
  • 网络Project;construction
  1. 在HG酒店项目建设中成本风险管理研究

    In the HG Hotel Project Construction Cost Risk Management Research

  2. BOT方式在电力项目建设中的运用

    Application of Bot in Electric Power Project Construction

  3. 金里奇酒店本来是作为一个投机性的风险项目建设的,但一直没有完工。

    The King 's Reach hotel was built as a speculative venture but never completed .

  4. 设计跟踪在BOT高速公路项目建设中的应用

    Application of the Design Tracing in Expressway Construction

  5. 采用BOT方式进行电力项目建设的风险及规避措施

    The Risk and the Avoiding Measures by Using the Way of BOT to Construct the Electricity Project

  6. 并利用投入SWOT模型分析出了该项目建设期引起的各产业部门的投入效益以及总效益。

    And using SWOT model analysis out into the project construction sector caused by the input of the benefits and total benefits .

  7. EPC式工程建设总承包已成为世界公认的工程项目建设最佳模式。

    The form of EPC is the best model in general contracting of project construction which has been vast accepted world-wide .

  8. X公司除了小部分股权投资外,其余投资都为项目建设投资,其中项目建设投资主要是公司内部与主业相关的固定资产投资。

    ⅹ In addition to small equity investment , other investments are investments for the project construction , including construction investment projects within the company is mainly associated with the main business investment in fixed assets .

  9. BT模式对于缓解轨道交通项目建设中经常面临的资金紧张问题以及提高项目建设的效率具有重要意义。

    The BT ( Build-Transfer ) model has significant importance to release the shortage of capital in rail traffic project , and it is also very useful to improve the efficiency of the project .

  10. BOT(Build-Operate-Transfer)模式,就是在此背景下所兴起的一直以私人投资者为主导的、用于公共基础设施及公用事业项目建设的融资方式。

    BOT mode , rised on the certain background , is a financing method applying in the construction of public infrastructure projects and public utilities mainly led by private investors .

  11. PFI(PrivateFinanceInitiative)是在公共项目建设与运营中引入私有资金的一种新型项目融资经济模式,该模式诞生于英国,并被许多国家予以借鉴和应用,获得了巨大的经济和社会效益。

    PFT ( Private Finance Initiative ) is a new economic style of project finance of inducting private capital in public projects . This style origins from Britain and has been used for reference in many other countries , and has brought up huge economic and social benefits .

  12. 系统描述了全国地震通信网络系统构成和拓扑结构,简要介绍了在项目建设中遇到的一些关键技术问题,主要包括:分组交换网(X.25)和路由器在联网中的应用;

    Through describing the form and topological structure of the national earthquake communication network system , this paper briefly introduces some key technological issues in project construction , mainly including application of Packet Switching Network ( X.25 ) and Router in network connections ;

  13. 成都地区危险货物物流基地项目建设研究

    Research on the Dangerous Goods Logistic Base Project Construction in Chengdu

  14. 柴油加氢项目建设施工阶段风险管理研究

    The Risk Management of the Diesel Oil Hydrogenation Project under Construction

  15. 谈当前国内进口液化天然气项目建设的几个问题

    Issues in Construction of Projects for Imported LNG Currently in China

  16. 水利项目建设管理单位外部管理职能及其实现途径

    External management functions for an administrative organization of water project construction

  17. 论生态环境项目建设的监理内容

    On the Inspecting and Controlling Content of Constructing Ecological Environment Items

  18. 公益性水利项目建设管理体制研究

    Research On Construction Management System for Public Welfare Water Conservancy Project

  19. 国家财政投资工程项目建设管理中的投资控制

    Investment control in management of construction project by national finance

  20. 影响工程项目建设的平衡与定位

    Balance and allocation two factors influencing construction of engineering project

  21. 介绍了工程项目建设过程中项目施工成本控制的措施。

    This article introduces measures of controlling projects cost during the construction .

  22. 建设项目建设过程中,常会发生工程变更。

    In the construction process , engineering changes often occur .

  23. 可行性研究在房地产项目建设中的作用

    The function feasibility study the real estate item construction

  24. 基于单元重要度分析的公路网规划项目建设序列论证

    Project Order Decision of Road Network Planning Basing on the Component Importance Analysis

  25. 填埋气发电项目建设的可行性探讨

    Discussion on Project Construction Feasibility of Generating Electricity on Grid Using Landfill Gas

  26. 工程项目建设投资与企业制度

    Engineering Project Construction Investment and the Enterprise System

  27. 国际互联网络与土木工程项目建设管理

    Internet and Construction Management of Civil Engineering Project

  28. 信息化项目建设中的全过程评价研究

    Overall Process Evaluation in Information System Project Building

  29. 基于政府失灵的电子公共服务项目建设模式构建

    Study on the Construction Modes of Electronic Public Service Projects Based on Government Failure

  30. 在医院建设过程中,设计和投资控制是工程项目建设中两个相互联系又相互制约的工作。

    In hospital construction , design and investment control are related and restricted jobs .