
jīnɡ zhuānɡ běn
  • deluxe/hardback edition;hardcover;hardback
  1. 精装本多少钱?

    What 's the price of the hardback ?

  2. 这书去年以精装本出版。

    It was published in hardback last year .

  3. 他的自传精装本已经卖出了36,000多册。

    His autobiography has sold more than 36,000 copies in hardback .

  4. 他1974年买了一本全新的首版精装本,两年前在ebay上以900英镑的底价卖掉了它。

    He bought the first hardback edition new in 1974 and sold it two years ago on eBay for his reserve price of 900 .

  5. 他的第二本书上个月出了精装本。

    His second book came out in hardback last month .

  6. 它将在秋季出版精装本。

    It will be published in an edition de luxe in autumn .

  7. 他的最新小说将在本月晚些时候以精装本的形式出版发行。

    His latest novel will be published in hardback later this month .

  8. 我还有精装本可以借给你用。

    I even have a hard-bound edition you could borrow .

  9. 我买到了这本书初版的精装本。

    I 've got the first edition in hardback .

  10. 我们有平装本和精装本。

    We have a paperback and a hardback version .

  11. 我想我还是要精装本吧。因为精装本的要耐用些。

    I think I 'll take the hardback because it 's more durable .

  12. 我看到精装本在网上要卖150到200英镑。

    I have seen the hardback for sale online for 150 to 200 .

  13. 我的小说刚出精装本。

    My novel has just appeared in hardback .

  14. 集装箱滚装系索和固定器材是的。我们有平装本和精装本。

    Container Ro-Ro-lashing securing Yes . We have both the paperback and the hardcover .

  15. 包括重卡上印有很好的股票平装和精装本小册子。

    Covers printed on heavy card stock are nice for paperback and hardback booklets .

  16. 这本书有精装本和平装本。

    The book comes in hardback and paperback .

  17. 小说最初是以精装本的形式出版发行的。

    The novel was originally published in hardcover .

  18. 出版商提议既出精装本也出廉价的纸面本。

    The publisher proposed to do both a hardback and a cheap paperback edition .

  19. 这本书是用精装本出版的。

    The book was published in hardback .

  20. 不过精装本正在打折,和平装本的价格是一样的。

    But the hard cover is on sale for the same price as the paperback .

  21. 那本小说的精装本卖了二十万册,平装本卖了两百万册。

    The novel sold 200 , 000 copies in hardcover and 2 million in paperback .

  22. 精装本比较贵一点。

    The hardcover is more expensive .

  23. 在书店,这些精装本与平装本价格相同。2、完,完成。

    The hard cover is on sale for the same price as the paperback this week in the bookshop .

  24. 这本书只有平装本。是的。我们有平装本和精装本。

    This book only comes in a limp cover . Yes . We have both the paperback and the hardcover .

  25. 《亲历历史》的精装本出版了将近170万册,而平装本计划首次印刷52.5万册。

    Nearly 1.7 million copies of the hardcover are in print and a 525000 first printing is planned for the paperback .

  26. 是的,我们既有平装本书并且还有精装本书。

    B : Yes . We have both the paperback and the hardcover . The book might come out in paperback soon .

  27. 一部一流的小说,如果有运气的话,可能卖出3000本精装本。

    A first work of fiction , if it has any luck at all , will sell perhaps 3000 copies in its hardback edition .

  28. 在国内的图书市场中,这样一本书的价格是精装本85美元,平装本45美元。

    In the domestic book market , the cost for this book would be $ 85 for the hardback or $ 45 for the paperback .

  29. 全书所有文字说明均为中英文对照,共分13章,约260页,500帧照片,12开精装本。

    The contents of this Album consists of 13 chapters with about 260 pages in 12 mo de luxe edition involving 500 photos with Chinese-English captions .

  30. 在找到一家当地出版商以后,他的著作上个月发行了新版本,精装本售价118美元,平装本售价50.86美元。

    Last month he released an updated hardback version selling for $ 118 and a paperback for $ 50.86 , having found a new locally based publisher .