
  • 网络sleep disorder;Sleep Disturbance;sleep
  1. 什么是睡眠紊乱?

    What is Sleep disorder ?

  2. 血不归肝,肝不藏魂,则睡眠紊乱。

    Blood is not owned by the liver , liver does not shed the soul , the sleep disorder .

  3. 个患有睡眠紊乱的病人进行多导睡眠描记法对其健康状况进行调查。

    The health status of 435 consecutive patients with sleep disturbances necessitating polysomnography was investigated . 435

  4. 马里兰州贝塞斯达全国睡眠紊乱研究中心主任卡尔·E·亨特说,大多数人都没有给自己充分的舒缓时间。

    According to Carl E.Hunt , director of the National Center on Sleep Disorders Research in Bethesda , Maryland , most people do not allow themselves sufficient deceleration .

  5. 它已经被与癫痫发作、REM睡眠紊乱以及诸如帕金森症和阿尔兹罕默氏病等大脑器质性病变联系起来。

    Sleepwalking has been linked to seizures , REM sleep disorders and organic brain disorders like Parkinson 's and Alzheimer 's.

  6. KarenBonuck:“整体上来看,研究的核心发现是,睡眠紊乱呼吸与不利神经行为后果50%的增量有关。”

    KAREN BONUCK : " The central finding is that sleep-disordered breathing is associated with a fifty percent increase in adverse neurobehavioral outcomes . "

  7. 自从在1929年被发明以来,EEG被公认为研究睡眠紊乱、诊断癫痫和脑瘤和其它医学领域的大多数疾病的得力助手。

    Since its creation in 1929 , the EEG has proved an invaluable tool in understanding sleep disorders , in diagnosing patients for epilepsy and brain tumors , and in a whole host of other medical areas .

  8. 研究人员们提示体重增加也许源于睡眠紊乱。

    The researchers suggest the weight gain could stem from sleep disruption

  9. 日间奢睡可以是由睡眠紊乱造成的。

    Daytime sleepiness can be caused by sleep disorders .

  10. 广东省澄海市4~12岁儿童睡眠紊乱现况调查

    Sleep disturbance among children aged 4-12 years old in Chenghai city of Guangdong province

  11. 习惯性打鼾会伴有一系列的夜间睡眠紊乱症状,白天嗜睡症状,及性格行为异常。

    Habitual snoring may be associated with symptoms including sleep difficulties and daytime neurobehavioral problems .

  12. 是一种急性脑病,以睡眠紊乱、神经精神及锥体外系症状为特徵。

    Encephalitis lethargic is an acute encephalopathic illness characterised by sleep disturbance , neuropsychiatric and extrapyramidal symptoms .

  13. 在术后6个月内直肠癌结肠造口患者的疲乏、疼痛、呼吸困难、睡眠紊乱、食欲减退等症状逐渐加重;

    Symptoms such as pain , dyspnoea , insomnia and appetite lose deteriorated along with the time .

  14. 频繁的上洗手间常伴随睡眠紊乱、头痛、腰痛。

    Frequent visits to the bathroom are often accompanied by sleep disturbances , headaches , and backaches .

  15. 这种疾病会引起睡眠紊乱、神志模糊、性格变化、语言障碍、癫痫和昏迷。

    The disease causes sleep disorders , mental confusion , personality changes , speech problems , seizures and coma .

  16. 卡尔-亨特是美国马里兰州国家卫生研究院睡眠紊乱研究中心的负责人。

    Carl Hunt directs the National Institutes of Health 's National Center on Sleep Disorders Research in Bethesda , Maryland .

  17. 睡眠紊乱还可能由抑郁症、冠心病和其他疾病导致或加剧这些病症。

    Sleep disruption can also be caused by - or heighten - depression , cardiovascular disease , and other conditions .

  18. 按化学结构分类概述失眠和发作性嗜睡型睡眠紊乱治疗药物的研究与开发。

    According to chemical structure , the research and development of the medication for insomnia and narcolepsy were summarized classifiers .

  19. 据克拉科夫说,尚未找出原因的不能治愈的睡眠紊乱很有可能是日间疲劳和困乏的最大原因。

    According to Krakow , undiagnosed and untreated sleep disorders are probably the greatest cause of daytime fatigue and sleepiness .

  20. 据克拉科夫说,尚未找出原因的不能治愈的睡眠紊乱很有可能是日间疲劳和困乏的最大原因。睡眠问题还可能由特定的疾病和药物引起。精神状态如:沮丧、创伤后应激障碍和焦虑通常都和睡眠问题联系在一起。

    And mental conditions such as depression , posttraumatic stress disorder , and anxiety are very commonly linked to sleep problems .

  21. 人们仅仅知道,这种情况可以增加癌症、消化性溃疡及睡眠紊乱的发生风险。

    What little is known suggests the condition can increase the risk of cancer , peptic ulcers , and sleep disorders .

  22. 我们还希望评价睡眠紊乱对于情绪和认识功能的影响,以及哪些生物因素对这些影响有作用。

    We want to assess how sleep disorders affect emotional and cognitive functioning ; and what are the biological factors responsible for these effects .

  23. 其它睡眠紊乱,包括呼吸暂停和嗜睡症,也会提高坏梦出现频率。

    And other sleeping disorders , including apnea and narcolepsy , may also increase the incidence of bad dreams and ni g ht m ar e.

  24. 敦促怀疑孩子可能有睡眠紊乱的父母亲咨询孩子的儿科医师或者睡眠专家。

    Parents who suspect that their teen might be suffering from a sleep disorder are encouraged to consult with their teen 's pediatrician or a sleep specialist .

  25. 如果你始终感觉自己很累或者没有足够的休息即使你花了很长时间去睡觉,那么你可能得了睡眠紊乱。

    If you consistently find yourself feeling tired or not well rested during the day despite spending enough time in bed at night , you may have a sleep disorder .

  26. 睡眠紊乱可能和老年痴呆症或其他类型的痴呆症有关,影响着老年人记忆信息、解决问题的能力,并会影响日常行为。

    This disruption may be linked to Alzheimer 's and other forms of dementia , impacting seniors ' ability to remember information , problem-solve , and go through everyday behaviors .

  27. 你似乎需要另一个理由以避免高脂饮食,研究表明,常吃高脂食品的人不但体重增加,亦出现睡眠紊乱。

    As if you needed another reason to avoid high-fat foods , research shows that people who often eat high-fat foods not only gain weight , they also experience a disruption of their sleep cycles .

  28. 据《韩国时报》报道,该部门曾表示,过量摄入咖啡因会导致头晕、心跳加速、睡眠紊乱或神经紧张,如果持续摄入,会损害儿童的身心健康。

    The ministry had said that consuming too much caffeine can cause dizziness , a rapid heartbeat , sleep disorders or nervousness , and can harm a child 's physical and mental health if consumed continuously , The Korea Times reported .

  29. 这项研究发表在《儿科》杂志上,估计有十分之一的孩子定期打鼾,其他患有睡眠紊乱呼吸症的孩子比例更小。

    Other studies have linked sleep with children 's behavior , but this study was extensive enough to reject other possible causes . The study appears in the journal Pediatrics . An estimated one child in ten snores regularly . A smaller number suffer from other sleep-disordered breathing .

  30. 研究人员对快速眼部活动睡眠行为紊乱者进行了研究,这些人在睡眠期间会一边做梦一边乱动。

    The researchers studied individuals with REM sleep behavior disorder18 , which causes people to act out their dreams while they 're sleeping .