
  • 网络Perceptual differences
  1. 结果:①在家庭功能问卷的所有维度,青少年与父母间知觉差异显著,青少年的知觉比父母更消极;

    Results : ① There were significant Perceptual Differences ( PDs ) of Family functioning between adolescents and their parents , and adolescents perceived more negative levels than their parents ;

  2. 个人理性、知觉差异、信道不畅和惩治不严是引发营销渠道成员间低价恶性窜货行为的主要原因。

    The main inducements of practice are individual logos , consciousness difference , blocked channel and weak penalty .

  3. 目的:探讨亲子间家庭功能知觉差异的特点及其与青少年整体自尊之间的关系。

    Objective : To explore the developmental characteristics of adolescents family functioning and its influence on mental health .

  4. 在家庭功能的不同维度,不同的知觉差异组青少年的人数分布存在显著的性别和年级差异;

    In different subscales of family functioning , there were significant sex and grade differences of the distribution of adolescents in three PDs groups ;

  5. 以该量表为研究工具,科学地探讨不同类型企业的创造性组织情境特征,并系统地揭示企业员工的不同亚群体对组织的创造性支持的知觉差异;

    Exploring the characteristics of creative situation in different enterprises , and flying to reflect the different feelings of different employees about the creative support ;

  6. 目的比较角膜瓣的蒂部位于颞侧和上方的LASIK治疗近视对角膜知觉影响差异。

    Objective To compare the differences in the effect of hinge Position on corneal sensation after LASIK .

  7. 青少年和母亲知觉的差异及其与青少年问题行为的关系

    Adolescent - mother Discrepancies in Perceptions of Parental Conflict and Adolescent Problem Behaviors

  8. 不同年级的学生对加速和等待两种教学调节策略的公平知觉存在差异,高中二年级学生与低年级学生相比认为加速更加公平,而等待更加不公平。

    Eleven graders saw acceleration as fairer than the youngers and waiting as less fair .

  9. 高中生与初中生和小学生对加速和等待两种教学调节策略的公平知觉存在差异。

    There were significant differences in fairness perception of acceleration and waiting between senior high school students and junior high and primary school students .

  10. 女性着衣风格暴露程度的变化也没导致性意向知觉的性别差异现象。

    Female revealing clothing styles also did not generate gender differences in perception of female sexual intent .

  11. 本文研究了四种职业的知识分子在工作期望和工作知觉上的差异。

    This study investigated the differences of the work expectation and perception among intellectuals in four kinds of professions .

  12. 亲子冲突是父母与子女之间由于在许多方面的知觉上的差异性,在日常的生活事件中表现出来的外显的行为反抗,同时伴随着不愉快的情绪体验。

    Parent-child conflict is the explicit behavior in every day life , with unhappy emotions , because of the differences among many perceptions .

  13. 最后,根据这些实验结果我们讨论了视觉表征的本质,并提出视知觉对拓扑差异表征的其他可能解释&对明度对比度差异的表征。

    These findings are discussed in relation to the nature of visual representations and topological properties . We suggest that topological structure is alternatively explained by brightness contrast .

  14. 具体而言:(1)、现任职务不同的教师对薪资福利和学校环境满意度的知觉存在显著差异,其中科任教师对薪资福利和学校环境的满意度最好。

    The concrete condition : ( 1 ) Teachers , who worked in different positions , have different , towards the salary , benefits packages and school environment .

  15. 小学生对教师评价行为的知觉不存在年级差异。

    In primary school , no significant differences among students ' perception of TAB in different grade are found .

  16. 2·不同性别、婚姻状况、年龄、学校规模及每周任教不同节数的教师对学校组织气氛的知觉有显著的差异。

    Different sex , marriage state , age , school 's structure and working hours can affect teachers ' consideration in school 's organizational climate .

  17. 不同「年龄、服务年资、职务、是否参与过相关视导研习活动」之基隆市国民小学教育人员对发展性视导整体的知觉情形达显著差异。

    There were above average perception for the elementary schools educators'points of view about the ideals of teacher professional development by Developmental Supervision in Keelung City .

  18. 观察两组间外显记忆差异(分析两组间的自由回忆正确率和再认正确率)及两组间语义性和知觉性启动效应差异。

    Difference of explicit memory ( correct rate of free recall and correct rate of re-recognition ) and difference of semantic and apperception priming effect in the two groups .

  19. 既然是主观的知觉经验判断,固然存在着知觉的差异性与不同的组合性。

    The subjective judgment of perceptual experience has its otherness and different combinations .

  20. 本研究亦编制一套「谘商督导专业知觉量表」,并比较不同背景谘商督导人员之谘商督导专业知觉的差异情形。

    Their perceptions and expectations toward the present counseling supervision system were explored and the perceptual differences among counseling supervisors with different backgrounds were compared .

  21. 结果深度知觉对于海员具有很好的鉴别力:不同年龄、工龄、海龄组之间海员深度知觉差异不显著;

    Results Distance perception in seaman of different age , work age and sailing age did not exhibit significant different ;