
  • 网络Martian climate;Climate of Mars
  1. 这么做会避免出现1999年那样的错误。当时,公制单位和英制单位混淆导致NASA的火星气候轨道器(MarsClimateOrbiter)稍稍偏离航向。

    That avoids mistakes like the one in 1999 when a mix-up between metric and imperial units pushed NASA 's Mars Climate Orbiter slightly off course .

  2. 之前的一项研究表明含高浓度二氧化碳的大气会形成一个温暖,潮湿的火星气候。

    And previous studies suggested that a denser CO2 atmosphere could have produced a warm and wet Martian climate .

  3. 火星气候轨道器在即将进入红色星球轨道时发生了燃烧。

    The Mars Climate Orbiter apparently burned up as it was about to go into orbit around the Red Planet .

  4. 这个结论一度很难在火星气候模型中说得通。火星气候模型显示,早期火星冰冷,大气稀薄,不支持大量静态水的存在,不可能有流淌了几百万年的河流。

    This conclusion has been difficult to square with climate models , which point to a colder early Mars with a thin atmosphere that could not have supported large bodies of standing water , or rivers that ran for millions of years .

  5. 后来火星的气候巨变,才造就了我们现在见到的冰冷,干涸的状态。

    Then the Martian climate collapsed , producing the cold , dry world we see today .

  6. 太阳能电池板将提供电力,而放射性同位素加热器单元能够经受火星的严寒气候。

    Solar panels will supply power and radioisotope heater units will help it withstand the extreme cold on Mars .

  7. 尽管火星上的气候恶劣,但火星和任何其它行星相比,它的表面温度与地球的表面温度更加相似。

    Despite its forbidding climate , surface temperatures on Mars resemble the Earth 's more than any other planet .

  8. 陈品指出,该研究也支持这个说法:火星早期的气候比当今更湿润,因而也可能适于生命的存在。

    Chen notes that the work also supports the suggestion that early Mars had a wetter climate than it does today and thus might have supported life .

  9. 如果好奇号完好无损的抵达火星,它将考察火星的气候条件和地理环境,并且寻找火星上的生命迹象。

    If it gets there in one piece , it will examine the climate and geology of Mars and look for any signs of life that might have arisen .

  10. 科学家和作家都对火星着迷的部分是,火星的气候、季节、气流和极地冰冠和地球非常相似但是不同的是,火星表面没有水。

    Part of the fascination of Mars for both scientists and writers has always been how similar the planet 's weather is to ours - with seasons , currents , and polar ice caps . Mars has no surface water , however .