
  • 网络average consumer
  1. StrategasResearchPartners的首席投资策略师杰森•崔内特(JasonTrennert)称,在个人财务安全顾虑重重的情况下,一般消费者都有了一种濒死经验。

    ' The average consumer has had a near-death experience as far their economic security is concerned , 'says Jason Trennert , chief investment strategist at Strategas Research Partners .

  2. 不管这种系统或服务是针对一般消费者还是位于一个金融交易系统的大规模网格内,这种趋势都是显而易见的。

    Whether it 's something for the average consumer or within the massive grids of a financial trading system , the trend is obvious .

  3. 不像Nokia和Motorola还可以从服务供货商身上,得到许多的利润以及硬件贩卖的收益,相对于SA来说一般消费者并没什么品牌映象。

    Unlike Nokia and Motorola , which also derive much revenue from service providers and rely on subsidized hardware distribution , SA does not have a strong consumer brand .

  4. 另外,尽管一般消费者越来越青睐小型车,但高端德国豪车总是不愁销路&当然,它们还是一水的黑色,车里的豪华配置甚至比阿联酋航空公司(Emirates)的头等舱还要豪华。

    And with typical buyers squeezing into smaller cars , there is no shortage of upscale German limos black only , of course festooned with more luxury features than a first-class seat on Emirates .

  5. 另外,尽管一般消费者越来越青睐小型车,但高端德国豪车总是不愁销路——当然,它们还是一水的黑色,车里的豪华配置甚至比阿联酋航空公司(Emirates)的头等舱还要豪华。

    And with typical buyers squeezing into smaller cars , there is no shortage of upscale German limos -- black only , of course -- festooned with more luxury features than a first-class seat on Emirates .

  6. 其次,虚假广告能对相当数量的一般消费者构成误导。

    Second , a certain number of ordinary customers are involved .

  7. 冲动性购买的现象在一般消费者的日常生活中非常普遍,根据有关数据资料,中国消费者是属于一群冲动性购物群。

    Impulsive buying is a very popular phenomenon among common consumers ' daily life .

  8. 价位较高,只适合高收入人群消费,不适合一般消费者。

    Also , the service only suits upper income level , average customers are not targeted .

  9. 研究采用随机抽样的方法,对沈阳市134名体育彩票忠实消费者和87名体育彩票一般消费者进行了问卷调查。

    Used the random sampling , 134 loyal consumers and 87 ordinary consumers in sport lottery were investigated .

  10. 与此同时,微软对企业用户和一般消费者做出了自己的承诺。

    At the same time Microsoft has reaffirmed its commitment to enterprises as well as general web consumers .

  11. 调查结果表明,体育彩票忠实消费者与一般消费者在构成特征、消费心理特征、消费行为特征等方面存在差异:与一般消费者相比,忠实消费者中女性少;中年人居多,较一般消费者年龄大;

    The results showed that there was a difference between these consumers in the characteristics of constitute , consume mental and consume behavior .

  12. 但这些法律法规规均只对于一般消费者权益保护作出规定,并没有专门对电子商务消费者权益保护作出规定。

    These laws and legislations only rule for the protection of general consumers ' rights and interests , but not for Electronic Commerce Consumers .

  13. 最高配的售价2000美元(约合人民币12360元),主要差别就是配备了一款非常迅速的处理器,但一般消费者却并不需要。

    The top one , which costs $ 2,000 , is distinguished mainly by its use of a very fast processor that average consumers won 't need .

  14. 买家都知道,台湾人非常了解买方和一般消费者的需要,所以他们总是确保世界一流的品质。

    Buyers know that Taiwanese understand both the buyer and the end consumer , so they can always be sure of nothing other than world class quality .

  15. 例如,买饼干最多的中国消费者中,有20%的人买过10个不同品牌,而一般消费者买过六个品牌。

    The 20 % of Chinese shoppers who shopped the most for biscuits , for example , bought 10 different brands of treats , while the average shopper tried six .

  16. 国内外关于网络购物感知风险因素的研究大部分都是针对一般消费者在网络购物中所感知到的风险进行研究,很少从细分消费者的角度进行分析。

    Most studies at home and abroad on the perceived risk in online shopping are oriented towards the risks perceived by the common consumers shopping online instead of focusing on a specific consumer group .

  17. 由于金融业务有较强的专业性及其信息不对称等特点使金融消费者处于比一般消费者更弱势的地位,所以这一群体更应受专门法律的保护。

    Due to the strong professional nature of financial businesses and the asymmetry of information , the financial consumers are usually in a more vulnerable position compared to other consumers . It is thus of great necessity for them to have specific legal protection .

  18. 好事技术可能有一个苦差事回答这个无聊的家庭,可能只是数年之久,对于一般的消费者,这是一个洗衣房折叠机器人。

    Good thing that technology may have an answer for this boring household chore that could be just a few years away for the average consumer , and that is a laundry folding robot .

  19. 但是,由于具有大众性、无形性和交易过程中存在的信息高度不对称性等特征,金融消费者与一般商品消费者相比,弱势地位非常突出。

    Because of the features of financial consuming like universality , intangibility and asymmetry of information in the course of trading , the financial consumers are in a rather weak position in trading comparing to the general market consumers .

  20. 消费者看到最多的是广告,给消费者印象最深刻的也是广告,其余的产品、渠道、价格等部分是一般的消费者看不到的,只有在实际的消费中才能感受到。

    When consumer see most advertisement , it give consumer impression a deep one the advertisement too most , other products , channel , price , etc. It can not be felt by common consumers partly , can experience only in real consumption .

  21. 一般来说,消费者购物时总希望物美价廉,但是《科学日报》(ScienceDaily)发表的一项研究表明,人们其实更喜欢整数的标价。

    It 's very common for consumers to look for the lowest price on a product , but the results of a study aspublished by Science Daily revealed that people actually have feelings regarding prices with rounded numbers .

  22. 相应地,金融消费者的消费行为也不同于一般的实物消费者。

    Accordingly , the consumption of the financial consumers is different with ordinary material consumers ' .

  23. 只要价位不是太高,一般总会有消费者图方便来此健身。

    As long as the price is not too high , there are always consumers coming for convenience .

  24. 第二是在教育需求面体现出来的优势,诸如在消费者偏好、对一般收入水平消费者的吸引力、需求习惯和舆论导向等方面;

    The comparative advantages on educational demand lie in consumer preference , attraction of average income consumers , demanding habits , mass media effects , etc.

  25. 一般来说,消费者的投诉到达的部门级别越高,问题可望解决得越快。

    In general , the higher up the consumer takes his or her complaint , the faster he or she can expect it to be settled .

  26. 一般来说,消费者追求的是消费后所获价值的最大化,而生产者则是追求其所售物品的最理想价格和最大利润。

    As a rule , consumers look for the best values for what they spend while producers seek the best price and profit for what they have to sell .

  27. 然而,事实证明很难做到,因为一般而言,中国消费者对国产品牌并不忠诚。

    However , this is proving quite difficult since Chinese consumers are typically not loyal to Chinese brands , he adds .

  28. 银行业危机对经济造成了可怕的损害,由于境况不佳的银行捂着资金,致使一般的企业和消费者渴望贷款而不得。

    The banking crisis did appalling damage to the economy as weak banks hoarded capital , leaving ordinary businesses and consumers gasping for credit .

  29. 论现物要约制度在我国的建构未经消费者订购而邮寄或投递商品,在大陆法系国家称之为现物要约,一般规定于有关消费者权益保护的法律法规中;

    On the Construction of Actual Offer Institution in China It is called actual offer in continental law system that posting or delivering commodities to consumers without their order .

  30. 专业杂志为某些专业或团体面出版的杂志,有别于为一般人士出版的消费者杂志。

    Trade magazine a magazine either written for a profession or for a group , as opposed to a consumer magazine , which is written for the general public .