
  • 网络Press Association;Associated Press
  1. 英国新闻联合社(PressAssociation)称,据报道他想“要辆赛车开”,在到达法拉利维修站时被安保人员扣留。

    He reportedly wanted to " try a car " and was detained by members of the security staff when he reached the Ferrari garage , the Press Association reported .

  2. 新闻联合社估计这个岛的价格在4万8千美元左右,亚瑟正在岛上为自己造一幢房子。

    According to the Press Association , the island , where Usher is now building himself a home , cost around $ 48,000 .

  3. 供销合作社联合社内部组织结构改革初探

    Inner Organization Structure Reform Pilot Study of the Supply and Marketing Cooperative

  4. 论中国合作社联合社的功能

    On the function and adopting policy on the federation of cooperatives in china

  5. 合作社联合社之入社或退社,应经各该联合社代表大会之决议。

    Affiliation or disaffiliation of a Cooperatives Union requires the resolution of the representative 's Congress of the union .

  6. 文章以甘肃省农村信用联合社内部控制为研究对象,采用理论分析和调研分析的研究方法围绕其内部控制体系建设这一主题展开系统研究。

    This paper mainly studies on the internal control system of Gansu Province Rural Credit Cooperative through theoretical analysis and practical research .

  7. 九四年公司被中华工商联合社列入中国信誉优良企业名典。

    Our company is listed in Famous Dictionary of Good Credit Enterprise of China by Association of Industry and commerce of china in1994 .

  8. 第三章辽宁省农村信用社联合社信贷风险管理模式的现状分析,根据其风险管理现状和风险管理的特点,分析其出现大量不良大款的根源。

    The third chapter analyzes the cause of non-performing loan according to the present situation and features of credit risk management in Liaoning rural credit union .

  9. 第五章借鉴国内外风险管理模式,结合辽宁省农村信用社联合社现状,构建适合其发展的的信贷风险管理模式。

    The fifth chapter builds the credit risk management mode that fits the conditions of Liaoning rural credit union drawing on the experience of other countries .

  10. 该声明还指出,负责管理该银行的山西农村信用社联合社调动了一组人员调查该事件。

    According to the statement , the Shanxi Rural Credit Co-operatives Union , which regulates the bank , has set up a group to investigate the incident .

  11. 从理论和实证方面分析了联合社的功能演化及其定位,从而指出发展联合社的政策取向。

    It was analyzed the evolution of the federation ? s function and its orientation from the theory and demonstration , further pointed out the developing policies of the federation .

  12. 根据新闻联合社的报道,关于那张100周内完成100个目标的清单,这位48岁的前水上摩托艇教练如今几乎已全数完成目标。

    Setting himself the task of achieving 100 goals in 100 weeks , the 48-year-old former jet-ski instructor has ( almost ) done it all , the Press Association reports .

  13. 周二下午,美国联合通讯社(AP)的帐号发布了一条推特。

    Tuesday afternoon , a tweet came out from the Associated Press 's account .

  14. 对美国联合通讯社(AP)就此事进行评论的要求,俄罗斯联邦安全局(FSB)并未做出回应。

    The FSB did not respond to an AP request for comment .

  15. cmcmarkets驻澳大利亚的大卫泰勒(davidtaylor)向澳大利亚联合新闻社(aap)表示,中国正在寻求机会,在各发达国家的经济进入复苏之前,以折扣价格买入资产和公司。

    David Taylor , an analyst at CMC markets in Australia , told the AAP news wire that China was seeking to buy assets and companies at discount prices before the economies of developed country went into recovery .

  16. 在北京联合通讯社的一个记者给我发电子邮件之前,我从未听说过OMP(造骨细胞乳制品或造骨细胞乳蛋白)。

    I had never heard of OMP ( osteoblast milk product or protein ) until this morning when a reporter from the Associated Press in Beijing sent me ane-mail about it .

  17. 澳大利亚联合新闻社(AAP)在周四说,在绿党和少数工党政府的支持下,法案有望最快在10月通过。

    The Australian Associated Press ( AAP ) said Thursday that it 's expected to pass the Legislative Assembly as soon as October , with the Australian Greens supporting the Labor minority government of the ACT on the move .

  18. 据美国联合通讯社一篇报道称,美国第一夫人和她10岁的女儿Sasha,13岁的女儿Malia被发现出现在巨星碧昂斯第二夜位于大西洋城狂欢度假村的演唱会上。

    The First Lady and daughters Sasha , 10 , and Malia , 13 , were spotted cheering on the superstar during the second night of her concert series at Atlantic City 's Revel Resorts , according to an AP report .

  19. 照片提供:PA/PA档案馆/联合摄影社

    Photograph : PA / PA Archive / Press Association Images

  20. 联合新闻社,威廉布鲁…

    William Bloom , United Press International . If I could just ...

  21. 澳大利亚联合新闻社20日报道称,澳大利亚2010年的大选似乎变得更加“性感”。

    The2010 Australian election campaign just got sexier .

  22. 这封信的复印件被送到了在安曼的联合新闻社。

    A copy of the letter was given to The Associated Press in Amman .

  23. 卡塔尔世界杯最高委员会秘书长哈桑·阿尔-塔瓦迪告知美国联合通讯社,该项锦标赛会如期举行。

    Hassan al-Thawadi , Qatar World Cup supreme committee secretary-general , told the AP that the tournament will go ahead as scheduled .

  24. 澳大利亚联合新闻社和第九电视网称,妮可圣诞前夕就回到了悉尼,目前正在那里拍摄一部电影。

    Kidman has been in Sydney since before Christmas and is making a movie in Australia , AAP and Nine Network television reported .

  25. 韩国联合新闻社星期三引述韩国官员的话说,北韩星期二向黄海发射了两枚中程导弹。

    South Korea 's Yonhap news agency Wednesday quoted South Korean officials as saying North Korea fired two medium-range missiles into the Yellow Sea on Tuesday .

  26. 联合通讯社也称,由于一些谈判代表有其它的外交安排,六方会谈要等到一月末才会重新开始。

    Yonhap also said the six-party nuclear talks are not likely to resume before late January because some negotiators are tied up with other diplomatic schedules .

  27. 据美国联合通讯社报道,这是儿童遗传性失明最常见的原因,每十万个新生儿中就会有2~3个人患有遗传性失明。

    It 's the most common cause of inherited childhood blindness , occurring in about 2 to 3 of every 100000 births , according to the AP .

  28. 朝鲜,自五月起,已经被发现在进行飞毛弹导弹的同时,还在进行一种新的中程导弹的军事演习行动。联合通讯社报道。

    The DPRK , since May , has been spotted with actions in preparation for firing a new mid-range missile , as well as scud missiles , Yonhap said .

  29. 这些研究对于联合日报社树立危机意识,做大做强自己的细分市场,抓住新媒体时代的机遇提供了有益的借鉴。

    By learning from these research , Union Daily Press can set up crisis consciousness , make its classified market stronger , gain opportunities in the era of new media .

  30. 一位陪审员说这个游戏通过让思维忙碌从而帮助他们集中注意力。“一些证据相当长,我发现很难一直保持注意力集中”澳大利亚联合通讯社援引这位陪审员的话说。

    " Some of the evidence is rather drawn out and I find it difficult to maintain my attention the whole time ," the juror was quoted saying by the Australian Associated Press .