
  • 网络Specialty Coffee
  1. 为了在该领域扩张,星巴克买下了哥斯达黎加的HaciendaAlsacia咖啡园。该咖啡园将仅为该公司供应精品咖啡。

    To expand in this area , Starbucks bought Hacienda Alsacia in Costa Rica , an estate that will produce specialty coffee just for the company .

  2. 第一阶段要回溯到1998年,我的精品咖啡初体验让我大开眼界。

    Firstly back in1998 I had my first cup of Specialty Coffee which really opened my eyes .

  3. 他也是咖啡师,为美国最有鉴赏力的咖啡客户服务。在美国,蓝瓶咖啡馆(BlueBottle)和Toby’sEstate等精品咖啡馆在社区占主导地位。

    He 's also a barista for what must be among the most discerning coffee clientele in the country , where boutique roasters like Blue Bottle and Toby 's Estate dominate the neighborhood .

  4. 另一个亮点是,高利润率的早餐食品销售猛增,一个新的精品咖啡品牌正从星巴克(Starbuck)手中夺回顾客。

    Surging sales of high-margin breakfast meals have been another bright spot , while a new premium coffee brand is winning back customers from Starbuck 's.

  5. 精品咖啡公司称,多年来与咖啡种植户建立起来的关系,能保护它们免受更大品牌的竞争。

    Specialty coffee companies say relationships established over many years with growers will protect them from competition from bigger players .

  6. 从长远来看,我相信这是确保精品咖啡品质不断前进的最佳方法。

    In the long run I believe this will be the best way to secure an ongoing qualitative development of Specialty Coffee .

  7. 不过,随着弗里曼将他的精品咖啡推向更广泛的受众,就连他本人也担心是否人人都已做好准备。

    But as Freeman sets out to bring his Couture coffee to a broader audience , even he wonders whether everyone is ready .

  8. 是因为对咖啡纯粹的热爱呢?还是因为精品咖啡有利可图?还是别的原因?

    Is it a passionate drive for the love of coffee or is it because there seems to be good profits in specialty coffee or something in between ?

  9. 星巴克的烘烤设备仅会在五六家新店配置,但部分精品咖啡品牌将在1000多家星巴克咖啡店出售。

    Starbucks roasters will be available only at five or six new sites , but some of the Reserve coffee brands will be for sale in over 1,000 Starbucks stores .

  10. 星巴克透露,每杯精品系列咖啡的价格将在4至7美元,当然具体视咖啡豆的独特性而定。

    The company says the price per cup of a Reserve line will be $ 4 to $ 7 , depending on the exclusivity of the beans , of course .

  11. 绿树成荫的街道,沿街到处是很棒的精品店,咖啡馆和餐馆。

    Its tree-lined streets are filled with great boutiques , cafes , and restaurants .

  12. 一楼设有商务中心、航空售票处、书吧、花店、精品店、咖啡厅、大堂吧及饼屋;

    There are business centre , ticketing centre , book cafe , flower shop , gift shop , coffee shop , lobby lounge and cake shop on the first floor .

  13. 不断扩张的798艺术区仍是北京当代艺术图景的中心,不过,过去十年的商业化让这里出现了很多纪念品店、服装精品店和咖啡馆,它们抢走了画廊的一些风头。

    The sprawling 798 Art District is still the hub of Beijing 's contemporary art scene , although the last decade has brought commercialization in the way of souvenir shops , boutiques and cafes , distracting from the galleries .

  14. 开始的时候,在橄榄园的前面有一个小小的门面向过路者出售橄榄,后来很快就成了澳大利亚第一个精品橄榄店和咖啡店。

    A modest stall at the front of the property was to sell the olives to passers by , it was soon replaced by West Australia 's first boutique olive shop and cafe .