
  • 网络Trade;Ordinary trades
  1. 显然,一般交易条件是两个当事人习惯做法的固定化。

    Obviously , general terms and conditions are the immobilization of the practices of the two parties .

  2. 请仔细地阅读合同内的规格,价格,交货期和一般交易条件等。

    Please read carefully the specifications , prices , time of delivery , general terms and conditions , etc.

  3. 列在合同反面的一般交易条款和条件对双方具有同等的约束。

    The General Terms and Conditions on the back page constitute part of this Contract and shall be equally binding upon both parties .

  4. 针对分包供应的合作关系模式和一般交易关系模式的不同特点,对不同制度安排对供应商的激励效果进行了研究。

    Based on the different characteristics of partnership model and arms length model of subcontracting , the incentive effects of different regulation arrangements were analyzed .

  5. 合同后面“一般交易条款”为本合同不可分割的一部分。

    The " General Terms and Conditions " of sale specified in the back sheet annexed hereto which form the integral part of this Contract .

  6. 也就是说,它同各国的国立法、当事人间的一般交易条件是有很大差别的。

    That is to say , it is quite different from the general terms and conditions between the state legislation and party concerned of every country .

  7. 德国政府一直站在保护消费者的立场,并以立法手段对严重损害消费者权益的一般交易条款进行一般性的规范。

    The German government had been always standing in the position of protecting consumers and controlled the standard terms which caused serious damage to consumer by means of special legislation .

  8. 开展信用交易对我国证券市场的发展具有多方面的积极意义,但同时,信用交易的风险也较一般交易方式大,控制不好,会对证券市场造成大的损害。

    The rule system comes into being . Margin trading has many positive meanings to the development of our Security Market ; meanwhile , its risk is bigger than ordinary trading . It will do harm to Security Market seriously if not be controlled properly .

  9. 关联方交易具有与一般市场交易不同的性质特征。

    Connected transactions have some special quality and characteristics different from common trades ;

  10. 在和一般商品交易的对比分析中提出知识交易的八大特征,这是研究知识交易定价问题的基础。

    This paper offers eight characters of knowledge transaction through the comparison analysis between general merchandise transaction and knowledge transaction .

  11. 与一般的交易形式相比,其特殊性在于一方对另一方具有控制或重大利益影响关系。

    Compared with the general trade form , its particularity lies in the control or significant interest relationship between the parties .

  12. 中国首次公开发行的定价往往比较保守,而投资者一般期望交易首日股价会大幅上涨。

    Initial share issues in China tend to be priced conservatively and investors expect prices to jump on the first trading day .

  13. 再次,对关联交易的监管应区分一般关联交易与重大关联交易,正当关联交易与不正当关联交易。

    Once again , the affiliated transactions regulation should be generally distinguish between related party transactions and significant related party transactions , while transactions and improper related party transactions .

  14. 这些业务多数通过私募配售获得,在此类交易中,基金经理可向特定客户(如机构或富有的投资者)提供基金,而无需遵守适用于一般散户交易的规则。

    Much of that business takes place through private placements , in which managers can offer funds to certain clients such as institutions or wealthy investors without complying with rules that would govern typical retail transactions .

  15. 在电力市场的双边交易中,网损一般占交易电量的4%左右,如何将每笔交易中的网损合理地分摊到供电方子系统或发电厂,直接影响到供电方各经济实体的经济利益。

    In the bilateral trade of electricity market , network loss covers 4 % of electricity . How to share reasonably the loss to power supply subsystem or power plant influences the economic interest of each side .

  16. 会计信息产权;一般均衡;交易费用;制度;属性;

    Accounting Information Property Rights General Equilibrium Transaction Costs ; Institution Characteristics ;

  17. 外汇风险一般分为交易风险、经济风险与会计风险三大类型。

    In chapter two , it shows where is the foreign exchange risk from .

  18. 竞争关系作为一种市场关系,一般是通过交易关系直接或间接表现出来,它是形成竞争规制关系的基础关系;

    As a market relation , competition relation is always embodied by dealing relation , which is the base of competition-regulated relation .

  19. 在现代社会的日常应用之中,价格一般指进行交易时,买方所需要付出的代价或付款。

    Application in modern society into the daily , the price generally refers to a transaction , the buyer have to pay the price or payment .

  20. 证券法所调整的证券经济关系既不同于一般的商品交易关系,也不同于市场管理与组织关系,更有别于公民之间、公民与法人之间所形成的简单民事关系,而具有自己的特性。

    The economic relations as regulated by the stock law differ from the relations of other merchandise exchanges and the civil relations that ensue from conflicts among the citizens ;

  21. 本章首先界定了农地城市流转的概念,并且简述了农地城市流转的一般过程以及交易主体之间的利益关系和收益分配情况。

    Firstly , this chapter defines the concept of rural-urban land conversion , and describes the general process of rural-urban land conversion and the revenue distribution of the stakeholders .

  22. 作为国有经济退出通道的产权交易市场,其功能与作用是在一般的产权交易机构的基础上应有扩展。

    Property rights dealing market as a way for the privatization of state-owned enterprises , its function and effect should extend on the base of normal property rights dealing organizations .

  23. 这样的房子一般不会上市交易,办房产证都是单位集体去办的,买是可以的,但一定要证件齐全才行。

    Such house won 't appear on the market commonly trade , unit collective does handle house property card , buying is possible , but must certificate neat a versatile person goes .

  24. 在当事人未作选择时,一般适用与交易有最密切联系的法律,但出于实质正义因素的考虑,又对最密切联系原则的适用作了一些变通,以使法律适用的结果较为公平合理。

    Though the law which has the most significant relationship with the transaction will be applied when parties ' choice is absent , it will be compromised and adapted to cater for material justice .

  25. 配额型碳排放交易系统同一般公共资源交易存在共性:由政府主导的一级市场和市场主导的二级市场构成,同时具备计划性和高效率性。

    Quota module carbon emission trading system had commonness with other public resource , which is constituted by first market leaded by government and second market leaded by market and is regular and high-performance .

  26. 在商品经济诞生的初期,经济交往一般局限于交易双方所在的小范围世界内,交往活动简单,流程便利。

    Born in the early stages of the commodity economy , economic exchanges generally confined to small areas where the parties to the transaction world , the exchanges with a simple , convenient process .

  27. 由于水资源是一种独一无二的特殊资源,具有重要的社会、经济和生态价值,其交易不同于一般的商品交易,在交易市场并不能完整、准确地反映其所有相关的价值。

    Because water is a unique resource with important social , economic and ecological value , its transaction is different from the general commodity trading . The market can not completely and accurately reflect all the related values .

  28. 只是与一般的股票交易行为所不同的是,上市公司收购是以取得目标公司控制权为目的。其具有交易规模大,涉及利益主体多样,对社会经济发展影响广泛的特点。

    What is different from the ordinary transaction lies in that the aim of the acquisition of listed companies is to obtain the control power of the acquired company and it is a large-scale transaction that involves in diversified benefits entities and plays great importance in social economic development .

  29. 这笔投资是通过凯雷亚洲基金(CarlyleAsiaPartners)作出的,该基金一般在单笔交易上投入1亿至2亿美元。

    The investment was made through Carlyle Asia Partners , a fund that typically spends between $ 100m and $ 200m on individual deals .

  30. 香港股市也出现了大幅下挫,全球投资者一般会在香港交易中国内地股票。

    The sell-off was equally pronounced in Hong Kong , where global investors typically trade Chinese stocks .