
ɡuǎnɡ ɡào dài lǐ
  • advertising agency;advertising agent;publicity agent
  1. 分众传媒将保留其在线广告代理业务好耶广告网络(allyes)、一些传统广告牌以及影院广告业务。

    Focus media will keep Allyes , its online advertising agency business , some traditional billboards and its cinema advertising business .

  2. 广告代理收费标准为广告费的15%。

    The charge for advertising agency is15 % of the advertising feecost .

  3. 广告代理公司正逐渐丧失曾经对品牌营销的有力控制。

    Advertising agencies are losing their once-powerful grip on brand marketing .

  4. 专注于社交媒体的广告代理公司中海互动(chinafocusinteractive)的首席执行官艾颂(soniaai)表示,twitter成立4年后才推出第一种商业功能。

    Sonia AI , chief executive of China focus interactive , an advertising agency specialising in social media , says twitter did not offer its first commercial function until four years after launch .

  5. 一家广告代理公司的董事总经理莎拉•戈德(SarahGold)说:WACL让你结识精明而时髦的女性,她们乐于将其经验像润唇膏一样分享。

    WACL puts you in touch with wise and sassy women who are as happy to share their experiences as their lip gloss , says Sarah Gold , MD of an ad agency .

  6. 旧金山广告代理GoodbySilverstein&Partners的沟通策略总监克里斯汀陈说:尺寸绝对是个大问题。

    Size absolutely does matter , says Christine Chen , director of communication strategy at Goodby Silverstein & Partners , an ad agency in San Francisco .

  7. 最后一个例子是LinkedIn上疯传的一篇文章。这篇文章名为:“KBS+说:留住人才的方法就是教他们自立门户”。这篇文章讲述纽约广告代理公司KBS+如何教员工创业。猜猜怎么着?

    The final example is described in an article being plugged on LinkedIn , called : " How to Retain Talent ? Teach Them to Leave , Says KBS + . " It tells how KBS + , a New York advertising agency , is teaching staff how to start their own businesses and - guess what ? -

  8. 我认为该找家广告代理公司了?

    A : I suppose we have an advertisement agent .

  9. 关于完善广告代理制度的思考

    The Consideration on Making the System of Advertising Agent Perfect

  10. 中国广告代理制运作及问题研究

    Research into the Operation and Problems of Advertisement Agency Mechanism of China

  11. 她要成为她自己广告代理的老板。

    Said that she wanted to be head of her own advertising agency .

  12. 新的媒体趋势下广告代理模式创新

    Innovation of AD Agent Mode under New Media Trend

  13. 中国广告代理制发展问题及对策研究

    Problems and Measures on China 's Advertising Agent System

  14. 他们雇用了一家广告代理机构,来改善公司的形象。

    They 've employed an advertising agency to spruce up the company image .

  15. 开始不断地从广告代理和广告客户那里陆续预定广告。

    A start to continuing advertising bookings from advertising agencies and advertising clients .

  16. 1993年,我国引入了西方先进的广告代理制。

    In1993 , China had introduced into the advanced west advertising agency system .

  17. 我在一家大型广告代理公司工作。

    I work for a large advertising agency .

  18. 广告代理&互惠、多赢的三角滚动模式互惠式相互依赖关系

    The Advertisement Agency & A Model of Mutual Benefit and Multi-win ; reciprocal inter dependence

  19. 他供职于一家广告代理公司。

    He works for an advertising agency .

  20. 是一家创立于美国俄勒冈的波特兰、提供全方位创意服务的广告代理公司。

    We are a full-service , creatively driven advertising agency based in Portland , Oregon .

  21. 中国式的广告代理制如何允许广告服务明码标价

    How does " China " Ad Agent System Allow Ad Services to be Priced Clearly

  22. 我差点进了一家广告代理公司。

    I nearly joined an advertising agency .

  23. 从此,人们对广告代理制的研究就从未停歇。

    Since then , the people has never stopped to research on the advertising agency system .

  24. 创建一广告代理公司;

    Establishing an advertising agency ;

  25. 广告代理制必须受市场经济原则的制约。

    Therefore - the vicarious system of advertising is subject to the regulation of laws of market .

  26. 广告代理制将继续发挥作用,广告代理的实行将促使广告公司专业化发展。

    Hopefully - the practice of the vicarious system will promote the development of expertise of advertising company .

  27. 但创建活动的广告代理机构,智威汤逊公司发现了导致数字下降的其他原因。

    But JWT , the ad agency that created the campaign , found other reasons for the decline .

  28. 张金海,廖秉宜(2007)。广告代理制的检视与重新解读。广告大观(理论版),(2)。

    Zhang Jinhai & Liao Bingyi ( 2007 ) . Historical thinking and rethinking on Advertising Agency System .

  29. 本文从理论上首先剖析研究了广告代理制的概念,主要构成因素及广告代理报酬模式,对广告代理制的运行机制及其内在关系进行了探讨。

    First , this text is going to analyze and study the concept of the advertisement agency mechanism .

  30. 杂志社经营范围为:杂志出版发行,网络传媒经营广告代理发布新闻产品营销。

    The magazine scope of business : magazine publishes , network media management agency news release product marketing .