首页 / 词典 / good

  • morning
  • long ago;as early as;for a long time
  • early;beforehand;in advance;good morning
  • 太阳出来的时候:~晨。~晚。

  • 时间靠前,有一定的时间以前:~退。~恋。~慧(幼时聪明)。~衰。~逝(早死)。

  • 时间在先的,从前:~期。~春。~已。


(早晨) morning:

  • 清早

    early in the morning;

  • 从早到晚

    from morning till night


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 早乐东

    Zao Ledong


(很久以前) long ago; as early as; for a long time:

  • 早在童年时代

    as early as in the childhood;

  • 他早走了。

    He left long ago.

  • 我早知道了。

    I knew that long ago.; That's no news to me.


(时间在先的) early:

  • 早白头

    premature white hair;

  • 早稻

    early rice


(比一定的时间靠前) early; beforehand; in advance:

  • 提早交货

    goods delivered in advance;

  • 早作准备

    get prepared in advance; make timely preparations;

  • 你早点儿来。

    Come early.

  • 为时尚早。

    It's still early.

  • 天不早了。

    It's getting late.

  • 早知如此, 我就不回去了。

    If I'd known this beforehand, I would not have gone back.


(问候的话, 用于早晨见面时互相招呼) good morning:

  • 老师早!

    Good morning, teacher.

  1. 街上从早到晚车水马龙。

    The street is full of traffic from morning till night .

  2. 星期一一早这个报告就得放在我的办公桌上。

    I need the report on my desk first thing Monday morning .

  3. 最早来到音乐会的人坐上了最好的座位。

    The first arrivals at the concert got the best seats .

  4. 我们很早就起床出发了,趁天还没热。

    We were up and off early to beat the heat .

  5. 我们得早起床,可以吧?

    We 've got to get up early , all right ?

  6. 我们最早也要到下星期五才能完成。

    We can 't finish before next Friday at the earliest .

  7. 这是英国同类学校中最早的一所。

    The school is the first of its kind in Britain .

  8. 这种树这么早开花很不寻常。

    It 's unusual for the trees to flower so early .

  9. 我最早也要到三号才能赶到。

    The earliest possible date I can make it is the third .

  10. 早在有历史记载之前很久这个地区就有人居住了。

    The area was inhabited long before the dawn of recorded history .

  11. 时间不早了——我们得动身了。

    It 's getting late ─ we 'd better make a move .

  12. 你的女婴在会说话前很早就要开始咿呀发声了。

    Your baby will begin to vocalize long before she can talk .

  13. 我们每天从早8点至晚7点营业。

    We 're open from 8 to 7 every day .

  14. 我们走得越早就到得越早。

    The sooner we set off , the sooner we will arrive .

  15. 我和他初次见面早在1980年代。

    I first met him way back in the 80s .

  16. 咱们回家吧,时间不早了。

    Let 's go home ─ it 's getting late .

  17. 相当多的人打算早到。

    Quite a few people are going to arrive early .

  18. 最早预订者可得最好的房间。

    The best rooms go to those who book earliest .

  19. 这个乐队早在1990年就录制了他们的第一张唱片。

    The band made their first record as far back as 1990 .

  20. 天不早了——咱们走吧。

    It 's late ─ we 'd better get moving .

  21. 我搞错了日期,早到了一个星期。

    I muddled the dates and arrived a week early .

  22. 你来得真早!我还以为你七点钟才到呢。

    You 're early ! I wasn 't expecting you till seven .

  23. 我们要是现在动身,我就可以赶上早一点的航班。

    If we leave now , I can catch the earlier flight .

  24. 要是早知道,我绝不会来的。

    Had I known that I would never have come .

  25. 胚胎的性别早在受精时就决定了。

    The sex of the embryo is predetermined at fertilization .

  26. 她的第一次失败使她很早便懂得了谦逊。

    Her first defeat was an early lesson in humility .

  27. 早到将会对你有利。

    It will be to your benefit to arrive early .

  28. “早干什么去了!”我母亲刻薄地说。

    ' Too late ! ' said my mother tartly .

  29. 她像惯常一样起得很早。

    She got up early , as was her wont .

  30. 我得回家了,早过了我的就寝时间了。

    I must be going home ; it 's way past my bedtime .