- 名solid-rocket booster

We saw the booster rockets disengage and fall into the sea .
MDO method can improve design quality for solid rocket booster , and greatly reduce iterative times and shorten design period .
A two-dimensional compressible Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes solver with a k - ε turbulence model is applied to analyze the flow character of the shock / boundary-layer interaction between the rocket and the booster . A semi-discrete finite volume method on a structured mesh grid is used .
SpaceX wanted to bring its first stage booster back to Earth for a simple reason : the rocket boosters that are typically jettisoned after their fuel runs out cost millions of dollars to develop and manufacture .
Behold the words of SpaceX founder Elon Musk , offering a post-op summary of the fiery crash-landing of one of his company 's first stage rocket boosters aboard a floating barge in the Atlantic earlier this month .
Numerical Simulation the Process of the Rocket Booster Separating form Spaceship
Simulated calculation of the interior ballistics synchronism of solid boosting rockets
The interior ballistics synchronism of solid boosting rockets is discussed and analyzed .
The booster design on flat flight solid rocket Flying
Influence of rocket booster on radar observation in space
A Study of the Synchronism of Double Solid Boosting Rockets Applied to UAV
The accident was caused by bitter cold combined with a faulty rocket booster seal .
On the basis of more detailed analysis , verified is that the idea is very feasible .
A chemical agent added to a material , such as rocket propellant , to make it opaque .
The works of Shakespeare and Wordsworth are rocket-boosters to the brain and better therapy than self-help books , researchers will say this week .
Space shuttle Atlantis is lowered alongside its external fuel tank and solid rocket boosters in High Bay-1 of NASA 's massive Vehicle Assembly Building .
The works of Shakespeare and Wordsworth are " rocket-boosters " to the brain and better therapy than self-help books , researchers will say this week .
Meanwhile , the results of simulated calculation show that the effect of rockets ' synchronism on flight steadiness of UAV in the launch posture is acceptable in engineering applications .
So there we was , my rocket jets going full blast , McQueen hanging on for dear life when suddenly them two nasty lemons come out of nowheres , guns drawn .
The spacecraft is complete , NASA said , and the core stage and four attached rockets are undergoing final tests in preparation for a " critical hot fire test this fall . "
Slamming a spent rocket booster into the frigid , inky shadow of a lunar crater last month sent up a plume of dust laced with water , NASA scientists reported in a press conference today .
Philip Davis , an English professor who has worked on the study with the university 's magnetic resonance centre , will tell a conference this week : " Serious literature acts like a rocket-booster to the brain .
In a subsequent report for the Secure World Foundation , the space policy thinktank where he works , Weeden concluded that the Chinese launch was more likely atest of a mobile rocket booster for an antisatellite ( ASAT )
The emphasis of the competition is on the spaceship 's reusability , an ideal that was not quite reached by the current NASA space shuttle , whose fuel tanks are tossed in midflight as are its rocket boosters which are partly reusable .
Researchers at the University of Liverpool found the prose of Shakespeare and Wordsworth and the like had a beneficial effect on the mind , providing a ' rocket-boost ' to morale by catching the reader 's attention and triggering moments of self-reflection .
In comprehensive consideration of flight vehicle system constraints , trajectory design , aerodynamic characteristics and solid rocket booster design , a series of system / aerodynamics / trajectory / solid propellant integration design analysis and optimization models for solid rocket booster of flight vehicle were derived .
The interaction between the main rocket and boosters , and the influence of the launching tower on the rocket are evident .
The deflecting nozzle thrust vector control is usually used in a large solid booster .
The dramatic and safe return of two of the Falcon Heavy 's three boosters was also a noteworthy feat , promising to cut the cost of future launches .
Because of the safety and cost advantage , paraffin based fuel hybrid rocket can become available as cheap reusable rocket thruster in 5 ~ 10 years .