
dà zhòng huà
  • popular;in a popular style
大众化[dà zhòng huà]
  1. 然而,越来越大众化的GIS,为解决此类问题提供了技术上的可能。

    However , more and more popular GIS technology provides us technical possibility for solving this problems .

  2. 我们认为,您会更喜欢一个比大众化的“Helloworld!”示例更真实、更有用的例子。

    We thought you would appreciate a more real-world , useful example over the popular " Hello world !" example .

  3. 他们的音乐很大众化。

    Their music is very middle-of-the-road .

  4. 电视提供大众化的娱乐节目。

    Television offers universal entertainment .

  5. 但随着太空变得越来越大众化,对于普通人来说,卫星也渐渐地不再那么遥不可及。

    But increasingly , as space becomes more democratized , they are coming within reach of ordinary people .

  6. 大众化是社会心理学中一个广泛研究的课题。

    Popularity is a well-explored subject in social psychology .

  7. 有声书曾经是一种静态、小众的东西,供发烧友们租借笨重的磁带或CD在上下班通勤时听。现在它已经变得大众化。

    Once a static niche for aficionados renting clunky cassettes or CDs for their commutes , audio books have gone mass-market .

  8. 使得本来尊贵高端的VIP,变得日益大众化。

    The distinguished high-end VIP has become increasingly popular .

  9. 提高普通高等学校的教学质量,是我国加入WTO和进入高等教育大众化阶段后不容忽视的问题。

    It is an important problem for the common university to improve the teaching quality since China joining the WTO and entering popularize stage in higher education .

  10. 奢侈品是势利者的游戏,但是MichaelKorsHoldingsLtd.想把这个游戏变得大众化。

    Luxury is a snob 's game , and Michael Kors Holdings Ltd. wants to democratize it .

  11. 当前,空间数据的异构性已经严重制约和阻碍了GIS在各部门中的进一步应用,延缓了GIS的大众化发展。

    At present , the heterogeneous spatial data has already restricted and hindered the further application in every department of GIS seriously , delayed the popular development of GIS .

  12. 中国正处在高等教育大众化的进程之中,计算机辅助教学(CAI)可以为加快此进程提供必要的技术支持。

    Chinese higher education is in the course of popularity , Computer Assistant Inculcation ( CAI ) can offer necessary technical sustain for the course .

  13. WebGIS是GIS与Internet网络的有机结合,它使GIS的应用领域从专家系统扩展到社会的方方面面,成为了大众化的信息工具。

    The Web GIS is the organic wedge bonding of the GIS and the Internet , it makes the GIS expand from expert system to the square aspect noodles of the society and become a popularized information tool .

  14. 高等学校专业设置调整是市场经济的必然要求,是满足国家产业结构变化的需要,是我国加入WTO的需要,是大众化教育发展的需要,是解决大学生就业难问题的需要。

    This is an inevitable demand in the market economy , and is one of the national industrial adjust - ment , of joining WTO of developing the popularized education , of solving the problems in employment .

  15. 而像保时捷(porsche)这样的超高端品牌也始终不愿触碰电视广告,因其过于大众化。

    Or even ultra high-end brands , such as Porsche , which have always shunned TV simply because it is too mass-market .

  16. 《梨园春》改版6年来,一直保持着戏曲+电视VS名人名段+擂台赛的平民大众化路线,并因此获得惊人的高收视率和市场份额。

    " Liyuanchun " has been maintaining the route since the edition correction 6 years before , which is " the drama + television VS the artists performing famous pieces of drama + challenge match " .

  17. 他们有一段迹近相似的献身文学大众化的经历。

    They had the same experience of devoting to literature popularization .

  18. 高教大众化:广东的困惑与对策

    The Popularity of Higher Education in Guangdong : Difficulties and Strategies

  19. 媒介素养教育的大众化问题是媒介素养教育的核心问题。

    The popularization is the core problem of medium accomplishments education .

  20. 中国现代美术大众化思潮的兴起

    On the Emergence of Mass Transformation in Chinese Modern Fine Arts

  21. 我国的高等教育从精英化教育迈进了大众化教育。

    The higher education is from elite education to popular education .

  22. 第三,反现代性;现代性与大众化的关系;

    Thirdly , the relationship between Modernity , counter-modernity and popularity ;

  23. 而且大众化的不期而至,使质量问题变得更为复杂一些。

    It is more difficult when the massification comes into reality .

  24. 走出高等教育大众化的就业瓶颈

    The predicament of popularization of higher education and its way out

  25. 德国大学大众化格斗体育的发展观

    Development View on Popular Combat Sports in Germany Universities and Colleges

  26. 高等教育大众化的前提是多样化。

    The premise of the popular higher education is diversification .

  27. 文艺大众化:话语与实践的递嬗

    Literature Becomes Popular : Evolvement and Development of the Theory and Practice

  28. 高等教育大众化时代大学生就业形势与对策探析

    On Popularization of Higher Education and Counter Measures in Students ' Employment

  29. 树立高等教育大众化新理念

    Establish the New Idea of the Popularization of Higher Education

  30. 证券投资基金是一种大众化的信托投资工具。

    Securities Investment Funds Trust is a popular investment instrument .