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  1. 来自斯特灵大学心理系的马丁多尔蒂最近的研究显示出儿童被艾宾斯浩错觉误导的几率要小的多。

    A recent study done by Martin Doherty , from the University of Stirling 's Department of Psychology revealed the results .

  2. 斯特灵大学的心理学家发现,男性会将自己的声调压到最低的程度,然后再把声调上扬起来。

    The man will lower his voice to its lowest minimum pitch before picking it up again , the psychologists at the University of Stirling found .

  3. 斯特灵大学的心理学家们要求志愿者们观看学生们面带自然表情所拍摄的照片,并选出偏向强势型的人。

    Psychologists from Stirling University asked volunteers to look at photographs of students with neutral expressions and rate the dominance of their personality .

  4. 并未参与此项目的英国斯特灵大学的心理学教授安东尼·利特评论说,对于人们为什么会对面容姣好的对象特别优待,人们还没有彻底弄清楚原因。

    University of Stirling psychologist Anthony Little , who was not involved in the study told people , it was not entirely clear why we behave differently toward attractive people .

  5. 英国斯特灵大学的心理学家发现,当人们可以看到讲话者的面容(好看与否)时,长得好看的讲话者给人感觉更幽默。

    Psychologists at the University of Stirling have discovered that good-looking people were perceived as funnier when the people listening to them could see what they looked like - i.e. whether they were attractive or not .

  6. 每日邮报还报道了两年前苏格兰斯特灵大学的一项研究,表明一些孩子完全没有从电子游戏中受益,还有些孩子整节课都在玩游戏。

    The Daily Mail adds a study two years ago at Stirling University in Scotland found some kids didn 't benefit at all from using the games while others shot from the bottom to the top of their classes .

  7. “动物交流中方言很常见,但是由于这两只加拿大水獭发出的声音和本地水獭不同,它们很难和本地水獭交流,”报纸援引斯特灵大学动物交流专家马修-伊万斯的话说。

    Dialects are common in animal communications , but because of the differences in the sounds they make it will be difficult for these Canadian otters to communicate with the native ones , Matthew evans , an animal communications expert from Stirling university , was quoted as saying .