
yī bān fǎ
  • General law;general/common law
  1. 反不正当竞争法确立了知识产权法的基本原则,是知识产权法体系中具有基础地位的一般法。

    Anti-unfair competition law establishes the basic principle of intellectual property law .

  2. 对于法学领域中推定的问题,一般法分为两大类,一类为权利的推定,另一类为事实的推定。

    There are two kinds of deduction in the field of law , right and fact .

  3. 在立法体例上,对格式合同的立法控制应分为一般法的控制和特别法的控制。

    In legislative system legislative control to format contract shall be divided into the control by general law and the control by special law .

  4. 得出侵权责任法作为一般法,对环境民事侵权诉讼法律适用上的积极影响与指导意义。

    Come to the Tort Liability Act as a general law , the positive impact on the environmental tort litigation law applies and instructive .

  5. 把侵权责任法与环境保护法这一对一般法与特殊法的关系,在环境侵权民事诉讼领域加以分析。

    Tort Liability Act and the Environmental Protection Act , general law and special law in the field of environmental tort civil action to be analyzed .

  6. 同时,在认定违约责任和侵权责任时,铁路法的相关规定与民事一般法之间存在不协调与冲突的地方,有待进一步修改。

    At the same time of finding the liabilities , the railroad law , which has some conflicts with ordinary civil law , needs further amending .

  7. 其中我国国有资产法律体系应当是宏观的一元多级体系,有法律(包括一般法和特别法)、法规和地方性法规三个层次。

    Most of all , the legal system is a macroscopic one consisting of different levels including common laws , specific laws , general regulations and local regulations .

  8. 第四部分商标产品平行进口的理论之二&反不正当竞争理论这部分论述了商标法与竞争的关系,并进一步论商标法与反不正当竞争法是特别法与一般法的关系;

    The aim of trademark law is to promote competition , so the trademark law is the special law that belong to the general law of unfair competition .

  9. 本部分的任何规定均不产生知识产权执法与一般法的执行之间涉及财力物力分配的义务。

    Nothing in this Part creates any obligation with respect to the distribution of resources as between enforcement of intellectual property rights and the enforcement of law in general .

  10. 清朝少数民族法律适用在程序法与实体法中有不同规定,实体法的适用上又具体分为适用一般法、特别法和一般法与特别法相结合三类。

    The application of the substantive law varied with three types , the general law , the special law and the combination of the general law and the special law .

  11. 对于特别法优于一般法原则,除了只能适用于同一机关制定的法律规范之间,还不能适用于同一法律的不同法条之间。

    For the special law is superior to the general law principles only apply to laws and regulations enacted by the same agency , can not be applied the same legal law .

  12. 在国际经济法看来,它们在效力范围上具有一般法和特别法,在适用对象上具有一般物和特殊物的差异。

    International law 's opinions , they can be divided into the general law and the special law according to the bonding sphere as well as the general object and the special object according to the applied object .

  13. 无论是上位法优于下位法,特别法优于一般法,还是新法优于旧法,在股权继承问题上,公司法应优先于继承法适用。

    Regardless the upper-law is better than the below-law , the particular law is better than the general law or the new law is better than the old law , the company law should be given priority to the inheritance law .

  14. 许多国家颁布了专门的环境法律、法规、指令、公约或在信息自由法、行政程序法以及环境基本法等一般法或基本法中对环境知情权作出规定,国际社会也不例外。

    A lot of countries issue special environmental law , regulation , direction , convention or refer to the right in the law of the freedom to information , administrative procedural law and environmental basic law etc. The international society is without exception .

  15. 行政与行政诉讼是法律实施的一种程序构造,行政法是行政程序的一般法,具体行政程序法则分散在民商法、知识产权法、环保法、劳动法、经济法等其他法律部门之中。

    The administration law is a common law in the administrative procedure and the concrete administrative procedure law are dispersed in the civil and commercial law , intellectual property law , environment protection law , labor law , economic law and other branches of law .

  16. 笔者认为,在第四部分的基础上,对于特别法与一般法间存在的冲突可以通过法律位阶选择的方式解决,但如何设置高度危险责任的一般条款却成为棘手的问题。

    The author thinks that , in the fourth part , on the basis of special law and general method for the conflict exists between the legal status of choice through solution , but how to set the general clause of greatly dangerous responsibility but become thorny problem .

  17. 方阵K次幂的一般求法

    A General Approach to the K Power of Square Matrix

  18. 一般沉淀法:Zn含量宜在6wt%左右;

    General precipitation method : Zn content of the catalyst should be about 6 % .

  19. Bent函数的一般构造法

    A general construction of bent functions

  20. 本文比较了以~(32)P-后标记方法中的一般强化法和正丁醇强化法,检测低温收集的菜油油烟凝聚物与DNA反应所形成的加成物。

    DNA adducts of cold trapped condensate from rapeseed oil were studied with ~( 32 ) P-post labeling technique under adduct intensification conditions and butanol enrich-ment procedure .

  21. 结果表明:用PCR法测得急性输卵管炎和输卵管性不孕的沙眼衣原体阳性率为60.0%,明显高于对照组18.7%(P<0.01),并且敏感性也较一般培养法高(P<0.01)。

    The result showed that the positive rate of the 30 women with acute salpingitis and tubular infertility was 60.0 % for cervical Chlamydozoa trachomatis infections and was higher than that of the control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  22. 本文提出三种参数估计方法,一般最小二乘法、极大似然估计法和模糊RBF网络法,用来估算超高速电液比例直动式先导阀的弹簧刚度。

    In this paper , three well-known parameter estimation techniques , the ordinary least squares , the maximum likelihood and fuzzy RBF neural network , are used to estimate the spring constant of an ultra-high-speed electro-hydraulic proportional direct operated pilot valve .

  23. 在沉积过程中反应物气体渗入的深度仅为一层(或几层)C布,突破了一般CVI法中瓶颈效应对沉积温度的制约,使沉积速度显著提高。

    At the same time , the depth of reactant gas infiltrating carbon cloth is just one and / or several layers during depositing process , which is valid to break through the bottle-net effect limiting of depositing temperature , and raise deposition rate .

  24. 分析归纳了国内外目前制定认证标准的4种方法:一般原则法、完整LCA法、简化定量LCA法、简化定性LCA法;

    This article analyzed the four methods both at home and abroad used to establish the certification standard : the general principle method , the complete LCA method , the simplified quantitative LCA method and the simplified qualitative LCA method ;

  25. 本文证明了用Galerkin法对波导缝隙特性分析时,Fourier变换法导出的缝隙外部半空间场的矩阵元素公式与一般积分法导出的公式是等同的。

    This paper demonstrates that in the Galerkin method analysis of waveguide slot 's characteristics the matrix element expression , obtained by the Fourier method , of the half space field on the exterior surface of the waveguide slot is equivalent to that obtained by the general integral method .

  26. 沉淀法Ru-Zn催化剂的制备与表征催化剂的制备:分别用一般沉淀法、碱洗沉淀法制备了Ru-Zn催化剂。

    The preparation and characterization of Ru-Zn catalysts prepared by precipitation method : Preparation conditions : Ru-Zn catalysts were prepared by general precipitation and alkali-washed precipitation method respectively .

  27. 二阶OTA&C滤波器的一般设计法

    A generalized design method of second order ota C filter

  28. 杂化键函的一般造法

    A general method for the construction of hybrid orbitals

  29. 两类一般迭代法的收敛性

    The Convergence for Two Types of Generalized Iterations

  30. 费马解及其一般求法之定理

    Fermat solution and its general solution theorems