
  • NARUTO;sadness and sorrow
  1. 拍出的照片包括这只猴子迷人的笑脸。善待动物组织认出他是一只6岁大的公猴,绰号火影忍者(Naruto)。他对着镜头大笑,露出门牙。

    The results included the charming mug of the monkey , identified by PETA as a 6-year-old male , Naruto , grinning broadly and bucktoothed into the lens .

  2. 去年9月,善待动物组织起诉斯莱特以及他的公司及其出版商Blurb,要求法官允许该组织代表火影忍者将照片的收益用于保护印度尼西亚保护区的严重濒危物种黑冠猕猴。

    In September , PETA filed its lawsuit against Mr. Slater , his company , and Blurb , the company that published his book , asking the judge to allow it to represent Naruto and distribute the image 's proceeds for the benefit of the Indonesian reserve 's crested macaques , a critically endangered species .

  3. 不久之前,《火影忍者疾风传》的动画版进度已经赶上了作者岸本齐史的漫画内容,并且还将佐助和鹿丸等人物的外传小说制作成了TV版动画。

    The anime caught up with Masashi Kishimoto 's manga some time ago and has been animating post-finale epilogue novels concerning Sasuke and Shikamaru .

  4. 经典动漫巡礼(2)火影忍者

    CLASSIC CARTOON SHOWS ( 2 ) NARUTO Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

  5. 确定家伙火影忍者的球迷,在这里用图片的斗篷。

    Ok guys for fans of naruto , here a cloaks with pictures .

  6. 日向:如果我能保护火影忍者,即使我死了,我会很高兴。

    Hinata : If I can protect Naruto , even if I died , I will be glad .

  7. 虽然《火影忍者疾风传》已经正式完结,但与之相关的故事还并没有完全结束。

    Even though Naruto Shippuden is finding its end , the franchise will not die out just yet .

  8. 齐小姐平时最喜欢看《海贼王》、《火影忍者》之类的热血战斗动漫剧。

    Miss Qi usually like to watch " One Piece "," Naruto " fighting like the animated cartoon blood .

  9. 几个月来,这部动画的铁粉儿们一直翘首以盼,等待《火影忍者疾风传》究竟何时才能够完结。

    For months now , longtime fans of the franchise have been waiting anxiously to hear when Naruto Shippuden would make its last run .

  10. 然而,这些番外故事现如今也已完结,并且《火影忍者疾风传》也并无再制作新内容的计划。

    However , those extra story arcs are now coming to an end , and Naruto Shippuden has no plans to create any more content .

  11. 11月10日,《火影忍者》完结,很多粉丝终于要和这位陪伴了自己整个青春的“旧友”说再见了。

    For fans of Naruto , the ending of the manga on Nov 10 is like a farewell to an old friend from a misplaced youth .

  12. 然而,依有一些问题依旧挥之不去:鸣人的师父自来还能看见自己徒弟的成功么?揭开面具的卡卡西到底是什么样子……虽然还有如此多的未知之谜,但年轻的火影忍者永远是我们脑海中最欢欣的记忆。

    There are a few lingering questions : can Naruto 's master Jiraiya see his success , what 's under Kakashi 's mask ... But regardless of these loose ends , the young ninja will remain a fond memory in our minds .