
lián luò
  • liaison;link;get in touch with;make contact;link-up;come into contact with
联络 [lián luò]
  • (1) [liaison;contact;link-up]

  • (2) 军队各部分之间建立并保持相互关系,以保证相互了解各自的情况,采取统一的行动

  • 联络官

  • 联络工作

  • (3) 任何为建立并保持相互了解的相互联系

  • 联络网

  • (1) [make contact;come into contact with;get in touch with]∶拉关系,打交道

  • 联络感情

  • (2) [link]∶连接

  • 铁车联络不绝

联络[lián luò]
  1. 我们收到信的时候你已经离开台北了,而且我们没有办法联络上你。

    But by the time we got it , you had already left Taibei , and there was no way we could get in touch with you .

  2. 若有产品需求,请联络我们!

    The demand of the products , please get in touch with us !

  3. 那支部队与基地失去了联络。

    The army was cut off from its base .

  4. 请提供姓名和日间联络电话。

    Please give your name and daytime phone number .

  5. 他们用无线电和多佛海岸警卫队联络。

    They radioed Dover Coastguard .

  6. 我们唯一能够联络到的电工离这里有好几英里远。

    The only electrician we could get hold of was miles away .

  7. 打电话时须留下全名与联络信息。

    You must leave your full name and contact details when you phone .

  8. 该组织明天就会和他联络。

    The organisation would be in touch with him tomorrow

  9. 社会福利机构和医疗工作者之间联络密切。

    Social services and health workers liaise closely .

  10. 他未能进行无线电联络。

    He failed to make radio contact .

  11. 我的员工中有一名教授充当我们和高等教育机构的联络人。

    I have a professor on my staff here as liaison with our higher education institutions

  12. 我们自那以后就失去了联络。

    We lost touch after that .

  13. 谈判者充当劳资双方的联络人。

    The negotiator acted as liaison between labour and management .

  14. 联络顺畅。

    Liaison is smooth .

  15. 我们必须凿穿那坚实的墙壁才能与囚犯们联络。

    We had to break through the solid wall to reach the prisoners .

  16. 多多联络。

    Let 's get in touch more often .

  17. 请你们直接就此事联络,可以吗?

    Can you two liaise directly1 about this ?

  18. 例句我太久没跟维多利亚联络了,我应该给她打个电话。

    I haven 't touched base with Victoria for a long time . I should call her .

  19. 我们在休假期间还会时常跟办公室的同事保持联络,持续跟进办公室的各类动态。员工们都认为这是对工作认真负责的表现,但事实上,这些可能是对工作安全感担忧的表现。

    We often have a strong tendency to check in with the office , to see how things are going while we are on vacation .

  20. 笔友就是对那些定期通过邮政信件彼此联络的人们的称呼。笔友多用来提高外语阅读和写作能力、增长知识、了解其他国家和不同的生活方式,以及用来交朋友。

    Pen pals mail . A penpal relationship is often used to practice reading and writing in a foreign language , to improve literacy , to learn more about other countries and life-styles , and to make friendships .

  21. “维护短信”是你给那些可能“改天”或者“找时间”见面的人(其实就是备胎啦)发的短信,这样既能让他们知道你这个人还在、与他们保持联络,也不用真的去跟他们见面。

    Maintenance texts are text messages sent to those people you 'd like to date " someday " or " eventually " to remind them that you exist and to stay in touch with them without really meeting them .

  22. 这种调查通常会电话联络大量的选民,假装调查哪些“信息”会影响选民的投票决定,而在此过程中向选民灌输有关某个候选人的虚假或破坏性信息。

    A push poll typically involves phoning very large numbers of voters and , in the guise2 of doing a survey to find out how certain pieces of ' information ' may affect their voting preferences , feeding them false or damaging information about a particular candidate .

  23. 所以务必确认在商业信件结尾,你有加上你的姓名、重复你的电邮地址,如果你有兴趣被以手机联络的话,就写上手机号码,然后附上你公司的电话。

    So make sure at the end of your email business correspondence1 , you have your first and last name , you repeat your email address , you put your cell phone if you 're interested in being , you know ... be contacted by cell , and you put your business line .

  24. 新的技术让人们可以通过手表、汽车、面包机或者笔连接到网络,这样人们就可以随时随地联络到彼此。

    It is the anxiety that is going to be produced when telecommunications combines with the " Evernet " -- the technology that allows people to get online from their watches , their cars , their toasters or their pens -- so that everyone will be able to be connected all the time , everywhere .

  25. 接入IPC的联络线并网启动分析

    Merging Start-up Analysis of the Tie-line Equipped with IPC

  26. 华东电网的联络线区域控制偏差(ACE)考核

    Implementation of tie-line area control error ( ace ) examination in East China Power Grid

  27. 计及联络线功率偏差处罚的AGC容量获取与调节策略

    Determination of AGC Capacity Requirement and regulation strategies considering penalties of tie-line power flow deviations

  28. 联合设计施工技术联络小组Solidworks组合软件在阀门设计中的运用

    Joint Design and Construction Technical Liaison Group Application of solidworks in valve design

  29. 基于IPC模糊控制的互联电网联络线潮流控制研究

    Research on the control of tie - line power flow on interconnected power system based on the IPC fuzzy control

  30. 还应该尝试将AjaxWeb应用程序设计为在客户机上执行尽可能多的逻辑,而不必联络服务器。

    You should also attempt to design your Ajax Web applications so that as much logic as possible can be performed on the client , without needing to contact the server .