
  • 网络Agoraphobia
  1. 焦虑症是几种疾病的总称,包括社交焦虑障碍(socialanxietydisorder)和广场恐怖症(agoraphobia)等。

    Anxiety is an umbrella term for several disorders , including social anxiety disorder and agoraphobia .

  2. 结论:提示广场恐怖可能是惊恐障碍一个更严重的变型。

    Conclusion : The findings suggest that agoraphobia is a more serious variant of panic disorder .

  3. 目的:探讨伴与不伴广场恐怖的惊恐障碍患者的防御方式。

    Objective : To explore the defense mechanisms used by panic patients with and without agoraphobia .

  4. 但调查显示,每6个成年人中就有一个患有抑郁症或广场恐怖症等慢性焦虑症。

    But surveys show that one in six adults is suffering from clinical depression or from chronic anxiety disorders such as agoraphobia .

  5. 方法:对连续门诊的46例伴广场恐怖的惊恐障碍患者,和54例不伴广场恐怖的惊恐障碍患者的临床变量进行对照比较。

    Method : Clinical features of 46 outpatients with panic disorder with agoraphobia were compared with 54 outpatients with panic disorder without agoraphobia .

  6. 结论①广泛性焦虑、惊恐障碍和惊恐障碍伴广场恐怖有着共同的人格基础,而与社交恐惧症有所不同;

    Conclusion : ① The personality characteristics of social phobias was not as same as those of generalized anxiety disorder , panic disorder , and . panic disorder with agoraphobia ;

  7. 广场恐怖症会严重影响患者的日常生活,不能进入任何拥挤的区域乃至不能离开家。

    Agoraphobia results in a severe restriction of the sufferer 's life , as he or she cannot enter any crowded area and may become unable to leave the house .

  8. 去年,多亏一名警惕性高的穆斯林提醒有关当局注意,才使爆炸纽约时报广场的恐怖阴谋没有得逞。德宾参议员不失时机地提到了这个事件。

    Last year saw a domestic terror plot to bomb New York 's Times Square foiled thanks to a vigilant Muslim who alerted authorities , a fact that Senator Durbin was quick to highlight .