
  • 网络Sleeping habit;sleep pattern
  1. 南密西西比大学JohnHarsh博士和他的同事们询问了738名2至12岁儿童的父母,了解他们孩子的睡眠习惯。

    John Harsh at the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg and his colleagues asked the parents of 738 children aged between 2 and 12 about their children 's sleeping habits .

  2. BBC新闻–研究显示,我们工作地点和生活地方之间日益增长的距离,可导致倦怠,不良睡眠习惯,社交孤立,甚至对自己孩子的情绪问题。

    BBC News - Studies show that the growing distance between where we work and where we live can lead to burnout , poor sleeping habits , social isolation and even emotional problems for our children .

  3. 其他一些所谓的“自我量化”产品专为成人设计,比如Jawbone和Fitbit两家公司开发了可以记录卡路里消耗量和睡眠习惯的数码产品。

    Other so-called quantified self products have been developed for adults , like products from Jawbone and FitBit that create digital records of calorie expenditure and sleep habits .

  4. 今年早些时候,由连锁酒店Travelodge赞助的一份研究对2248名英国人的睡眠习惯进行了调查,研究表明酷玩乐队名列床头音乐的首位。

    in a study sponsored by the hotel chain Travelodge of the bedtime habits of 2248 people in the U.K. , Coldplay topped a poll of music choices that would help people fall asleep .

  5. 不好的睡眠习惯其实对健康特别不好。

    Poor sleeping habits are actually incredibly bad for your health .

  6. 不好的睡眠习惯通常是日间奢睡的根源。

    Poor sleep habits are often the cause of daytime sleepiness .

  7. 在此期间,让志愿者们记录自己的睡眠习惯。

    And during that time , volunteers tracked their sleep habits .

  8. 广东澄海市4-12岁儿童睡眠习惯及其影响因素

    The Sleep Habits of Children 4 to 12 Years Old in Guangdong

  9. 聪明孩子睡眠习惯:坚持作息表。

    Smart child sleep habit : stick to a routine .

  10. 实习日期临近时,要开始养成良好的睡眠习惯

    Closer to the internship , start getting into a good sleep routine

  11. 为了有个好心情,养成健康的睡眠习惯吧。

    Develop healthy sleep habits for a better mood .

  12. 良好的睡眠习惯也有助于人们整年有个好觉。

    Good bedtime habits can help people to sleep well all year round .

  13. 研究人员342名青少年的一些数据以及睡眠习惯等进行了分析。

    Researchers looked at figures from 342 teenagers and analysed their sleeping habits .

  14. 这会完全打乱他的睡眠习惯。

    This throws his sleeping schedule completely off .

  15. 在此前后,学生们填写了一份关于睡眠习惯的调查问卷。

    The kids completed a sleep habits survey before and after the time change .

  16. 体育锻炼和睡眠习惯对大学生睡眠质量有影响;

    Physical exercises and sleep habits had influences on sleep quality of college students .

  17. 他们的睡眠习惯将发生改变。

    Their sleep patterns are going to change .

  18. 保持一致的饮食和睡眠习惯,直到你需要重新调整。

    Keep a consistent eating and sleeping pattern until you need to switch it again .

  19. 睡眠习惯与脑卒中的相关性研究

    Correlation between sleeping habits and stroke

  20. 得克萨斯理工大学甚至开设了一门名为《改善你的睡眠习惯》的课程。

    Texas Tech University is even offering a class called " Improving Your Sleep Habits . "

  21. 不管年龄多大,饮食和睡眠习惯的改变都是抑郁症的迹象。

    Changes in eating and sleeping habits are telltale signs of depression , regardless of age .

  22. 读者们,你们是否注意到孩子睡眠习惯和他们成绩或是情绪之间的联系?

    Readers , have you noticed a between your kids'sleep habits and their grades or emotional health ?

  23. 作为家长,这是非常重要的,你建立良好的睡眠习惯,为您的宝宝。

    As a parent , it is important that you establish good sleep habits for your baby .

  24. 试着在你动身之前通过改变你的睡眠习惯,以便适应你要去的目的地的时区。

    Try adapting to the time zone of your destination by altering your sleeping habits before you leave .

  25. 但实际上,不管在日本还是在其他地区,人们的睡眠习惯从来就没有如此简单过。

    However , sleep times have never been such a simple matter , whether in Japan or elsewhere .

  26. 他说这一研究靠的是人们对自己睡眠习惯的汇报,而这有可能会出错。

    The study relied on people 's own reports of their sleeping habits , which can be faulty .

  27. 研究显示电子设备和智能手机发出的亮光严重的可能会扰乱我们的睡眠习惯。

    Research has shown that the bright light emitted from electronics and smartphones seriously messes with our sleep behaviors .

  28. 研究人员对年龄在18岁至45岁的36名女性和35名男性的睡眠习惯进行了研究。

    In the study scientists examined the sleep patterns of 36 women and 35 men aged 18 to 45 .

  29. 它会通过创造一个睡眠习惯和设定生理节律帮你调整出一个快速入睡的状态。

    It helps condition your body to fall asleep faster by creating a sleep habit and setting your circadian rhythm .

  30. 学习如何制止这种睡眠习惯,让卧室像图书馆那样安静。

    Learn how to stop this sleeping habit , and make sure the bedroom is as silent as a library .