
  • 网络Coffee Tasting
  1. 上个月,本·斯拉必格(BenSchlappig)的Instagram主页上的照片显示他飞离了北京,在德国品尝咖啡和蛋糕,从穆赫兰道(MulhollandDrive)上方惊叹洛杉矶的天际线。

    Last month , Ben Schlappig 's Instagram page showed him jetting out of Beijing , dining on coffee and cake in Germany and marveling at the Los Angeles skyline from the top of Mulholland Drive .

  2. 人们聊天或是在路旁的咖啡摊档慢慢悠闲地品尝咖啡。

    People chatted and sipped coffee at small roadside cafes .

  3. 有些时候,我们过于专注杯子而忽略了去品尝咖啡本身。

    Sometimes , by concentrating only on the cup , we fail to enjoy the coffee .

  4. 在我们品尝咖啡期间,沈璐用手机付了她房子的水费。

    As we sip our coffee , Shen Lu pays her household water bill at the table .

  5. 在维也纳品尝咖啡是你来这里旅游时不容错过的事情。

    If you come to Vienna and don 't try some coffee you 've missed one of the great reasons to come here .

  6. 几乎每人都能回忆起那一刻&不再品尝咖啡,而是停下来竖起耳朵听,仔细寻找这美妙的声音是从何而来。

    Everyone can recall that time they stopped sipping their coffee and perked up as they looked to see where that beautiful sound came from .

  7. 还将邀请咖啡西餐爱好者、网友、老教师、老劳模、老艺术家、新杭州人代表到各指定门店免费品尝咖啡西餐。

    They will also invite coffee lovers , net friends , senior teachers , senior model workers , senior artists , representatives of the new Hangzhou people to enjoy the coffee for free .

  8. 所以,何不在路边咖啡馆品尝咖啡,静下来细细体味地方人情,抑或伴着羊角面包的芳香倾听周遭的都市交响曲呢!

    Grab a coffee at a sidewalk caf é , take a moment and watch the locals , smell the croissant in front of you and listen to the urban symphony around you .

  9. 后来我为我家的一个世交看房子,在法国巴黎住了三个月,在这期间我写了一些餐馆评论,而且每天都有四个小时在悠闲的品尝咖啡。

    Then I lucked into house sitting for a family friend in Paris , France for three months , which gave me the opportunity to write hip restaurant reviews and sip coffee casually for four hours a day .

  10. 于是,他突发奇想,在咖啡的表面做了许多图案,他希望这种做法能够吸引顾客品尝咖啡,从而让更多的人了解咖啡、喜爱咖啡。

    So he suddenly got the idea of putting images on the top of the coffee , and hoped that this would attract more customers to try the coffee , and allow more people to understand and enjoy coffee .

  11. 这仍是少数人的兴趣,但却给人以享受,在博罗市场繁忙的Monmouth店堂里,你可以一次品尝几种咖啡,然后购买你最喜欢的咖啡豆带回家。

    This is still a minority interest , but an enjoyable one , and at the buzzing Monmouth shop in Borough Market it 's possible to try several coffees at any one time , and buy your favourite beans to take home .

  12. 当你路过在你家周围一百英里的某家星巴克门店时,你很有可能发现许多人坐在店里,一边品尝着咖啡,一边享受着免费无线的服务。

    Walk by any Starbucks within 100 miles of your house and chances are that you 'll see several people sitting at a table , drinking coffee and enjoying the free Wi-Fi .

  13. 她在切维厄特街区经营的服饰精品店,或许是“新世界”的最后一家古典维也纳沙龙,在这里,客户们坐在客厅,品尝奥式咖啡(kaffeemitschlag),细嚼香肠。

    Her dress boutique in Cheviot hills , where clients sat in her living room drinking kaffee MIT Schlag and nibbling on sausage , was probably the last vestige of a Viennese salon in the new world .

  14. 只品尝一份咖啡一次是不够的。

    Tasting only one coffee at a time does not create any context .

  15. 因为她品尝到了咖啡的浓香。

    As she tasted the rich fragrance .

  16. 最后,经过精密的制作过程,咖啡迷就可以品尝到极品咖啡了。

    The final step in the gourmet coffee process is when the coffee lover gets to enjoy an excellent cup of gourmet joe .

  17. 在与公园平起平坐的日子,我可以坐在宁静的房间,品尝一杯咖啡的心情。

    In the times having the equal sight with garden , I can sit in my own yard , taste coffee and the leisure feelings .

  18. 我们梦想过去埃及看金字塔,在夏威夷海边冲浪,在巴黎的咖啡馆共进晚餐,在罗马品尝香浓的咖啡,徒步穿越热带雨林等等诸如此类的计划。

    We dreamed of visiting the pyramids of Egypt , surfing off the Hawaiian coast , dining at a Parisian caf é, drinking espresso in Rome , trekking through the rainforest , and so much more .

  19. 我们梦想过去埃及看金字塔,在夏威夷海边冲浪,在巴黎的咖啡馆共进晚餐,在罗马品尝香浓的咖啡,徒步穿越热带雨林等等诸如此类的计划。可悲的是,大部分人都没有付诸行动,只是看着机会白白溜走。

    We dreamed of visiting the pyramids of Egypt , surfing off the Hawaiian coast , dining at a Parisian caf é , drinking espresso in Rome , trekking through the rainforest , and so much more . Sadly , many of us never made these journeys and the opportunity passed us by .

  20. 意外的主要原因,我认为人们期待淡咖啡,但只要他们实际上品尝到了完美咖啡风味的新鲜味道;

    The main surprise , I think , is that most coffee is weak and that 's what people are expecting .

  21. 为了品尝一杯时髦咖啡,中国人习惯支付的价格已经和西方人相差无几。除此而外,中国人正渐渐接受在订婚时使用钻戒的习俗。

    In addition to getting used to paying near-western prices for fancy coffee , the Chinese are still only just getting into diamond engagement rings .

  22. 品尝时要区分咖啡的口味、口感、酸味和芳香是否神怡。以下是多数品尝者的判断标准。

    While tasting the coffee , you should try to discern whether the flavor , body background , acidity and aroma of the coffee is pleasant , or unpleasant .

  23. 看着身边忙碌穿行的人群,坐在红白格沙发椅里,听着轻柔舒缓的女声独唱,品尝美味香浓的咖啡,享受专属于自己的悠闲时光。

    Sinking into the red-and-white check chair to watch others pass by , you can relish on the leisure time , relaxing with freshly brewed coffee and the gentle humming of a girl singer .