
  • 网络Early awakening;Early morning awakening;insomnia-late
  1. 主要影响因素依次为夜间如厕,咳嗽,易醒或早醒,做恶梦等。

    It was related to some physiological factors such as night toilet , cough , he easily wakened and early morning awakening , and having nightmare , etc.

  2. 抑郁自评量表得分与Athens失眠量表总分、早醒总睡眠时间减少、总睡眠质量差、白天情绪改变、白天躯体症状密切相关。

    And , a positively correlations between SDS and total score of AIS , early awakening , sleep time decreasing , emotion changing and body symptom in the day .

  3. 结论:PD患者睡眠障碍较为常见,主要表现为白天过度困倦、失眠、多恶梦、睡眠破碎和早醒等;

    Conclusion : Sleep disorder is very common in Parkinson 's disease and the main type is excessive daytime sleepiness ( EDS ), insomnia in the second place .

  4. 早醒和非早醒组的睡眠总时间比对照组显著为短(331.7±25.6和333.9±52.7比386.7±41.3,P均<0.05);

    Total sleep time of patients in early awakening group and non-early awakening group ( 331.7 ± 25.6 and ( 333.9 ±) 52.7 ) was significantly shorter than that of patients in control group ( 386.7 ± 41.3 , P < 0.05 ) .

  5. 非早醒组的运动觉醒时间比对照组显著为短[(3.1±1.4)min(6.8±3.1)min,P<0.05]。

    It was significantly shorter for movement awakening time in non-early awakening group than that in control group [ ( 3.1 ± 1.4 ) min : ( 6.8 ± 3.1 ) min , P < 0.05 ] .

  6. HAMD总分抑郁症组明显高于精神分裂症组(P<001),其中尤以抑郁情绪、罪恶感、自杀、早醒和体重减轻突出。

    The HAMD total score was significantly lower in schizophrenia than in depression ( P < 0.01 ) . Depressed mood , feeling of guilt , suicide , loss of weight and insomnia-late scores were significantly lower in schizophrenia than in depression ( P < 0.01 ) .

  7. 2琴瑟阿,你们当醒起。我自己要极早醒起。

    Awake , psaltery and harp : I myself will awake early .

  8. 我早晨往往早醒。

    I tend to wake up early in the morning .

  9. 惊厥早醒,再度入睡困难。

    Early morning waking and difficulty getting back to sleep .

  10. 睡眠(入睡困难、睡眠浅和早醒);

    Sleep ( difficulty falling asleep , superficial sleep and early awakening );

  11. 入睡困难和睡眠维持障碍(早醒伴再入睡困难)是最常见的症状。

    The most common symptoms included difficulty in falling asleep and sleeping disturbance .

  12. “我们很早醒了,尔后吃了一顿丰盛的早餐。”

    " After an early awakening , we had a big breakfast . "

  13. 结论()郁症的早醒可能与精神运动性阻滞相关联。

    Conclusion ( 1 ) There is an association early awakening with psychomotor retardation in patients with depression .

  14. 结果表明:妄想性抑郁症早醒、幻听、焦虑、自杀观念、自杀行为出现率较高,自杀相对危险性是对照组的2.56倍,尤以流露自杀观念;

    The rate of relative risk of suicide is 2.56 times as high as that of control group ;

  15. 结果:入睡困难、睡眠中断、醒后难睡、早醒是失眠的常见症状。相关因素有焦虑,抑郁,皮肤、肢体痛,病理、生理因素,睡眠环境。

    Result : Related factors include : anxiety , depression , extremity pain , pathological physiological factor , sleeping enviroment .

  16. 睡眠问题主要为失眠后反应、入睡困难、睡眠不稳、早醒。

    The dyssomnia in 300 medical inpatients mainly included post-insomnia , difficulty of falling sleep , unstable sleep and early wake .

  17. 不伴早醒的抑郁症可能由慢波睡眠向快波睡眠的转相增快。

    It could be more rapidly shifted for phase from slow wave sleep to rapid wave sleep in depressives without early awakening .

  18. 失眠还有其他症状:早醒后无法再入睡,睡觉的时间断断续续,或一连数小时无法入睡。

    Other symptoms are : waking early and not getting back to sleep constantly interrupted short periods of sleep , or hours of wakefulness .

  19. 时差或倒班引起睡眠相混乱,其特征是早醒或白天晚醒。

    Sleep phase disturbances caused by jet lag or shift work can be characterized by early awakening or by awakening later in the day .

  20. 悲剧性的以不幸结束的或有可能以不幸结束的;不祥的结论()郁症的早醒可能与精神运动性阻滞相关联。

    Resulting or likely to result in misfortune ; inauspicious . Conclusion ( 1 ) There is an association early awakening with psychomotor retardation in patients with depression .

  21. 研究人员希望弄清楚究竟是皮质醇含量促使人们早醒,还是早醒导致这种激素含量的升高。

    The researchers hope to discover whether high cortisol levels caused the early birds to wake early , or whether their hormone levels were high because of their early start .

  22. 2000年6月到10月对保护地桃品种早醒艳桃的花芽进行取材,采用扫描电镜技术和制作石蜡切片系统地研究了保护地桃花芽分化的过程。

    Flower bud of Zao Xing Yan Peach selected from June to October in 2000 is processed by scanning electron microscope and paraffin-cut section and the flower-bud differentiation is observed systemically .

  23. 两组观察对象均知情同意。采用自行设计的睡眠行为调查表调查两组睡眠行为指标,包括入睡困难、早醒、睡眠维持困难和睡眠过多。

    The self-designed sleep behavior inventory was used in both groups to investigate the indexes of sleep behavior , including difficulty in falling asleep , early wake-up , difficulty in sleep maintenance and excessive sleep .

  24. 失眠按症状表现分为:入睡困难、多梦、易醒、早醒、醒后难入睡。

    According to the symptoms , insomnia can be divided into five kinds : difficulty to fall asleep , dreaminess , easy to wake , early to wake , difficult to fall asleep after waking up .

  25. 食物是能量的来源,大餐能让你消化系统延长工作时间,并可能带来胃灼热,这两种情况都能使你无法正常入睡。酒精-哪怕是一小口-也能让你无法正常入睡,并且容易早醒。

    Food creates energy , and big meals can trigger indigestion and heartburn - both of which can keep you up . Alcohol - even small amounts - can cause disruptive sleep and an early rise .

  26. 方法对10例伴早醒的抑郁症(早醒组)、8例不伴早醒的抑郁症(非早醒组)和10例对照组进行睡眠脑电图检查。

    Methods It was estimated for time from awakening to getting up in 10 depressives with early awakening ( early awakening group ), 8 depressives without early awakening ( non - early awakening group ) and 10 control group .

  27. 快速型心律失常的常见症状为:心悸、口干喜饮、乏力、气短和胸闷,并常伴有胃胀、入睡困难和早醒。

    The common symptoms of tachyarrhythmia are : palpitations , dry mouth with desire for drink , fatigue , shortness of breath and tightness in the chest , usually with abdominal distention , difficulty in falling asleep and wake up early .

  28. 结果治疗前后两组病人总睡眠时间、早醒延迟时间、夜间觉醒次数与治疗前相比有明显改善(P<0.05)。

    Result At the end of trial , total sleeping time , postponement of early awakening and frequencies of waking up in sleeping time had significantly improved than those of before the treatment ( P < 0.05 ) in both groups .

  29. 背景:大量的神经心理学研究证实抑郁症患者存在睡眠障碍,体现在早醒、入睡时间延长、睡眠质量下降、维持睡眠困难以及睡眠感缺乏等方面。

    Background : The majority of studies about the neuropsychology of depression have confirmed that the patients with depression exhibited general sleep disorders ( SD ), especially in directions just like earlier waking-up , extended fall-asleep-time , descended sleep quality , difficult to keep sleeping and slept-feeling deficiency et al .

  30. 她一夜心神烦乱,很早就醒了。

    She awoke early after a disturbed night .