
ɡǔ fèn zhì
  • stock system;stock-holding system
  1. 略论中国银行和建设银行试行股份制

    On the Trial Adoption of Stock-holding System by Bank of China and Bank of Construction

  2. 从制度经济学的研究视角来看,中国国有商业银行正在相继进行的股份制改造,就是实施股份制的制度移植及本土化。

    Viewed from the research visual angle of the institutional economics , the stock-holding system transformation that CSCB ( China 's state-owned commercial banks ) are carrying on in succession is to implement the institutional transplantation and indigenization of the stock-holding system .

  3. Q公司成立于2000年,2004年完成股份制改制,2008年在深圳证券交易所挂牌上市。

    Company Q was founded in 2000.It listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2008 .

  4. X市农村商业银行是在原农村信用合作联社的基础上,由自然人、境内非金融机构共同发起设立组建的股份制商业银行。

    X Rural Commercial Bank is in the original rural credit cooperative association , based on a natural person , co-sponsored by domestic non-financial institutions to establish the formation of joint-stock commercial banks .

  5. 自我国加入WTO,整个金融体系发生了巨大的变化,四大国有银行的市场份额呈逐年下降趋势,股份制商业银行及城市商业银行的市场占有率逐年提高。

    After joining the WTO , great changes have taken place in the whole financial system . The market share of the four major state-owned banks is declining while that of the joint-stock commercial banks and city commercial banks is increasing year by year .

  6. 随着我国金融市场的改革开放,国内中小股份制商业银行纷纷崛起,特别是加入WTO后外资银行通过多种渠道进入我国金融市场,致使原四大国有商业银行一统天下的局面不复存在。

    With the reform and opening of Chinese financial market , the small and medium-sized joint-stock commercial bank are rising in China , the foreign-funded banks enter into Chinese financial market via many channels , which leading the stated-owned commercial bank cannot control Chinese banking industry anymore .

  7. 在银行业中,建设银行于2002年率先在部分分行尝试建立EVA绩效管理体系,兴业银行、工商银行、招商银行等股份制商业银行也不同程度地进行了探索。

    In the banking sector , the Construction Bank in 2002 , took the lead in some branches of trying to establish EVA Performance Management System , Industrial Bank , Industrial and Commercial Bank , China Merchants Bank and other joint-stock commercial banks have also been explored to varying degrees .

  8. 中行GX分行作为国家控股的股份制商业银行,面对同业间日趋激烈的竞争,个人金融业务发展在机遇面前也将面临着巨大的挑战。

    Bank of China GX Branch , as one of the state-controlled commercial banks , has to face the rigorous banking industry competition . In other words , IFB development faces the great challenge as well as the opportunities .

  9. 方法随机抽取嘉兴市即将破产的企业、国有企业、股份制企业职工各100名为研究对象,采用SCL-90、LES问卷对3组职工对象进行调查。

    Methods Random sampling was used to choose 100 subjects from the employees in the bankrupt enterprise , the state-owned enterprise , and the stock-company type enterprise of Jiaxing city . The symptom checklist-90 ( SCL-90 ) and the life events scale ( LES ) were applied in questionnaire surveys .

  10. 高速公路股份制运作问题研究

    Study on Operation of Expressway 's Stock System Reformation and Listing

  11. 我国国有银行和股份制商业银行的效率差异及投入拥挤实证研究

    Efficiency Difference and Input Crowding Analysis on State-owned and Joint-stock Banks

  12. 股份制改革是破解支农困局的一个大胆的尝试。

    Stock reform is cracked support a dilemma for bold attempt .

  13. 国有企业模拟股份制&国有资产经营探索

    State Enterprise Imitate Stock System - State Assets Management Explore

  14. 国有林业企业股份制改造探索

    Probe of the Reform from State-owned Forestry Enterprise to a Limited Company

  15. 集体林区林业股份制构建初探

    Preliminary exploration on share holding system in collective forest regions

  16. 知识工资在股份制商业银行薪酬体系中的应用研究

    Researching the Application of Knowledge-relating Wages in the Stipend System of JCBC

  17. 国有企业改组为股份制公司的若干会计问题

    Some Accounting Questions about state Enterprise Restructured to Joint-stock Company

  18. 近几年来,我省股份制公司不断增加。

    In recent years , joint-stock company increases constantly in Shannxi Province .

  19. 多元股份制:一元股份企业制度的扬弃

    Summary on the National Colloquium of Multi - share System

  20. 我国国有股份制企业的委托代理关系分析

    Analysis of the Principal-agent Relationship of the State-owned Stock Enterprises

  21. 我国股份制商业银行估值模型选择的研究

    The Research on Valuation Models of Commercial Bank in China

  22. 股份制商业银行的融资决策

    Financial Decision of Joint - stock Business Banks in China

  23. 中国股份制企业分配制度的改革与完善

    The Reform and Inprovement of the Chinese Joint-Stock Enterprises ' Distribution Institution

  24. 股份制商业银行未来发展的五个趋势

    The Five Trends of Future Development of Share - holding Commercial Banks

  25. 海星超市,是西安股份制企业海星集团的全资子公司。

    Sea-star Supermarket is one subsidiary company of Sea-star group .

  26. 目前城市商业银行的市场化改革和股份制改造正在如火如荼地进行。

    Currently the joint-stock market reform of city commercial banks is ongoing .

  27. 中小股份制银行公司业务的战略思考

    Thinking on the corporate banking of small and medium banks

  28. 试论股份制与合作制的相互融合

    On the mixing together of the share system and the cooperative system

  29. 公司2009年完成改制,成为股份制公司。

    The company was restructured as stock company in 2009 .

  30. 改革中求发展:农村信用合作社股份制改造个案研究&以常熟市农村信用合作社改制为例

    A Case Study of Shareholding Reform of Rural Credit Cooperatives