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gōng nóng chā bié
  • difference between industry and agriculture;difference between workers and peasants;gap between workers and peasants
工农差别[gōng nóng chā bié]
  1. 农民创业,一方面可以加速农村劳动力转移,另一方面可以推动农村非农产业的发展,对消除二元结构、缩小工农差别和统筹城乡社会经济发展具有重要意义。

    Entrepreneurial activity of farmers speed up the transfer of rural labor force , also it can promote the development of rural non-agricultural industries , which is of great significance to eliminate the dual structure , narrowing the difference between workers and peasants and the urban and rural socio-economic development .

  2. 城乡差别、工农差别多年来一直是全社会关注的重要问题。

    The differences between town and country , the workers and peasants difference for many years has been the whole society pay attention to important issues .

  3. 城镇人口的比重较大幅度提高,工农差别、城乡差别和地区差别扩大的趋势逐步扭转。

    The proportion of urban population will go up considerably and the trend of widening differences between industry and agriculture , between urban and rural areas and between regions will be reversed step by step .

  4. 要实现二元经济向一元经济的成功转型不仅要依赖于农村人口向城市的转移,而且要提高农业自身的生产能力,改善农村生活条件,使工农差别和城乡差别不断缩小。

    In order to successfully transform the dual economic structure to the single economic structure , we must transfer rural population to urban areas , improve agricultural productivity and rural living conditions , and reduce the discrepancies between workers and farmers , and between urban and rural areas .