
jīng táng
  • refined sugar
精糖[jīng táng]
  1. 精糖;经过提纯的油;为纯金镀金-莎士比亚。

    Refined sugar ; refined oil ; to gild refined gold - Shakespeare .

  2. 精糖生产过程中的脱色研究

    Study on decolorization in fine sugar production

  3. 选用二种脱色剂和三种絮凝剂,结合气浮提纯分离技术,运用正交试验方法,对精糖生产过程糖汁的脱色进行了对比研究,以达到优化工艺参数和指标的目的。

    In order to optimize the parameters , the study on the decolorization of juice in fine sugar production suing two types of decolorant and three types of flocculant combined with floatation was carried out by means of orthogonal test .

  4. 同时,采用Fenton反应考察黄精多糖清除羟基自由基的能力。

    Meanwhile , we studied scavenging effect on hydroxyl radical of polysaccharides of Rhizoma Polygonati by Fenton reaction .

  5. 结果:黄精多糖(1.6mL·kg-1·d-1)能显著降低高脂血症实验动物的血清TC,LDLc和Lp(a)浓度和减少主动脉内膜泡沫细胞的形成。

    Results : Polyona-polysaccharose significantly reduced serum TC , LDL-C , LP ( a ) and aortic foam cells in the experimental rabbits .

  6. 结论:黄精多糖能抑制糖尿病鼠脑组织RAGEmRNA的表达,对高血糖及糖基化终产物造成的脑组织损伤具有保护作用。

    CONCLUSION : Polygona-polysaccharose may decrease the expression of RAGE mRNA in the brain tissue in diabetic rats and has protective effect on the tissue damage caused by hyperglycemia .

  7. 对糖含量较高的精多糖EAP-2进行定性化学反应和紫外光谱鉴定表明,EAP-2不含蛋白质、核酸和淀粉,D-半乳糖醛酸的含量为2.3%。

    Qualitative chemical reaction and UV analysis indicated that EAP-2 is an acid polysaccharide with 2.3 % D-galacturonic acid and without any protein , nuclear acid and starch .

  8. 黄精多糖提取工艺的试验研究

    Study on Technology of Extracting Polysaccharides from Polygonatum with Water

  9. 结果为:菌丝体精多糖得率为1.7228g/100g干菌丝体;

    The rate is : polysaccharide in dry mycelia is 1.7228g / 100g ;

  10. 结果:提出以中医药理论为指导,研制开发复方滇黄精多糖功能性保健食品的思路和目标。

    Results : To provide the ways and targets for development p. Kingianum .

  11. 黄精多糖对小鼠抗疲劳作用的实验研究

    Effects of polysaccharides from polygonatum on fatigue in mice

  12. 黄精多糖乳膏治疗单纯疱疹性豚鼠阴道炎的疗效研究

    Curative effect of polysaccharide emulsion from Polygonatum cyrtonema on guinea pig herpes simplex vaginitis

  13. 黄精多糖对老龄大鼠记忆获得和记忆再现的影响

    Effects of the polysaccharide from Polygonatum on acquisition and retention of memory of aged rats

  14. 脾不散精与糖耐量低减

    Spleen Failing to Disperse Essence and IGT

  15. 高效液相色谱法对黄精多糖相对分子质量及组成的测定

    Determination of Relative Molecular Mass and Composition for Polygonatum sibiricum Polysaccharide by High Performance Liquid Chromatography

  16. 黄精多糖的提取工艺及提取液树脂法脱色的研究

    Study on the Extracting Technology of Polygonatum Polysaccharides and the Decolorization of the Extract by Resin Adsorption

  17. 黄精多糖对慢性应激抑郁小鼠模型行为学的影响及其可能机制

    Effects of Polysaccharide of Rhizoma Polygonati on Behaviors of Mice with Chronic Stress Depression and Its Possible Mechanism

  18. 结论0.8%黄精多糖滴眼液对实验性干眼症结膜有明显改善作用。

    ~ CONCLUSION Polygonatum polysaccharide eyedrops 0.8 % could be effect on improvement of conjunctiva in experimental dry eye .

  19. 将精多糖用不同体积分数的乙醇进行沉降分级,得到四种多糖。

    And then the refined polysaccharides were graded into four kinds of polysaccharides with different volume fractions of ethanol .

  20. 目的探讨黄精多糖对实验性阿尔采末病小鼠脑组织端粒酶活性的影响。

    AIM To investigate the effects of polygonatum polysaccharide on telomerase activity in brain tissue of experimental alzheimers disease mice .

  21. 将精多糖衍生化后运用气相色谱-质谱法对其化学成分进行分析。

    Finally , the chemical compositions of the fine product after derivatization were examined by the gas chromatography-mass spectrometric analysis .

  22. 本文在研究加热法提取黄精多糖的基础上,将超声波技术引入黄精多糖的提取,用响应面设计法寻找超声提取的最佳工艺;

    In this paper , based on studying hot extracting of PP , the supersonic was applied to strengthen the extraction and the supersonic extracting was optimized using response surface methodology .

  23. 黄精粗多糖对温热药致阴虚模型小鼠免疫器官重量及血清中IL-2含量的影响

    Effect of Crude Polysaccharide on the Immune Organs ' Weight and IL-2 Level in Serum in the Yin-deficient Mouse Models Induced by Warm-hot Natured Drugs

  24. 黄精粗多糖对家蚕寿命的影响

    Influence of Polygonatum Sibiricum Polysaccharide on the life spans of silkworm

  25. 说明黄精粗多糖可能具有增强免疫力的活性。

    These results indicated that rude polygonatum polysaccharide may have some immune-enhancing effect .

  26. 结果表明黄精粗多糖具有升高的细胞及增强免疫功能的作用。

    The results indicate that polysaccharide can increase the number of blood cells and the function of immunity .

  27. 果糖,玉米糖浆,果汁精,麦芽糖,蔗糖,糖蜜,葡萄糖都是糖。

    Fructose , corn syrup , fruit-juice concentrate , malt syrup , sucrose , molasses , dextrose , and glucose are all sugars .

  28. 结论:黄精粗多糖有明显的滋阴作用,通过对阴虚模型小鼠抗氧化作用的改善而延缓衰老。

    Conclusion : Huangjing polysaccharide has the obvious yin-nourishing function , and it can further delay the senility through improving the anti-oxidation of the yin-deficient model mouse .

  29. 目的:研究当归芍药散精简方FBD多糖的组成。

    Object : To study chemical constituents of polyhexoses fraction from FBD .

  30. 通过对黄精活性部位的分离,筛选出具有降血糖活性的部位,发现黄精中起降糖作用的是黄精多糖。

    Found on the hypoglycemic effect is Polygonatum polysaccharide through the separation of the active site of Polygonatum , selection the site with hypoglycemic activity .