
  • 网络Volcanic landforms;volcanic landform;volcanic terrain
  1. 五大连池国家森林公园享有世界上保护最好,分布最集中,种类最完善的火山地貌。

    The Wudalianshan National Forest Park boasts the world 's most well preserved , concentrated and complete volcanic landforms .

  2. 宇宙成因核素地表暴露测年技术的理论和方法日臻完善,目前它已被广泛到第四纪冰川、撞击坑、火山地貌、断层面等地学问题中来。

    With the progress of the theory and methodology of cosmogenic surface exposure dating , the technique has been widely used in studies of Quaternary glaciations , impact craters , volcanic surfaces , and fault faces .

  3. 五大连池自然保护区是以地质遗迹资源为主要保护对象的国家级自然保护区,其得天独厚的火山地质地貌和自然生态环境使得保护区在进行生态旅游开发活动方面拥有极大的优势和极高的潜力。

    Its unique volcanic landscapes and natural environment makes it has great advantages and high potential in eco-tourism development activities .

  4. 坐落于黑龙江省的五大连池地质公园占地1060平方公里,拥有大片独特的火山地质地貌。

    Located in Heilongjiang Province , Wudalianchi Geological Park covers an area of1,060 square kilometers and features extensive volcanic geologic landforms .

  5. 具有多洞穴特点的喀斯特和火山熔岩地貌具有较多的翼手目种类,但红层地貌由于分布于南方和分散分布的特点而具有最高的翼手目种数密度[动物学报51(3):413-4222005]。

    Although more Chiroptera species distribute Karst and Volcano lava physiognomies reasonably due to caves for inhabiting , red beds have highest species density of Chiroptera , perhaps seasonably due to its southern distribution and patched dispersion .

  6. 阳明山国家公园紧临台北都会区,是台北市的后花园,拥有温泉、大小油坑的硫磺喷气孔、地热与火山口湖等火山地貌。

    Taipei 's backyard , Yangmingshan is a lush green mountain area generously endowed with hot springs , fumaroles and other signs of the local volcanic geology .

  7. 在图片中心的地方,你可以看到西班牙特内里费岛的泰德火山,后面是火山的地貌,可以看到许多巨石。

    Also visible is Tenerife 's Teide Volcano near the centre of the image , behind a volcanic landscape that includes many huge boulders .

  8. 在雄伟而神秘的火山群里,休眠火山地貌已被植被覆盖。

    Of the conic volcanoes , looking majestic as well as mysterious , the older ones are now almost completely covered with plant life and so have lost the typical geomorphological features of volcanoes .

  9. 这对探讨火山喷发规律,对火山地质地貌的准确描述均具有积极作用。

    The knowledge is possessed of active significance for us to research volcanic activity .

  10. 本文以吉林省靖宇县西南部的龙湾火山群为例,进行了火山口地貌图像识别方法探讨。

    In this paper , the Longwan volcanic group which locates in the southwest part of Jingyu County , Jilin Province is taken as an example for extracting volcanic landforms information .

  11. 火山石上蕴育着乔木、灌木丛、石生草丛,具有典型的火山地貌植被特征。

    The volcanic stone is grown with trees , bushes and grasses , the characteristic vegetation of the volcanic landscape .