
  • 网络Spring;Springdale;Bonnie Spring
  1. SteveFeldman是马里兰州西尔弗斯普林动物园与水族馆协会的官员。

    Steve Feldman is an official with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums in Silver Spring , Maryland .

  2. 这是斯巴达斯县的斯普林克里克高中。

    This is Spartans country , Spring Creek High School .

  3. 那个女妖魔,体育教师斯普林杰小姐,又回来把我教训一通。

    The Gorgon , Miss Springer , the games mistress came back to gave me a raspberry .

  4. 这家汽车制造商表示,他们将在田纳西州斯普林希尔生产下一代SRX多用途车。

    Automaker says it will begin producing next generation SRX to display in Springhill , Tennessee .

  5. 如今,这家总部位于阿肯色州斯普林代尔(Springdale)的公司在中国的养鸡场数量已经从三年前的零增加到20个。

    Today the Springdale , Ark . , company has 20 farms in China . Three years ago , none .

  6. 对谷歌批评最猛烈的企业是德国出版集团斯普林格集团(AxelSpringer)。该集团在柏林和布鲁塞尔都有着强大的话语权,在让-克洛德•容克(Jean-ClaudeJuncker)竞选欧盟委员会主席时提供了至关重要的支持。

    One of the most vociferous corporate critics of Google is the Axel Springer publishing group in Germany , a powerful voice in Berlin and Brussels , and which provided crucial support for the election of Jean-Claude Juncker as the head of the European Commission .

  7. 今天,我在伊利诺伊州斯普林费尔德市向大家演讲。

    I 'm speaking to you today from Springfield , Illinois .

  8. 斯普林特派我来这是为了成为一个更好的领导者。

    Splinter sent me down here to become a better leader .

  9. “这个结果的确是我始料不及的,”斯普林特厄尔说。

    " The results definitely exceeded my expectations ," Sprintall says .

  10. 可是斯普林杰小姐决不会要这种不义之财吧?

    But surely Miss Springer would never accepted blackmail money ?

  11. 斯普林杰小姐的态度是有点儿傲慢。

    Miss Springer was a bit sharp in her manner .

  12. 你对斯普林杰小姐的私生活一点也不了解吗?

    You don 't know anything about Miss springer 's private life ?

  13. 就看到你整个一个杰瑞。斯普林格。

    And see you all over Jerry springer .

  14. 4岁的斯普林克斯因为太过肥胖已经导致了很多其他的并发症。

    Sprinkles ' massive weight has led to other health complications for the four year old .

  15. 埃斯普林表示,尽管如此,消费者仍可能被阴性结果错误地打消疑虑。

    Esplin said that despite this , consumers could be wrongly reassured by a negative result .

  16. 对不起,你能不能告诉我这是到斯普林街的路吗?

    Pardon me , could you tell me if this is the right way to spring street ?

  17. 但是可怜的斯普林克斯是只重达32磅的庞然大物——相当于4岁孩子的平均体重。

    But poor Sprinkles is a mammoth 32 pounds - the same as the average four-year-old boy 。

  18. 但是可怜的斯普林克斯是只重达32磅的庞然大物相当于4岁孩子的平均体重。

    But poor Sprinkles is a mammoth 32 pounds - the same as the average four-year-old boy .

  19. 因此,我在这里宣布,在斯普林费尔德参选总统。

    That 's why I announced , right here , in Springfield that I was running for President .

  20. 结论斯普林具有升高外周血象、改善生活质量、提高患者对化疗耐受性的作用。

    Conclusion : Sipulin can improve the blood routine , life quality and tolerance of the patients with chemotherapy .

  21. 斯普林太太在整理屋子,她看到姥姥为我做的那些特殊的装置感到很奇怪。

    Mrs Sprins was cleaning the rooms , she felt the devices which Grandma made for me were odd .

  22. 数小时后,在科罗拉多斯普林新生教堂的停车场内,一名持枪男子向众人开火。

    Hours later , a gunman opened fire in the car park of the New Life Church in Colorado Springs .

  23. 牛群在茂盛的斯普林牧场上享用着牧草,像这样的牧场每年春天都会放火燃烧牧场。

    Cattle enjoy grazing on the tall grass prairie , where places like the Z-Bar Ranch set fires every spring .

  24. 这本杂志的出版商斯普林格出版社的发言人说:“基因并不是决定幸福的唯一因素。”

    A spokesman for the journal 's publisher , Springer , said : ' Genetics is not the only determinant of happiness .

  25. 我们都听说过肥猫,但是这只名叫斯普林克斯的猫咪可能是全美最肥的&它的体重比惊人的两块大石头还要重。

    We 're all heard of fat cats , but Sprinkles here may be America 's weightiest – tipping the scales at an more than a shocking TWO STONE .

  26. 我们都听说过肥猫,但是这只名叫斯普林克斯的猫咪可能是全美最肥的--它的体重比惊人的两块大石头还要重。

    We 're all heard of fat cats , but Sprinkles here may be America 's weightiest - tipping the scales at an more than a shocking TWO STONE 。

  27. 不过,每名临床医生都会高估自己的工作成效,斯普林博士说,实际上,在很多情况下,患者只不过是觉得自己无法告诉治疗师进展并不顺利而已。

    But every clinician overestimates how well they 're doing , said Dr. Spring . Often patients simply feel they can 't tell a therapist when things aren 't going well .

  28. 不过,“每名临床医生都会高估自己的工作成效,”斯普林博士说,实际上,在很多情况下,患者只不过是觉得自己无法告诉治疗师“进展并不顺利”而已。

    But " every clinician overestimates how well they 're doing , " said Dr. Spring . Often patients simply feel they can 't tell a therapist when things aren 't going well .

  29. 我祖父在莫比尔的斯普林希尔学院教授音乐达40年之久,深受学院师生的热爱和敬重,他的工资却几乎不够维持一大家人的生活。

    My grandfather had taughtmusic for nearly forty years at Springhill College in Mobile and , though much beloved and respected in the community , earned barely enough to provide for his large family .

  30. 我祖父在莫比尔的斯普林希尔学院教授音乐达四十年之久,深受学院师生的热爱和敬重,他的工资却只能勉强维持一大家人的生活。

    My grandfather had taught music for nearly forty years at Springhill College in Mobile and , though much beloved and respected in the community , earned barely enough to provide for his large family .