
  • 网络brand characteristics;brand attributes;brand character;Brand Individuality
  1. 第二部分阐述论文的理论基础,通过对品牌特性、功能及品牌资产进行概述,运用品牌生命周期和品牌价值评价模型方面的理论,提炼出影响品牌资产价值增长的因素。

    The second part deals with the theoretical basis for thesis on the basis of summary of the brand and brand characteristics and brand equity . This part extracts factors affecting brand equity value growth mechanism by referring to brand life cycle model and brand value assessment model .

  2. 国外成熟汽车品牌通过多年的发展,形成了具有品牌特性的设计语言。

    Mature foreign auto brand through years of development , formed the brand characteristics of design language .

  3. 一大早Jack就问Tina有没有什么创意,要怎么给这种机油新的品牌特性呢?brand是指“品牌”,而brandidentity就是指“品牌特性”,应该是一种广告术语吧。

    How can we give this motor oil a new brand identity ?

  4. 有时,家族烙印就是其品牌特性,这就是为何普拉达拖了那么长时间才最终决定上市的原因。

    Sometimes , the whole identity is the family brand . That is one of the reasons Prada took so long to go public .

  5. 透过信息的收集和分析,掌握产品、消费群、竞争情势以及所有环境因素,深入了解您的品牌特性。

    Through collecting and analysing of information , we will have the products , consumer group , competitive conditions and all the environmental factors well in hand , and have a thorough understanding of your brand identity .

  6. 本文在自有品牌和消费者特性相关文献的基础上,采用实证的方法对具有超市自有品牌偏好消费者的特性进行研究。

    This paper has a study on consumer characteristics of supermarket private brand on the basis of related papers on private brand and consumer characteristics .

  7. 其次,介绍产业集群和区域品牌的概念和特性,对产业集群的竞争优势做了较为深入的研究,认为产业集群所产生的外在经济是集群的主要竞争优势来源。

    In-depth studying Industry cluster competitive advantage , Thinking of industry cluster of external economy is produced by cluster the main competitive advantage source .

  8. 包装是品牌理念、产品特性、消费心理的综合反映,它直接影响到消费者的购买欲。

    Packaging is the brand concept , product characteristics , the comprehensive reflection of consumption psychology , which directly affect the temptation to consumers .

  9. 研究主要并通过对品牌理念、互联网特性以及虚拟体验的研究来探讨如何在设计中符合网络品牌的品牌理念,从而达到更好的设计效果。

    Through research and brand concept , as well as the characteristics of the Internet virtual experience of research to explore how to design Web brand with the brand concept , so as to achieve better effects design .

  10. 地产品牌色彩在赋予地产品牌以特性的同时,还会通过人对地产品牌色彩产生的生理反应和心理反映赋予地产品牌以不同的象征意义。

    Real estate brand color given the real estate brand characteristics , meanwhile real estate brand will be passed from person , and color reflects the physiological and psychological reactions and give real estate brand in a different symbolic meaning .

  11. 品牌。brandidentity是指「品牌特性」你最喜爱的香烟品牌是什么?

    brand ( n. ) What 's your favorite brand of cigarette ?

  12. 本文以“金华火腿”品牌株连危机事件为例,从地域品牌本身特性、立法及管理等方面分析导致地域品牌株连危机的原因。

    Taking the Crisis of " Jinhua Ham " brand infringed for example , the paper analyzes the reasons from many aspects such as the character of local brand itself , the management , the legislation and so on .

  13. 通过比较博客品牌和企业品牌,我们可以更好的把握博客品牌的内涵和特性。

    Pass the comparative blog brand and enterprise 's brand , intension and characteristic of assurance blog brand that we can be better .

  14. 最后重点论述影响品牌文化价值主张的两个因素,一是宏观的国家品牌特性因素,即企业是否应该主张与国家品牌特性一致的价值主张;

    At last , two factors that affect brand culture 's values proposition are given . One is macro-factor , national brand characteristic , which whether companies should propose the same values as national brand characteristic is studied .