces competition from Mars One , a controversial mission [ WHO IS BEHIND THIS ? ] that has looked to private investors and crowdfunding rather than the public purse .

  3. 荷兰企业家巴斯•朗斯多普(BasLansdorp)提出的火星一号计划,是一项更快但也更邪门的计划,它对所有人开放,但没有返程票。

    Mars One , brainchild of Dutch entrepreneur Bas Lansdorp , is a faster and dirtier affair , open to all comers - and offers no ticket back .

  4. 以及当一名火星一号宇航员后悔自己做出不可逆转的决定时心理崩溃。

    and psychological meltdown as a Mars One astronaut regrets his irreversible decision .

  5. 一个叫做“火星一号”的项目在计划红色星球的载人任务。

    A project called Mars One is planning manned missions to the Red Planet .

  6. ,以及当一名火星一号宇航员后悔自己做出不可逆转的决定时心理崩溃。

    , and psychological meltdown as a Mars One astronaut regrets his irreversible decision .

  7. 火星一号是一个非盈利组织,承诺2023年在火星上建立永久的人类定居点。

    Mars One is a non-profit organisation that promises to establish a permanent human settlement on Mars by 2023 .

  8. 而首要问题是“火星一号”究竟要怎样把梅丽莎和她的中国同僚们送上去呢?

    And exactly how will Mars One beam Melissa or her Chinese couterpart up there in the first place ?

  9. 但随着有志愿者报名参加,火星一号项目可能,仅仅是可能取得进展。

    But with volunteers signing up , the Mars One project might , just might get off the ground .

  10. 最近,荷兰一家名为火星一号的机构已经提供许多人这样的机会来实现他们的梦想。

    Well , recently a Dutch organization called Mars One has offered many people the opportunity to fulfill their dreams .

  11. 但火星一号声称已收到600多份来自中国的申请,该国去年把第一位女性宇航员送上了太空。

    But Mars One says it already has more than 600 applicants from China , which last year sent its first woman into space .

  12. 火星一号组织预计将有多达50万人申请成为火星先驱,并已开始致力于为他们提供生命支持系统和宇航服。

    Mars One is expecting as many as half a million applicants to be Mars Pioneers , and has already started working on their life support system and spacesuits .

  13. 但是火星一号组织同时也表示,他们并不需要申请者拥有什么特定技能,例如获得了可能在宇航活动中派上用场的科学学位。

    But Mars One says it is not looking for applicants with specific skills , such as a science degree , that might be useful during an interplanetary posting .

  14. 那些火星一号背后的人,计划就堪称自人类首次登月以来最大的世界性事件——殖民另一个星球——出售电视转播权、签订赞助协议。

    Those behind Mars One plan to sell TV rights and strike sponsorship deals associated with arguably the biggest world event since the first Moon landing : the colonisation of another planet .

  15. 巴斯·朗斯多普是火星一号任务的联合创始人,这个非营利性基金会希望能把自己的宇航员送往这颗红色星球并且一步一个脚印实现电视转播。

    Bas Lansdorp is co-founder of the Mars One mission , a nonprofit foundation that hopes to send its own astronauts to the red planet and televise every step of the way .

  16. 火星一号计划招募四位宇航员在2023年送他们去火星,这是一个单程旅途,在那里,开辟人类第一个殖民地,并将这个过程记录下来并制作成一个真实的电视节目。

    Mars One plans to send a group of four volunteers on a one-way trip to Mars in 2023 with the aim of establishing the first human settlement whilst recording the process and turning it into a reality TV show .

  17. 2021年的其他任务还包括:今年,火星探测器天问一号计划实施中国首次火星“绕、落、巡”探测。

    China 's Mars probe Tianwen-1 is designed to complete orbiting , landing and roving this year .

  18. 一份官方报告显示,中国空间站的建设将在今年进入关键阶段,中国火星探测器“天问一号”将完成在轨、着陆和巡视作业。

    An official report says the construction of China 's space station will enter a crucial stage this year and China 's Mars probe Tianwen-1 complete its orbiting , landing and roving operations .