
jīnɡ shén kē yī shēnɡ
  • psychiatrist
  1. 她感觉好些了,那位精神科医生让她停止了药物治疗。

    She felt better and the psychiatrist took her off drug therapy

  2. 他怀疑那位精神科医生试图刺激他作出一些本能的反应。

    He wondered if the psychiatrist was trying to goad him into some unguarded response

  3. 说实话,我不太喜欢精神科医生。

    To tell the truth , I don 't think much of psychiatrists

  4. 我的医生为我联系了一位精神科医生。

    My doctor put me in touch with a psychiatrist

  5. 亚历克斯今后好几个月甚至几年都可能要去看精神科医生。

    Alex will probably be seeing a psychiatrist for many months or even years .

  6. 她去看了一位用催眠术帮她克服恐惧感的精神科医生。

    She saw a psychiatrist who used hypnotism to help her deal with her fear

  7. 他对我讲述了19世纪巴黎萨伯特慈善医院(SalpêtrièreHospital)的一名精神科医生皮埃尔·雅内(PierreJanet)的故事。

    He told me about Pierre Janet , a psychiatrist at the Salp ê tri è re Hospital in 19th-century Paris .

  8. 对医院焦虑抑郁量表(HAD)评分≥9分的患者由精神科医生使用Hamilton量表进一步确诊。

    All the subjects were assessed by Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale ( HADS ), Hamilton anxiety scale ( HAMA ) and Hamilton depression scale ( HAMD ) by a psychiatrist .

  9. 方法:应用症状自评量表(SCL-90)、应对方式(SCSQ)量表对102例精神科医生进行心理健康状态测评。

    Methods : Symptom Checklist ( SCL-90 ), coping styles ( SCSQ ) scale of102 cases of psychiatric doctors in mental health evaluation .

  10. 说到autism这个字的词源,实际上是来自于拉丁语的autismus,而这个词最早是在1910年一位瑞士的精神科医生在定义精神分裂症的时候用到了这个词汇autismus。

    John : The Latin word autismus , the English translation is autism , was actually coined by the Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Blueler in 1910 as he was defining symptoms of schizophrenia .

  11. IPS的使命,是培养和支持精神科医生和其他心理卫生专业人员提供领导和优质的服务是最困难的为患者服务。

    The mission of the IPS is to train and support psychiatrists and other mental health professionals to provide leadership and quality care to the most difficult to serve patients .

  12. 接下来的那个月里,辛迪开始看精神科医生。那名医师给她开了左洛复(Zoloft),一种抗忧郁的药物。

    The next month , Cindy began seeing a psychiatrist , who prescribed Zoloft , an antidepressant .

  13. 关于SSRI是否会增加某些人,特别是青少年的自杀事件或自杀倾向,精神科医生提出了严厉的质问。

    Grave questions arose among some psychiatrists about whether the S.S.R.I.s increased chances that some people , notably teenagers , would commit suicide or at least contemplate it .

  14. 短期内,压力可以使我们更有活力,“我们身体系统要来处理我们不得不处理的东西。”JudithOrloff说,他是加州大学洛杉矶分校的精神科医生。

    In the short term , it can energize us ," revving up our systems to handle what we have to handle ," says Judith Orloff , a psychiatrist at UCLA .

  15. 目前很少有人研究治疗心身疾病的最好方式,但奥沙利文常常建议她的病人去看精神科医生或进行认知行为治疗(cognitivebehaviouraltherapist)。这种疗法或许可以解开致病痛苦或心灵创伤。

    There is currently precious little research on the best way to treat psychosomatic illness , but she tends to refer her patients to psychiatrists or to a cognitive behavioural therapist ( CBT ) who might be able to unknot the distress or trauma that is leading to the illness .

  16. 1969年,瑞士精神科医生伊丽莎白·库伯勒·罗斯(ElisabethKübler-Ross)将死亡的创伤带入她开创性工作的著作《论死亡与临终》(OnDeathandDying)里。她阐述了悲哀的五步骤模型:否认、愤怒、谈判、绝望、接受。

    IN 1969 , after working with terminally ill patients , the Swiss psychiatrist Elisabeth K ü bler-Ross brought the trauma of death out of the closet with the publication of her groundbreaking work , " On Death and Dying . " She outlined a five-stage model of grief : denial , anger , bargaining , depression , acceptance .

  17. 对Kolloen而言,这些谈论看上去是相当标准的弗洛伊德式的材料,但他相信这位精神科医生能缓解哈姆生人格中的众多好战因子。

    To this reader these consultations seem pretty standard sub-Freudian stuff , but Ms Kolloen believes that the psychiatrist was able to reconcile various warring aspects of the man 's personality .

  18. 她最好去咨询中心看一下精神科医生

    She 'd better see a psychiatrist at the counseling centre .

  19. 精神科医生怎么去当神父?

    How did a shrink ever get to be a priest ?

  20. 非精神科医生对抑郁认识及相关因素的调查

    A investigation of non psychiatric doctors ' knowledge and attitude toward depression

  21. 州精神科医生说他具有接受审判的行为能力。

    State shrink says he 's competent to stand trial .

  22. 他去看精神科医生治疗不能自拔的赌瘾。

    He went to a psychiatrist about his compulsive gambling .

  23. 精神科医生行使干涉权的前提和伦理原则

    The Exercising Premise and Ethical Principles of Psychiatrists ' Right of Intervention

  24. 91%从未看过精神科医生;

    91 % had never seen a mental health professional ;

  25. 它的目的是帮助精神科医生合作医疗的患者更有效地管理。

    It is intended to help psychiatrists co-manage medical patients more effectively .

  26. 医生、律师、精神科医生还有其它专业人士都有关于“保守秘密”的原则,

    Doctors , lawyers , psychiatrists , and others have rules governing confidentiality

  27. 我们想她也许该看看精神科医生。

    We think maybe she should see a psychiatrist .

  28. 精神科医生开这药就像发糖果。

    The shrinks are doling it out like candy .

  29. 精神科医生吴秀三把夏目漱石诊断为早发性痴呆症的一种。

    Psychiatrist Kure Shuzou diagnosed Natsume Soseki as a kind of precocious dementia .

  30. 目的:探讨精神科医生的心理健康状态和应对方式。

    Objective : To investigate the psychiatrist mental health status and coping styles .