
shuì mián zhōu qī
  • sleep cycle
  1. 为了适应传感器网络的节能需求,对MAC协议的侦听/睡眠周期制定某种分配策略而得到了多种MAC变种。

    For adapting to the demand of power saving of wireless sensor networks , some MAC variants were produced by performing some allocation strategy to the Listen / Sleep cycle .

  2. Jawbone公司的Up设备和Fitbit公司的追踪器,也能让用户设定他们的智能腕带,让它根据用户的睡眠周期,在最佳叫醒时机进行震动。

    Some of Jawbone 's UP devices and Fitbit 's trackers let users set their wristbands to automatically vibrate when the technology determines the best time based on their sleep cycle .

  3. 大量证据发现侧下丘脑orexin系统对觉醒-睡眠周期的调控起关键作用。

    Evidences indicate that the orexin system plays a key role in regulation of sleep-waking cycle .

  4. 但是,S-MAC中采用的固定睡眠周期,不但会增加端到端的延时,还会产生额外的控制开销。

    However , fixed period of sleeping and listening in S-MAC increase the end-to-end time delay .

  5. 结论LHb参与觉醒睡眠周期的调节,其神经元兴奋具有促进REM睡眠作用。

    Conclusion LHb plays an important role in the regulation of sleep-wake cycle and excitation of its neurons can improve REM sleep .

  6. CLEED采用应用层、网络层、MAC层共享数据的方法,以延长网络生命周期为主要目标,较为精确地控制节点的睡眠周期和睡眠时间。

    CLEED make use of the data sharing of application layer , network layer and MAC layer to control the sleep time of nodes more precisely .

  7. 在休眠模式操作中,睡眠周期是最关键的参数。

    Sleep period is the key parameter of sleep mode operation .

  8. 下面哪个对睡眠周期影响最大?

    Which of these has the most influence over your sleep cycle ?

  9. 每一睡眠周期平均约20分,睡眠主要出现在12:0015:00和0:003:00。

    The cycle of sleep was about 20 minutes .

  10. 一个完整的睡眠周期是多长?

    How long does a complete sleep cycle last ?

  11. 丙泊酚对失眠患者睡眠周期性肢体活动的影响

    Effects of Propofol on Periodic Limb Movements of Insomniacs

  12. δ电波……他们全都在睡眠周期中十分具体的点发射。

    they all are emitted during very specific points in your sleep cycle .

  13. 当你的睡眠周期固定下来之后你会觉得好多了。

    When your sleep cycle has a regular rhythm , you will feel better .

  14. 帮助调节睡眠周期的褪黑素也减少了。

    And levels of melatonin , the hormone that helps regulate sleep cycles , dropped .

  15. 在睡眠周期中这种条件反射不管在什么时候发生都可以看到这种结果。

    The effect was seen regardless of when the conditioning was done during the sleep cycle .

  16. 然而,绿茶里没有足够的L-茶氨酸来提升你的睡眠周期。

    However , green tea doesn 't contain enough L-theanine to significantly boost your REM cycles .

  17. 轮询周期过后节点进入很长的睡眠周期,因此能量得到了节省。

    After polling period , the node enters the long sleep period , so energy is conserved .

  18. 哪一项指的是睡眠周期的一部分?你知道该怎么做!

    Which of this refers to part of the sleep cycle ? You know what to do .

  19. 理想状态是,你的睡眠周期要尽量贴合自然规律,日出而作,日落而歇。

    Ideally , your sleep cycle should follow the natural patterns of sunset and sunrise as much as possible .

  20. 为此提出一个根据传输速率调整初始睡眠周期大小的自适应算法。

    Then we present an adaptive algorithm to adjust the initial sleep window dynamically according to the traffic load .

  21. 它只能增加你的深睡眠周期,并且剥夺你的快速眼动睡眠。

    What it will do , however , is increase your deep sleep cycle and rob you of REM sleep .

  22. 失眠症和短睡眠周期,甚至在幼儿中也能导致交感神经调节的生理激活。

    Insomnia and short sleep duration , even in young children , resulted in a physiological activation of the sympathetic modulation .

  23. 从脑电图来看,睡眠周期中有慢波睡眠和快波睡眠两个阶段,两者交替出现。

    From the point of electroencephalogram , MorpheusThere is slow wave in cycleMorpheusWith fast waveMorpheusTwo phase , both and alternant appear .

  24. 睡到自然醒。不要让闹钟或狗叫声打扰你的睡眠周期。

    Try to awaken naturally , without the help of an alarm clock or barking dog that can disrupt your dream cycle .

  25. 研究结果表明,成年人保持一个健康的睡眠周期有多么重要,尤其在步入老年之后。

    The findings demonstrate how important it is for adults to maintain a healthy sleep cycle , especially as they get older .

  26. 快速的,周期性的,在睡眠周期的某个时期做梦时发生的痉挛性的眼睛的运动。

    The rapid , periodic , jerky movement of the eyes during certain stages of the sleep cycle when dreaming takes place .

  27. Ekirch教授很快发现到他并不是唯一一个认识到睡眠周期交替这一历史性存在的人。

    Professor Ekirch soon learned that he wasn 't the only one who was on to the historical existence of alternate sleep cycles .

  28. 这只闹表就像普通手表一样戴在手腕上,它可以监控你的睡眠周期,在最合适的时候把你叫醒。

    Worn just like an everyday watch , it can monitor your sleep patterns and wake you up gently at just the right moment .

  29. 该病名称提示的睡眠周期障碍是疾病第二阶段的一个重要特征。

    Disturbance of the sleep cycle , which gives the disease its name , is an important feature of the second stage of the disease .

  30. 大多数人都认为自己不是早起的鸟儿就是夜猫子,但睡眠周期不只是这些。

    Most people think of themselves as either morning " larks " or night owls , but there 's more to sleep cycles than that .