
  • 网络One-time fee;one-off charge;nonrecurring expense;Nonrecurring Costs
  1. 即便刨去一次性费用,Lazard的业绩也不及分析师的预期。

    Even excluding one-time charges , Lazard 's results fell short of analysts ' expectations .

  2. 虽然没有披露财务细节,但分析师表示,iPhone自2007年推出以来已售出1.11亿部,苹果向诺基亚支付的一次性费用可能在3亿至6亿美元之间。

    No financial details were given , but analysts said the initial payment could be between $ 300m and $ 600m to cover the 111m iPhones sold since the product was launched in 2007 .

  3. 非经常事件。非经常事件是一次性费用。

    Non-recurring Events Non-recurring events are one-time expenses .

  4. 在我们的系统中的土地批租,土地转让支付的一次性费用。

    In our system of land leased , the land transfer payment is a one-time charge .

  5. 辉瑞公司报告一次性费用支出使利润下降18个百分点,但其结果仍好于预期。

    Pfizer reported one-time charges that pushed profit lower by18 percent , but the results beat expectations .

  6. 比起去年同期,今年加上一次性费用(指投资者在进行基金的申购、赎回或转换时需要缴纳的费用)后的净利润下跌了28%。

    Net profit , including one-time charges , fell 28 % from the same period last year .

  7. 我们可以私底下将这个拨号器标为是你们公司,以一次性费用250美元。

    We can private label this dialer to your company for a one time fee of $ 250 .

  8. 研究了一次性费用将改为收集土地租金的付款方式并进行试点。

    To study the one-time charge will be changed to collect land rent payment methods and a pilot exercise .

  9. 雷诺强调预计全年盈利将与2007年的利润类似,剔除一次性费用和收益外,每股利润为4.57美元。

    Reynolds reaffirmed its expectation that full-year earnings will be similar to2007 profit of $ 4.57 a share excluding one-time costs and gains .

  10. 10月25日,该公司公布的2013财年第一季度财报显示,经不计一次性费用调整后每股盈利为1.06美元,超过了分析师预期(此前已经下调过)。

    On October 25th , the company beat its ( previously lowered ) expectations for the first quarter of fiscal 2013 , earning $ 1.06 per share excluding charges .

  11. 微软上一财季业绩受到了84亿美元一次性费用的拖累,其中包括对从诺基亚收购的资产减记75亿美元,其余部分为重组费用。

    The latest figures were blighted by $ 8.4bn in one-off charges , including $ 7.5bn from a writedown of assets acquired from Nokia and the rest from restructuring charges .

  12. 海洋世界称,募得的资金将用于偿还部分债务、向黑石旗下一家公司支付终止顾问协议的一次性费用、以及一般商业用途。

    SeaWorld said the money raised would go towards paying down some of its debt , paying a Blackstone affiliate a one-time fee to end its advisory agreement , and general business purposes .

  13. 但如果剔除此项支出和其他一次性费用,摩根士丹利的利润从5.6亿美元增加了一倍多,至10亿多美元。

    Even excluding that charge and other one-time expenses , though , earnings at Morgan Stanley ( MS ) more than doubled to just over a $ 1 billion , up from $ 560 million .

  14. 不幸的是,这不是一次性的费用。

    Unfortunately , that 's not the only cost .

  15. 我不害怕一次性的费用,我担心的是月租。

    I don 't mind one-time costs , but subscriptions make me wary .

  16. 不需要太多的技术专门技能&这个系统是完全自动化的,几乎不需要用户的互动。而且成本很低,特别是由于建立这个系统的主要开支是一次性的开发费用,不需要重复投入。

    And the costs are low , particularly since the major expense in establishing the system was a one-off development cost that would not need to be replicated .

  17. 比较了直流传动和变频传动在纸机上应用的各自特点,对今后我国高速纸机传动方案的选择提出了看法,并就其一次性投入和费用等做了讨论。

    The characteristic of DC drive for paper machine is compared with AC drive and how to select the drive scheme for high speed paper machine and the capital investment are discussed .

  18. 一次性投资及运行费用会随着用户的不同而有所不同。

    One-time investment and running costs as the user will be different and different .

  19. 自该合同生效之日起七日内委托人应该向顾问一次性付清常年顾问费用元人民币。

    Client shall pay Advisor a lump-sum retaining fee of RMB which is due and payable seven ( 7 ) days from the date when this Contract takes effect .

  20. 从一次性投资和取暖费用等方面对采用电厂热源实行集中供热与家用天然气锅炉分户供热进行了分析比较,为供热方案的确定提供决策依据。

    From the comparisons of central heating of power plant and dispersed heating of domestic natural gas boiler in the field of investment and heating cost , the author gives the judgment for heating methods .