
ɡǔ fèn suǒ yǒu quán
  • Share ownership;stock ownership
  1. 股份所有权的过户日为目标公司利润记入收购方损益的基准日,这一规定应当明确体现在公司购并法律规定中。

    The ownership-transferring day should be the datum day .

  2. 卖方应该使买房获得有效的股份所有权,且该股份不受所有的费用、抵押权、留置权、股权和主张的影响。

    The Vendor shall procure that the Purchaser acquires good title to the Shares free from all charges , liens , encumbrances , equities and claims whatsoever .

  3. 只有促进国有股份所有权“人格化”的实现和建立有效的督导机制,才是解决问题的根本所在。

    What is essential to solving the problem is to promote the realization of the " personalization " of state-owned share ownership and establish an effective supervising mechanism .

  4. 在分析现代企业产权的三重结构基础上,指出无论股份所有权向机构投资者集中或者向法人集中,都将导致经理层支配。

    On the basis of analysing the three - layer structure of property rights in modern corporation , the shareholdings will be controlled by the managerial layer , which are concentrated on either the institutional investor or the corporation .

  5. 香港交易所(HongKongStockExchange)一直致力于解决国际基金公司提出的问题,后者担忧通过沪港通持有的投资的法律地位以及交易周期内不同时点所购股份的所有权问题。

    The Hong Kong Stock Exchange has been working frantically to address problems raised by international fund managers , who have had concerns over the legal status of investments held through Stock Connect and their ownership of those shares at various points during the trading cycle .

  6. 本文共分四章:第一章股份同期所有权规则及其突破概述。

    Chapter ⅰ: Summary of shares contemporary ownership rule and its breakthrough .

  7. 家族资本主义、经理资本主义与机构资本主义&对股份公司所有权与控制权关系演进和变化的分析

    Family Capitalism , Manager Capitalism and Organization Capitalism ── On the evolution and changes of the relationship between property right and controlling power in stock companies

  8. 针对不同的分类,设计不同的股份同期所有权突破规则,如将完全控股、部分控股等特殊情况加以区别对待等。

    Special rules of shares contemporary ownership shall be designed according to different classifications . For example , the special conditions such as entirely holding and partly holding shall be treated distinctively .

  9. 本文在吸收美国先进判例法基础上,提出了对股份同期所有权规则的突破理论。该种突破可以具体表现为:多重代表诉讼、穿越投票权、多层查阅权等三项制度。

    Referring to the advanced case law of America , this paper puts forward theory breakthrough of contemporary ownership rule , which contains the systems of multiple derivative suit , pass through voting right and multiple inspection right .

  10. 此外,该公司股份的确切所有权也晦暗不明。

    And the precise ownership of the company 's shares are murky .

  11. 股票代表着其持有者(即股东)对股份公司的所有权。

    The stock represents its holder ( ie shareholders ) on the ownership of shares in the company .

  12. 委托书征集制度是现代股份有限公司所有权和控制权分离的产物。

    Proxy solicitation is the result of the division between ownership and control of the modern company by shares .

  13. 或动产,如牲畜),也可以是无形财产(如股份)享有所有权的人,可以合法地对有关财产享有一切权利。

    A person having ownership has the fullest group of rights which a person can legally have in relation to things of that kind .

  14. 股票投资具有流动性的优点,因为投资者可以很容易地通过卖出股份使其所有权转换成现金。

    Investment in these shares have the advantage of liquidity , because investors easily may convert their corporate ownership into cash by selling their shares .

  15. 从性质上讲,股份公司是所有权的一种实现形式,所以我国现在公司的最重要的问题是投资者保护问题,而非利益相关者问题;

    Stock company is one realization form of ownership and therefore currently the most important question faced by Chinese companies is how to protect investors rather than stakeholders .

  16. 股份公司股份的所有权证明,通常为证书形式。

    Stock ownership of a corporation represented by shares usually in the form of certificates .

  17. 股份有限公司的所有权属于股东,他们分享的所有权通过股票的形式体现出来。

    The owners of a corporation are its stockholders whose shares of ownership are rep-resented by stock certificates .

  18. 现代股份制企业在所有权和经营权相分离的背景下,管理者的薪酬在解决代理问题中发挥着重要的作用。

    In the context of the separation of ownership and operating rights of modern joint-stock enterprises , management compensation plays an important role in resolving this issue .

  19. 当股东向企业投入现金或其他资产时,公司发行相应的股份以证明其所有权。

    When stockholders invest cash or other assets in the business , the corporation issues to them in exchange shares of capital as evidence of their ownership .

  20. 股份制企业的所有权与控制权分离源于股份制企业制度下的企业法人资产制度和股权自由交易的股票市场制度。

    The separation of ownership and control of corporations lies on system for corporate asset , limited liabilities of stockholders and the system of stock market which equity exchange is free .

  21. 表决权信托产生之初曾因分离了股份表决权和所有权被认为违反公共政策。

    Early in the history of the voting trust the courts were almost solely concerned that voting trust involved a divorce of the voting power from the beneficial ownership of the stock and deemed it violated public policy .

  22. 如果解禁的股份仍然掌握在原有股东手中,或者只有少数股份的所有权发生了变化,那么实际的股权结构并不会发生根本性的转变。

    If the lifting shares are still in the hands of the original shareholders ', or only a small number of shares in the ownership have changed , the actual ownership structure will have no fundamental changes .