
  • 网络Flare system
  1. 海上平台火炬系统设计泄放量的确定

    Determine the Design Release Quantity of Flare System on Offshore Platform

  2. 就火炬系统工艺设计若干不易掌握的问题提出了一些见解。

    This paper advance some views on flare system process design .

  3. 火炬系统的设置必须以安全、环保为原则,火炬设计中必须对处理能力、热辐射、SO2落地浓度、长明灯等环节进行详细计算。

    According to the principle of keeping safe and environment friendly , the desire of torch must be considered and calculated for all round dealing capability , heat radiation , landing diversity of SO2 , long-live light , etc. in details .

  4. 乙烯装置改造工程中火炬系统的分析与改造

    Analysis and Reform of Flare System in Ethylene Plant Reform Project

  5. 阻火器的应用&燃烧炉/火炬系统的安全防范措施

    Application of flame arrester & Safety measures for thermal waste gas cleaning

  6. 大型石油化工装置火炬系统的设置

    The Torch System in Large Scale of Petro-chemical Facilities

  7. 火炬系统塔架的风振响应分析及风振系数

    Analysis of wind-induced response and wind-induced vibration coefficient for tower of torch system

  8. 炼油厂火炬系统工艺设计探讨

    Discussion on Flare System Process Design for Refinery

  9. 考虑排放至火炬系统。

    Consider venting to flare system .

  10. 火炬系统环境风险评价

    Environmental Risk Assessment of Torch System

  11. 火炬系统可能发生的危险事故及原因,在设计和运转操作方面的预防措施。

    Causes of potential accidents by flare system and some preventive measures concerning design and operation of flare system .

  12. 约翰津克的高压火炬系统的安全提供最高的无烟能力和最低辐射的任何高压的火炬设计。

    John Zink 's high-pressure flare systems safely deliver the highest smokeless capacities and lowest radiation of any high-pressure flare design .

  13. 合理进行大型炼油厂火炬系统设计,对保证工艺装置安全生产、保护环境、节省工程投资有重要意义。

    It is important to design flare system rationally for assuring safety of process units and protecting environment and economizing engineering investment .

  14. 较详细地论述了火炬系统的流程,火炬头的结构形式与产生的噪声;

    In the article more detailed descriptions are given to flare system flow , structure type of flare tip and noise caused by it ;

  15. 介绍放空火炬系统的组成、安全设计及要考虑的安全因素。

    This paper introduces the composition , safety design and safety factors necessary to be taken into consideration for venting and flare stack system .

  16. 运用安全系统工程理论,提出针对火炬系统事故类型特点的安全分析方法。

    Based on the safety system engineering , a safety analysis method which aimed at the character of the flare stack system was presented .

  17. 介绍中国石化中原油田分公司石化总厂原火炬系统酸性气管线易产生积液堵塞现象并分析其原因。

    The causes of refinery flare line leakages were line leakages were analyzed and the cathodic protection techniques were suggested and construction experiences were summarized .

  18. 论述了全厂瓦斯高压、低压管网及火炬系统的改造方案,分析了有关的经济效益。

    Improvement plan for the high pressure and low pressure gas pipe network and flare system in the whole plant is discussed and relative economic benefit is analysized .

  19. 气液分离装置分离出的闪蒸气原先送到火炬系统,但现在作为燃烧气返回锅炉机组。

    The expansion gases from the gas liquor separation unit were originally sent to the flare system , but are now recycled as fuel for the boiler unit .

  20. 石油化工企业在正常生产或者发生事故时会产生大量的易燃易爆气体,这些易燃易爆气体就需要火炬系统进行处理。

    In the petrochemical enterprises , lots of inflammable and explosive gases would be produced in normal operation , accidents and emergencies . Flare system is aimed to deal with these dangerous gases .

  21. 引入了封闭式火炬系统的设计概念,介绍了其主要结构及功能,探讨了传统开放式火炬系统和封闭式火炬系统设计的一些优缺点。

    The design concept of enclosed flare system is introduced in this article , its main configuration and functions are presented , and the advantages and disadvantages of the enclosed flare system are compared with those of the conventional open - type flare system .

  22. 控制室的主站和现场的分站都运行稳定,完全实现了在控制室内对整个火炬系统进行实时监控的功能,为全厂各个生产装置提供了安全的保证。

    The master station in control room and all sub-stations in the field run stably . The function requirements of real-time monitoring and control of flare system in control room , is totally satisfied , and the safety of production equipments is ensured in whole plant .

  23. TAL-9509型多保安火炬点火系统的工业应用

    Industrial Application of TAL-9509 Muti-Level Safety Torch Igniting System

  24. 波纹补偿器在火炬放空系统中的应用

    Application of corrugated compensator in flare vent system

  25. 对中原急冷水塔排放负荷采用了动态模拟分析计算,做到了利用原火炬排放系统,力求安全性和经济性的统一。

    The discharge load of quench water tower in ZhongYuan ethylene is analysed and calculated by means of dynamic simulation . The original flare system is utilized , striving to unify security and economic .

  26. 螺杆式压缩机兼有往复式及离心式压缩机的优点,国外已有许多工艺装置采用螺杆式压缩机,国内虽有部分PSA装置及火炬气回收系统采用,但开始因经验不足出现过一些问题。

    Screw compressors have both advantages of reciprocating compressors and centrifugal compressors and have been adopted in many foreign process units . Although screw compressors were used in some domestic PSA units and flare gas recovery systems , occurred problems were due to absence of experience .

  27. 火炬自动点火系统在加氢裂化装置中的设计和应用

    Torch Auto-ignition System Design and Application in Hydrogenation Cracking Unit

  28. 变频调速在火炬气回收系统中的应用

    The Application of Converter in Torch Gas Reclaim System

  29. 低压火炬气回收系统技术改造

    Revamp of a low-pressure flare gas recovery system

  30. 结合吉化炼油厂的实际情况,科学、合理地设计了催化装置的火炬气回收系统的工艺流程。

    Combining the realistic situation of Oil Refinery of JCGC , a scientific reasonable design was made for torch gas recycling system of catalyst cracking plant .