
  • 网络anticlinal trap
  1. 以往所用的取值方法是沿用背斜圈闭的要素统计方法,不能适用于复杂的断块构造圈闭。

    Common trap factor calculation methods are suitable for anticlinal trap , but they are not applicable to complicated fault block traps .

  2. 孔隙层呈透镜体展布,在背斜圈闭内可形成三种类型的储渗体和相应的气藏类型。

    The pore layers stretch in the shape of a lens and may form three types of reservoir permeability systems and corresponding gas pools types within anticlinal trap .

  3. Aran背斜圈闭的形成时间同步或晚于油气生成、运移时间,能有效地捕获油气,形成以Qom组为源岩的自生自储型油气藏。

    The formation time of Aran traps is synchronization or late of oil and gas generation , migration , it is can effectively capture of oil and gas .

  4. 对其勘探的四个步骤和野外地震数据采集、常规精细处理、AVO技术、反演技术、目标化解释技术、非背斜圈闭的表征及非背斜圈闭的评价方法等作了具体论述。

    We described with details the four major exploration steps , and methods for data acquisition and processing , AVO technologies , seismic inversion techniques , target oriented seismic explanation methods , representation and evaluation technologies for non anticline straps of geophysical exploration methods .

  5. 反转构造表现为上部的背斜圈闭直接覆盖在原先裂谷期发育的凹陷之上,生成的油气沿断层垂向运移进入圈闭,成藏配置优越。

    Inversion resulted that the anticline trap directly overlaid on the sag .

  6. 塔里木盆地非背斜圈闭的勘探方法

    Exploration methods for non anticline straps in Tarim Basin

  7. 圈闭类型主要为背斜圈闭及单斜圈闭。

    Anticline and monocline are major trap types .

  8. 大型挤压背斜圈闭天然气藏。

    Large anticlinal gas pools under compressional background .

  9. 静水条件下背斜圈闭系统石油运移和聚集模拟实验及机理分析

    Simulation Experiment and Mechanism Analysis of Petroleum Migration and Accumulation in Anticlines under Hydrostatic Condition

  10. 川东黄龙灰岩背斜圈闭成藏体系及其勘探

    Pool-formed System of the Anticline Traps in Huanglong Limestone in East Sichuan and Their Exploration

  11. 塔里木盆地具备发育非背斜圈闭油气藏的条件。

    There are favorable condition for formation of non anticlinal oil & gas pools in the Tarim Basin .

  12. 自1993年开始进行风险勘探以来,钻探目标主要是背斜圈闭,主要油气藏类型均为背斜或断背斜型。

    Since 1993 , the drilling targets of this basin have been focused on anticline traps all along .

  13. 地面油气显示不能证明地下已无油气藏存在,不能排除在该区找到大型逆冲断层遮挡圈闭型及牵引背斜圈闭型油气藏的可能。

    It is possible to find oil and gas pools of thrust fault covered trap type and traction fold type .

  14. 盆地的圈闭类型有四种:于东吴期形成的与前陆隆起有关的背斜圈闭;

    There are four types of traps in the basin : anticline traps formed in Dongwu , related to foreland uplift ;

  15. 目前急需取得非背斜圈闭油气勘探突破,以获得油气勘探接替区块。

    Now an urgent need of non-anticlinal traps oil and gas exploration breakthrough in order to obtain oil and gas exploration blocks replaced .

  16. 同沉积背斜圈闭带储层层位物性好,封堵条件良好,断裂构造和岩性组合非常有利;

    Synsedimentary anticline play zone with reservoirs of good physical nature , good condition of plug-back and beneficial association of fault structure and lithology ;

  17. 目前盆地的勘探程度仍较低,剩余资源量主要赋存于非背斜圈闭中。

    The exploration maturity of this basin is still lower at present , and the petroleum volume mainly remains in the none anticline traps .

  18. 文章研究了背斜圈闭构造控制玉龙斑岩-矽卡岩型铜(钼)矿的形成和矿体的分布。

    This paper studied the formation of the Yulong porphyry copper deposit controlled by the anticline trap structure and the distribution of the ore bodies .

  19. 因此,莫索湾凸起深层石炭&三叠系背斜圈闭,特别是石炭系特大型背斜圈闭具有十分重要的勘探价值。

    Therefore , the Carboniferous-Triassic deep-seated anticline trap of Mosuowan Uplift , the giant Carboniferous anticline trap in particular , is of great value to exploration .

  20. 随着准噶尔盆地勘探的深入,圈闭识别的难度越来越大,低幅度背斜圈闭的识别已成为人们关注的对象。

    The stratigraphic trap identification is becoming more and more difficult with progressing petroleum exploration in Junggar basin . How to find the low-amplitude traps in it ?

  21. 研究区圈闭主要为背斜圈闭,圈闭受构造控制,断层对圈闭的控制作用表现为完整的背斜圈闭向断鼻圈闭转化,分化构造高点,构造裂缝发育;

    The traps are mainly anticline traps , controlled by structure . The control action of faults to traps made the full anticline traps transformed fault traps .

  22. 它们均可发育和形成非背斜圈闭油气藏,对这一类油气藏进行研究将为塔里木盆地油气勘探提供广阔的前景。

    All of these proved conditions for formation of non anticlinal oil and gas pools , which may indicate a bright future for hydrocarbon exploration in the basin .

  23. 寻找非背斜圈闭油气藏在于地震运动学与动力学信息的充分应用,在于地震资料的特殊处理和各种新技术的广泛采用。

    The discovery of non anticline straps will mainly depend on the application of seismic kinematic and dynamic information , target oriented seismic processing and widely use of new techniques .

  24. 北段石炭系残厚稳定区,气藏皆为构造圈闭,并与区域构造一致,以地垒背斜圈闭为主;

    In the stable area of Carboniferous residual thickness at the northern sector , the gas pools are all tectonic traps which are dominated by host anticlinal traps and consistent with regional tectonics .

  25. 深化勘探的首要目标是断层圈闭和地层-构造复合圈闭,次为背斜圈闭,兼及溶蚀岩性圈闭、岩性圈闭和残丘圈闭。

    For the targets of deepening exploration , faulted traps and stratigraphic structural combination traps are the most important , and anticlinal traps , dissolved lithologic traps , lithologic traps and relic dome traps can be subordinated .

  26. 凹陷内圈闭类型众多,传统的背斜圈闭在已钻圈闭中占了很大比重,而非背斜圈闭具有较大的勘探潜力。

    Various types of traps are recognized in Huizhou sag , traditional anticline traps have a large proportion in all traps which have been drilled in , however , the non-anticlines traps have great petroleum potential in the future exploration .

  27. 莺歌海盆地中央泥拱构造带位于莺歌海坳陷中心区,天然气资源极其丰富,具有多套区域性储盖组合,存在着一批大型泥拱背斜圈闭;

    The central mud diapir structure belt in Yinggehai Basin is located at the central part of Yinggehai Depression , being rich in gas resources and having multiple regional reservoir seal assemblages and a great deal of large sized mud diapir anticlinal traps .

  28. 受沉积相以及构造区带的控制,在该区中部及西部可形成较大规模的岩性圈闭气藏,而在南部、北部以及东缘应寻找以小型背斜圈闭为主的气藏。

    Under control of sedimentary facies and trip of geologic conformation , we can find some massive lithologic trap in middle and westward of research area , meanwhile , we should also focus on finding small anticlinal trap in south , north and east of research area .

  29. 伸展盆地生长断层上盘的断鼻型圈闭与逆牵引背斜型圈闭一样是油气勘探的主要目标。

    The reverse drag anticline traps and the nose shaped high trap in the hanging wall of growth fault in extensional basin are the major targets in oil and gas exploration .

  30. 第二次突破,从背斜理论到圈闭理论;

    The second breakthrough & from the anticlinal theory to the trap theory ;