
  • 网络Project Termination
  1. 项目终止对她的雇员来说是一个不幸的消息。

    The closure of the project is bad news for her staff

  2. 在这个算例中,运用所建立的博弈模型对高速公路BOT项目提前终止时,政府部门和项目公司之间针对提前终止补偿的博弈进行了分析和测算,验证了模型的适用性。

    The amount of early termination compensation of the highway BOT project was measured and calculate . The applicability of the constructed models was verified .

  3. 当回答是否定的,计划和项目将终止。

    When the answer is no , programs will end .

  4. 并针对项目公司终止后如何对购房人利益进行保护,提出了相应的立法建议。

    Corresponding legislation proposals were offered for how to protect rights of house purchasers after the project company disbanded .

  5. 三十多年以来,用于此方面的财政大幅缩减,并且一些不切实际的项目被终止,用以支持更为切实的目标。

    For more than three decades , budgets have been slashed and visionary programmes terminated in favour of more pragmatic goals .

  6. 他们的完成一开始进行事情的热情就极大减少,也许会导致项目完全终止进行。

    Their enthusiasm to finish off what they had started is greatly reduced and may lead to stop working on the project altogether .

  7. 美国有关官员说,还在商讨中的食品援助项目和终止北韩核项目的谈判没有关系。由于北韩再次受到大范围饥饿的威胁,美国同意从6月开始,在12个月内为北韩提供50万吨粮食。

    With North Korea again facing the threat of widespread hunger , the United States has agreed to provide that country with 500000 metric tons of food over a 12-month span beginning in June .

  8. 研究结果有助于投资者辨别企业会计期间因资产和负债重新计量产生的收益项目、终止经营产生的收益项目、以及金融损益项目。

    The research results can help investors to classify earnings components into the following categories : earnings components arisen as a result of re-measurement of assets and liabilities , earnings from discontinued operations and financial earnings .

  9. “由于在接种女性中可能产生副作用的争论,一项人乳头瘤病毒免疫接种项目后来被终止,”他补充道。

    " An HPV vaccination programme was abandoned after a controversy over possible side-effects in girls who took the vaccine ," he adds .

  10. 如果赞助方在项目期满前终止协议,赞助方应支付该大学自终止之日产生的所有费用。

    In the event of termination of this Agreement by Sponsor before expiration of the project period , Sponsor shall pay all costs that the University has accrued as of the date of termination .

  11. RD项目选择模型和终止模型的比较

    Distinctions between A RD Project Selection Model and A RD Project Termination Model

  12. 困难重重的测试与性能工具平台(TPTP)项目在今年初终止了,并没有纳入到Indigo当中。

    The long-beleaguered Test and Performance Tools Platform project was terminated earlier this year , and won 't be part of Indigo .

  13. R&D项目的选择与终止是R&D管理中的两个重要问题,文章首先分别给出了R&D项目选择模型和终止模型,然后对这两种模型进行了比较,分析了它们的实质性区别。

    RD project selection and termination are very important in RD management . Firstly we give a selection model and a termination model respectively , then analyze their characteristics .

  14. 当然,客户可能拒绝给你项目或者你开始项目的时候终止合作,但你依然是自己的老板。

    Never get fired – Alright , an individual client may reject your work or even take you off a project once you 've started , but you 'll still own your business .

  15. 许多公司已经有针对已完成项目的收尾程序,但尚未制订项目提前终止的管理程序。

    Many organizations have well-prepared closure processes for completed projects , and no closure process for projects terminated prior to completion .

  16. 如果项目公司在一定的财政年度不能偿还年度应还款项,公司将陷入不履行责任的困境中,项目将不得不终止。

    If the project company can not pay back the annual repayment in a certain financial year , the company falls into default on the obligation and the project is forced to be terminated .