
  • 网络spartanburg
  1. 你当时在斯帕坦堡筹集资金

    You were down in Spartanburg doing some sort of fundraiser .

  2. 而在南卡罗莱纳斯帕坦堡一位笨贼被摄像机纪录下来。

    And a bungling criminal is caught on tape in Spartanburg , South Carolina .

  3. JessecaKusher,一名来自斯帕坦堡走读学校的18岁学生发明了一种房顶隔热涂层。

    Jesseca Kusher , an 18-year-old researcher from Spartansburg , S.C. , invented a paint-on coating for roofing shingles .

  4. 据一位来自南加利福尼亚州斯帕坦堡走读学校的18岁学生JessecaKusher介绍,这种特殊的屋顶由多种颜色组成,黑色尤为受欢迎。

    Shingles come in many colors , but dark ones are especially popular , says Jesseca Kusher . The 18-year old attends Spartanburg Day School in South Carolina .

  5. 一名警官在垃圾车下面发现了躲雨的小猫咪后将其带回了警局,来自斯帕坦堡28岁的科迪·加勒特提出将这只小猫咪带回家照料。

    Cody Garrett , 28 , of Spartanburg , offered to take the tiny kitten home with him after another officer found the cat hiding under a trash dumpster to get out of the rain and brought her back to the police department .