
  • 网络rochdale
  1. 当然我没有把带我的妻子去看罗奇代尔比赛当作结婚周年礼物,今天是她的生日。

    Of course I didn 't take my wife to see Rochdale as an anniversary present , it was her birthday .

  2. 这名左后卫将直接进入新主帅彼得·泰勒的大名单,参加周二晚对阵领头羊罗奇代尔的英乙联赛。

    The left back will go straight into new manager Peter Taylor 's squad for Tuesday night 's clash with League Two leaders Rochdale .

  3. 罗奇代尔证券(RochedaleSecurities)的银行业分析师博韦昨天在一份报告中称,购买明富环球部分或全部资产有可能为高盛集团创造出一笔“意外收益”。

    Banking analyst Dick Bove of Rochedale Securities said in a note yesterday that buying some or all of MF Global might create " a windfall profit " for Goldman .

  4. 与罗奇代尔证券公司分析师迪克•波维一样,欣茨竭力为金融服务业辩护,希望它尽量少受限制。

    The one-time treasurer of Morgan Stanley and current equity analyst covering brokers , exchanges , and trust banks for Bernstein research is as much a defender of an unshackled financial services industry as Dick bove .