
  • 网络Non liquefaction of semen;nonliquefaction of semen;Non-liquefied semen
  1. 目的探讨米诺环素(minocycline)对解脲支原体(UU)感染性精液不液化症的治疗效果。

    Objective To elucidate the treatment of ureaplasma urealyticum ( UU ) infectious semen delayed liquefaction with minocycline .

  2. 方法通过对198例男性UU感染性精液不液化症分组进行治疗观察,探讨米诺环素治疗精液不液化症的疗效、UU转阴率和迟缓液化复发率。

    Methods One hundred ninety eight cases of semen delayed liquefaction patients with UU infections were treated with minocycline and roxithromycin for 6 weeks .

  3. 前列通瘀胶囊治疗精液不液化症临床观察

    Clinical Observation of " Qianlie Tongyu Capsule " in Treating Non-liquefacient Sperm

  4. 中医药治疗精液不液化不育症的近况

    Recent Status of Infertility Induced by Semen Unliquefaction Treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine

  5. 米诺环素治疗解脲支原体感染性精液不液化症的临床研究

    Clinical study on semen delayed liquefaction caused by ureaplasma urealyticum infection treated with minocycline

  6. 精液不液化症的中医药治疗进展

    Advance in Treating Non-liquefaction of Sperm by TCM

  7. 中西医结合治疗精液不液化34例

    Treatment of 34 cases of Non-Liquefaction of Semen with Combined Method of Chinese medicine and Western Medicine

  8. 目的用蛋白质组学方法筛选精液不液化患者及正常生育患者精浆中的差异蛋白。

    Objective To identify the differentially expressed proteins in seminal plasma between subjects with normal fertility and those with delayed semen liquefaction by proteomic techniques .

  9. 另精液不液化患者的精液锌水平较其它原因导致不育的患者要显著偏低。

    It is also found out that semen zinc level of patients who suffer from unliquifiable semen is significantly lower than that of other sterility patients .

  10. 从病因病机、辨证分型、专方专药、中西医结合、针灸疗法等方面,综述了精液不液化症的中医药治疗进展情况。

    Reviews are made on advance in treating non-liquefaction of sperm by TCM from several aspects-etiology and pathogenesis , classification of syndrome differentiation , specific prescriptions , combined method of TCM and Western medicine , acupuncture and moxibustion , etc.

  11. 本文采用双层镜头纸过滤精液结合宫腔内授精或宫颈管内授精(IUI/ICI),对35例精液不液化不育者进行了48个周期治疗。

    48 cycles were performed in 35 infertile men with semen non liquefaction by filtration ad intrauterine insemination or intra cervical insemination ( IUI / ICI ) .